
时间:2022-11-06 19:03:08
when i try to run my Application it gives me following error:

Compilation error
The file /app/models/ could not be compiled. Error raised is : The type Setting is already defined
  • I do have only one file "", which is in the models directory
  • 我只有一个文件“设置”。在models目录中
  • the file is named "" and not "" as the error message suggests
  • 这个文件被命名为“设置”。java”而不是“设置。如错误信息所示
  • i do not include any play modules
  • 我不包括任何游戏模块

I am running play on windows. Is it possible that play has problems with windows' case insensitive? So it would first try to compile models/ and after that models/ ??

我在windows上运行play。是否可能play在windows的大小写不敏感方面有问题?因此,它首先尝试编译模型/设置。java和之后的模型/设置。java ? ?

What else could be the reason for this odd behavior?


/EDIT: Since i wrote this question here i did not edit anything at my play application and i did not restart it. Now i just refreshed the page and the same error comes again - but with another model!!


The file /app/models/ could not be compiled. Error raised is : The type Staticsite is already defined

/EDIT2: After a few page refreshes in the browser this error appeared:


The file /app/models/ could not be compiled. Error raised is : The public type Setting must be defined in its own file

The file IS named "" and the class IS named Setting


5 个解决方案



"The type is already defined" exceptions can be raised when the issue is outside of the mentioned class. If your class name matches (case-sensitive) and it is defined in its own file, your next step is to find out what code has recently changed that references this class. For me, the issue was that my file, "", had been imported in another file via "import utils.Utils;" which really confused the compiler when I referenced "utils.Utils.someMethod()" in the code. I changed the line to "Utils.someMethod()" and the exception disappeared.

“类型已经定义”当问题在类之外时,可以提出异常。如果您的类名匹配(区分大小写),并且它是在自己的文件中定义的,那么您的下一步是找出最近修改了哪些代码引用了这个类。对我来说,问题是我的文件“utils.Utils”。java,通过“import utils.Utils”被导入到另一个文件中,当我在代码中引用“utils.Utils. somemethod()”时,这确实让编译器感到困惑。我将行改为“Utils.someMethod()”,异常消失了。

I probably should have come up with a better naming scheme. :/




This error happens when you rename the class file that you try to compile. Simply re run the play frame work after you refract the class name. This will fix the issue.




Did you have a and replaced it with Anyway, try play clean.


If that doesn't work, check very carefully that you don't have any problematic invisible characters in your file.




I think you are working with settings.someProperty whithout declare the object "settings", and play is thinking it's a static method of the class "Settings" with an error in the capital letter.

我想你是在处理设置。someProperty whithout声明对象“settings”,play认为它是类“settings”的静态方法,大写字母中有一个错误。



I had this issue while trying to resolve merge conflicts in git. I missed a change, and was getting this compiler error.


The issue was that I had a variable of type ClassName named className. The variable had been deleted but this particular line was still trying to access it. Instead of reporting that the className variable did not exist, Play did some black magic and ended up reporting the name conflict above: "Type ClassName is already defined". There was some kind of name conflict with the ClassName class and the className variable.


The fix was to just alter that line, removing the incorrect access to the old className variable. Then run play clean and restart your server.

修正的方法是修改这一行,删除对旧的className变量的错误访问。然后运行play clean并重新启动服务器。



"The type is already defined" exceptions can be raised when the issue is outside of the mentioned class. If your class name matches (case-sensitive) and it is defined in its own file, your next step is to find out what code has recently changed that references this class. For me, the issue was that my file, "", had been imported in another file via "import utils.Utils;" which really confused the compiler when I referenced "utils.Utils.someMethod()" in the code. I changed the line to "Utils.someMethod()" and the exception disappeared.

“类型已经定义”当问题在类之外时,可以提出异常。如果您的类名匹配(区分大小写),并且它是在自己的文件中定义的,那么您的下一步是找出最近修改了哪些代码引用了这个类。对我来说,问题是我的文件“utils.Utils”。java,通过“import utils.Utils”被导入到另一个文件中,当我在代码中引用“utils.Utils. somemethod()”时,这确实让编译器感到困惑。我将行改为“Utils.someMethod()”,异常消失了。

I probably should have come up with a better naming scheme. :/




This error happens when you rename the class file that you try to compile. Simply re run the play frame work after you refract the class name. This will fix the issue.




Did you have a and replaced it with Anyway, try play clean.


If that doesn't work, check very carefully that you don't have any problematic invisible characters in your file.




I think you are working with settings.someProperty whithout declare the object "settings", and play is thinking it's a static method of the class "Settings" with an error in the capital letter.

我想你是在处理设置。someProperty whithout声明对象“settings”,play认为它是类“settings”的静态方法,大写字母中有一个错误。



I had this issue while trying to resolve merge conflicts in git. I missed a change, and was getting this compiler error.


The issue was that I had a variable of type ClassName named className. The variable had been deleted but this particular line was still trying to access it. Instead of reporting that the className variable did not exist, Play did some black magic and ended up reporting the name conflict above: "Type ClassName is already defined". There was some kind of name conflict with the ClassName class and the className variable.


The fix was to just alter that line, removing the incorrect access to the old className variable. Then run play clean and restart your server.

修正的方法是修改这一行,删除对旧的className变量的错误访问。然后运行play clean并重新启动服务器。