i have used jQuery idTabs for tabs in my project, and now i need to change them to accordion when viewed from mobile devices, as the project i'm doing is responsive website.
我在我的项目中使用了jQuery idTabs作为选项卡,现在我需要在从移动设备查看时将它们更改为手风琴,因为我正在做的项目是响应式网站。
thanks for your help
1 个解决方案
Are you using any responsive framework?... If yes than they provide tab for mobile device. What you have to do is just add mobile class.
If no than i have ugly solution: Create two section 1) Tabs 2) Accordion. than use css media query and hide accordion by default. For mobile devices hide tab and show accordion...
Are you using any responsive framework?... If yes than they provide tab for mobile device. What you have to do is just add mobile class.
If no than i have ugly solution: Create two section 1) Tabs 2) Accordion. than use css media query and hide accordion by default. For mobile devices hide tab and show accordion...