I made a button that displays text when hovered over but I would like for the text to be displayed once the user clicks the button and disappears once the user clicks the button again. The code is basically a button and text that displays "HELLO" in a black box set at .80 opacity. Any advice?
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3 个解决方案
When i understand your question correct, you want a button which hover is different when the user has clicked on it?
You can do that by adding a class to the button, which handles the clicked CSS.
$('button').on('click', function () {
And the the css
button { background: red; }
button:hover { background: green; }
button.clicked { background: orange; }
button.clicked:hover { background: black; }
Use innerText
and innerHTML
Upon examining the code, you seem to have used some WISIWYG tool.
The tags on your question showed only javascript and html, css (your real work environment) and so I am assuming this in javascript and html, css.
你的问题上的标签只显示了javascript和html, css(你的真实工作环境),所以我在javascript和html css中假设。
Here is some code snippet you can copy and test
<!doctype html>
function changeButtonText(el){
if (el.value == "HELLO")
el.value = "GOOD BYE";
else el.value="HELLO";
el = document.getElementById("concerned_ptag");
if (el.innerText == "HELLO")
el.innerText = "GOOD BYE";
else el.innerText="HELLO";
<p id="concerned_ptag">
<input type="button" value ="HELLO" id="concerned_button" onclick="changeButtonText(this);">
And styling the p tag is easier for you. otherwise, ping again.
When user clicks button, the text should appear, and when click again, disappear right?
<a class="bt"><span>Button Text</span></a>
Check Fiddle for full CSS/HTML/jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/y45nY/1/
查看完整的CSS/HTML/jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/y45nY/1/。
When i understand your question correct, you want a button which hover is different when the user has clicked on it?
You can do that by adding a class to the button, which handles the clicked CSS.
$('button').on('click', function () {
And the the css
button { background: red; }
button:hover { background: green; }
button.clicked { background: orange; }
button.clicked:hover { background: black; }
Use innerText
and innerHTML
Upon examining the code, you seem to have used some WISIWYG tool.
The tags on your question showed only javascript and html, css (your real work environment) and so I am assuming this in javascript and html, css.
你的问题上的标签只显示了javascript和html, css(你的真实工作环境),所以我在javascript和html css中假设。
Here is some code snippet you can copy and test
<!doctype html>
function changeButtonText(el){
if (el.value == "HELLO")
el.value = "GOOD BYE";
else el.value="HELLO";
el = document.getElementById("concerned_ptag");
if (el.innerText == "HELLO")
el.innerText = "GOOD BYE";
else el.innerText="HELLO";
<p id="concerned_ptag">
<input type="button" value ="HELLO" id="concerned_button" onclick="changeButtonText(this);">
And styling the p tag is easier for you. otherwise, ping again.
When user clicks button, the text should appear, and when click again, disappear right?
<a class="bt"><span>Button Text</span></a>
Check Fiddle for full CSS/HTML/jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/y45nY/1/
查看完整的CSS/HTML/jQuery: http://jsfiddle.net/y45nY/1/。