Excel VBA - 禁止格式化中的用户定义函数

时间:2022-11-05 08:49:50

I built a User Defined Function with VBA code and it works fine in Excel if I use it in a formula to populate cell values. However, I cannot use this function in conditional formatting. I'm getting message "This type of reference cannot be used in a Conditional Formatting formula".


I'm curious if any UDF can be used in conditional formatting? Or no UDF is allowed at all? Thanks!


Excel VBA  - 禁止格式化中的用户定义函数

Excel VBA  - 禁止格式化中的用户定义函数

UDF Codes is as below:


Function isValidMAC(mac As String) As Boolean

Dim regex As New RegExp
Dim strPattern As String

' Exact 12 characters.  Valid characters are a-f or A-F or 0-9
strPattern = "^[a-fA-F0-9]{12}$"

With regex
    .Global = False
    .MultiLine = False
    .IgnoreCase = False
    .Pattern = strPattern
End With

isValidMAC = regex.Test(mac)

End Function

1 个解决方案



As your UDF is not is the same workbook, but in your add-in, you will receive this message; As a workaround: use your UDF-call in a defined name and use this Defined Name in your conditional Formatting Formula




As your UDF is not is the same workbook, but in your add-in, you will receive this message; As a workaround: use your UDF-call in a defined name and use this Defined Name in your conditional Formatting Formula
