
时间:2022-11-04 19:01:09



original = imread('snowflakes.png');figure, imshow(original);
se = strel('disk',5);
afterOpening = imopen(original,se);
figure, imshow(afterOpening,[]);


originalBW = imread('circles.png');imshow(originalBW);se = strel('disk',10);closeBW = imclose(originalBW,se);figure, imshow(closeBW)


bw = imread('bw.bmp');shape1 = [0 0 0 0 1            0 0 0 1 1            0 0 1 1 1            0 1 1 1 1            1 1 1 1 1];shape2 = [1 1 0 0 0            1 0 0 0 0            0 0 0 0 0            0 0 0 0 0            0 0 0 0 0];bw2 = bwhitmiss(bw, shape1, shape2);imshow(bw2)


I = imread('letter2.jpg');I = im2bw(I);I1 = bwmorph(I, 'thin',inf);figure(1), imshow(I1);


I = imread('letter2.jpg');I = im2bw(I);I2 = bwmorph(I, 'skel',inf);figure(2), imshow(I2);


I = imread('lena.jpg');I = rgb2gray(I);BW1 = edge(I, 'roberts');BW2 = edge(I, 'sobel');BW3 = edge(I, 'prewitt');figuresubplot(2,2,1),imshow(I),title('original')subplot(2,2,2),imshow(BW1),title('roberts')subplot(2,2,3),imshow(BW2),title('sobel')subplot(2,2,4),imshow(BW3),title('prewitt')


I = imread('einstein.bmp');I = rgb2gray(I);N = [1, 2, 1     0, 0, 0     -1,-2,-1];edge_n = imfilter(I,N,'symmetric','conv');imwrite(edge_n, 'edge_n.jpg');


I = rgb2gray(imread('lena.jpg'));M = [1,1,1        1,-8,1        1,1,1];img=imfilter(I,M);[x,y]=size(I);img2 = img;for i = 2:x-1        for j = 2:y-1            a = [img(i,j+1),img(i,j-1),img(i+1,j+1),img(i+1,j-1), ...                 img(i-1,j+1),img(i-1,j-1),img(i+1,j),img(i-1,j)];            if ( (max(a)-min(a))>64 && max(a)>img(i,j) && min(a)<img(i,j))                img2(i,j)=255;            else                img2(i,j)=0;            end        endend


I = imread('lena.jpg');IMG = rgb2gray(I);Edge_LoG = edge(IMG, 'log');imshow(Edge_LoG);figuresubplot(1,2,1), imshow(IMG);subplot(1,2,2), imshow(Edge_LoG);

I = double(rgb2gray(imread('lena.jpg')));figure, imshow(uint8(I))DoG=fspecial('gaussian',5,0.8)-fspecial('gaussian',5,0.6);ImageDoG=imfilter(I,DoG,'symmetric','conv');figure, imshow(ImageDoG)% threshold = 2proc_Img1 = ImageDoG;proc_Img1(find(proc_Img1 < 2))=0;figure, imshow(proc_Img1)% threshold = 3proc_Img2 = ImageDoG;proc_Img2(find(proc_Img2 < 3))=0;figure, imshow(proc_Img2)


img = edge(I, 'canny',[0.032,0.08], 3);


RGB= imread('building.jpg');I = rgb2gray(RGB);BW = edge(I, 'canny');[H, T, R]=hough(BW, 'RhoResolution',0.5,'ThetaResolution',0.5);figure, imshow(imadjust(mat2gray(H)), 'XData', T, ...'YData', R, 'InitialMagnification', 'fit');xlabel('\theta'), ylabel('\rho');axis on; axis normal; hold on;colormap(hot);peaks = houghpeaks(H, 15);figure, imshow(BW);hold on;lines = houghlines(BW, T, R, peaks, 'FillGap',25, 'MinLength',15);max_len = 0;for k=1:length(lines)xy = [lines(k).point1; lines(k).point2];   plot(xy(:,1),xy(:,2),'LineWidth',3,'Color','b');   plot(xy(1,1),xy(1,2),'x','LineWidth',3,'Color','yellow');   plot(xy(2,1),xy(2,2),'x','LineWidth',3,'Color','red');   len = norm(lines(k).point1 - lines(k).point2);   if ( len > max_len)      max_len = len;      xy_long = xy;   endend



代码原作者为Tao Peng,请尊重原作者权利。

%  Author:  Tao Peng  %           Department of Mechanical Engineering  %           University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742, USA  %           pengtao@glue.umd.edu  %  Version: alpha       Revision: Dec. 02, 2005


% EXAMPLE #1:  rawimg = imread('TestHT_Chkbd1.bmp');  fltr4img = [1 2 3 2 1; 2 3 4 3 2; 3 4 6 4 3; 2 3 4 3 2; 1 2 3 2 1];  fltr4img = fltr4img / sum(fltr4img(:));  imgfltrd = filter2( fltr4img , rawimg );      [accum, axis_rho, axis_theta, lineprm, lineseg] = Hough_Grd(imgfltrd, 6, 0.02);    figure(1); imagesc(axis_theta*(180/pi), axis_rho, accum); axis xy;  xlabel('Theta (degree)'); ylabel('Pho (pixels)');  title('Accumulation Array from Hough Transform');  figure(2); imagesc(rawimg); colormap('gray'); axis image;  DrawLines_2Ends(lineseg);  title('Raw Image with Line Segments Detected'); 


    function [accum, axis_rho, axis_theta, varargout] = ...          Hough_Grd(img, varargin)      %Detect lines in a grayscale image      %      %  [accum, axis_rho, axis_theta, lineprm, lineseg, dbg_label] =      %      Hough_Grd(img, grdthres, detsens)      %  Hough transform for line detection based on image's gradient field.      %  NOTE:    Operates on grayscale images, NOT B/W bitmaps.      %           NO loops involved in the implementation of Hough transform,      %               which makes the operation fast.      %           Able to detect the two ends of line segments.      %      %  INPUT: (img, grdthres, detsens)      %  img:         A 2-D grayscale image (NO B/W bitmap)      %  grdthres:    (Optional, default is 8, must be non-negative)      %               The algorithm is based on the gradient field of the      %               input image. A thresholding on the gradient magnitude      %               is performed before the voting process of the Hough      %               transform to remove the 'uniform intensity' (sort-of)      %               image background from the voting process. In other words,      %               pixels with gradient magnitudes smaller than 'grdthres'      %               are considered not belong to any line.      %  detsens:     (Optional, default is 0.08)      %               A value that controls the sensitivity of line detection.      %               The range of the value is from 0 to 1, open ends.      %               Although the physical meaning of this parameter is not      %               obvious, it controls the algorithm in a fuzzy manner.      %               The SMALLER the value is, the MORE features in the image      %               will be considered as lines.      %      %  OUTPUT: [accum, axis_rho, axis_theta, lineprm, lineseg, dbg_label]      %  accum:       The result accumulation array from the Hough transform.      %               The horizontal dimension is 'theta' and the vertical      %               dimension is 'rho'.      %  axis_rho:    Vector that contains the 'rho' values for the rows in      %               the accumulation array.      %  axis_theta:  Vector that contains the 'theta' values for the columns      %               in the accumulation array.      %  lineprm:     (Optional)      %               Parameters (rho, theta) of the lines detected. Is a N-by-2      %               matrix with each row contains the parameters (rho, theta)       %               for a line. The definitions of 'rho' and 'theta' are as      %               the following:      %               'rho' is the perpendicular distance from the line to the      %               origin of the image. 'rho' can be negative since 'theta'      %               is constrained to [0, pi]. The unit of 'rho' is in pixels.      %               'theta' is the sweep angle from axis X (i.e. horizontal      %               axis of the image) to the direction that is perpendicular      %               to the line. The range of 'theta' is [0, pi].      %  lineseg:     (Optional)      %               Parameters (x1, x2, y1, y2) of line segments detected.      %               Lines given by (rho, theta) are infinite lines. This      %               function tries to detect line segments in the raw image      %               and output them as 'lineseg', which is a Ns-by-4 matrix      %               with each row contains the parameters (x1, x2, y1, y2)      %               that defines the two ends of a line segment.      %  dbg_label:   (Optional, for debug purpose)      %               Labelled segmentation map from the search of peaks in      %               the accumulation array      %      %      %  BUG REPORT:      %  This is an alpha version. Please send your bug reports, comments and      %  suggestions to pengtao@glue.umd.edu . Thanks.            %  Reserved for extension      %  accumres:    (Optional, default is [4, 1], minimum is [2, 0.5])      %               The desired resolutions in 'rho' and 'theta'. Is a      %               2-element vector in following format:      %               [resolution in 'rho' (pixels),      %               resolution in 'theta' (degrees)]                              %%%%%%%% Arguments and parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%            % Validation of arguments      if ndims(img) ~= 2 || ~isnumeric(img),          error('Hough_Grd: ''img'' has to be 2 dimensional');      end      if ~all(size(img) >= 16),          error('Hough_Grd: ''img'' has to be larger than 16-by-16');      end                  % Parameters (default values)      prm_grdthres = 8;      prm_accumres = [4, 1];      prm_detsens = 0.08;                  func_compu_lineprm = true;      prm_fltraccum = true;                  % Validation of arguments      vap_grdthres = 1;      if nargin > vap_grdthres,          if isnumeric(varargin{vap_grdthres}) && ...                  varargin{vap_grdthres}(1) >= 0,              prm_grdthres = varargin{vap_grdthres}(1);          else              error(['Hough_Grd: ''grdthres'' has to be ', ...                  'a non-negative number']);          end      end      %{      vap_accumres = 3;      if nargin > vap_accumres,          if numel(varargin{vap_accumres}) == 2 && ...                  isnumeric(varargin{vap_accumres}) && ...                  ( varargin{vap_accumres}(1) >= 2 && ...                  varargin{vap_accumres}(2) >= 0.5 ),              prm_accumres = varargin{vap_accumres};          else              error(['Hough_Grd: ''accumres'' has to be a two-element ', ...                  'vector and no smaller than [2, 0.5]']);          end      end      %}      vap_detsens = 2;      if nargin > vap_detsens,          if isnumeric(varargin{vap_detsens}) && ...                  varargin{vap_detsens}(1) > 0 && varargin{vap_detsens}(1) < 1,              prm_detsens = varargin{vap_detsens};          else              error('Hough_Grd: ''detsens'' has to be in the range (0, 1)');          end      end                  func_compu_lineprm = ( nargout > 3 );                  % Size of the accumulation array      imgsize = size(img);      coef_rhorng = [ -imgsize(2), sqrt(sum(imgsize.^2)) ];      coef_thetarng = [-pi/18, pi+pi/18];                  prm_accumsize = [ ...          round( (coef_rhorng(2)-coef_rhorng(1)) * (2/prm_accumres(1)) ) , ...          round( (coef_thetarng(2)-coef_thetarng(1)) * (180/pi) * ...          (2/prm_accumres(2)) ) ];                  % Default filter for the accumulation array      prm_acmfltr_R = 4;      prm_acmfltr_w = [1 2 4 8];                  fltr4accum = ones(2 * prm_acmfltr_R - 1) * prm_acmfltr_w(1);      for k = 2 : prm_acmfltr_R,          fltr4accum(k:(2*prm_acmfltr_R-k), k:(2*prm_acmfltr_R-k)) = ...              prm_acmfltr_w(k);      end      fltr4accum = fltr4accum / sum(fltr4accum(:));                  % Parameters for the algorithm using repeated      % thresholding and segmentation      prm_lp_dthres = min([ 0.1, (0.1+prm_detsens)/2 ]);      prm_lp_maxthres = 0.8;                  % Parameters for the algorithm using local maximum filter      prm_useaoi = false;      prm_aoiminsize = [8, 8];                  prm_fltrLM_R = 4;      prm_fltrLM_s = 1.3;      prm_fltrLM_r = ceil( prm_fltrLM_R * 0.6 );      prm_fltrLM_npix = 6;                  % Reserved parameters      dbg_on = false;      % debug information      dbg_bfigno = 5;      if nargout > 5,  dbg_on = true;  end                              %%%%%%%% Building accumulation array %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                  % Compute the gradient and the magnitude of gradient      img = double(img);      [grdx, grdy] = gradient(img);      grdmag = sqrt(grdx.^2 + grdy.^2);                  % Clear the margins of the gradient field      prm_grdfldmgn = 4;      grdmag([1:prm_grdfldmgn, (end-prm_grdfldmgn+1):end], :) = 0;      grdmag(:, [1:prm_grdfldmgn, (end-prm_grdfldmgn+1):end]) = 0;                  % Get the linear indices, as well as the subscripts, of the pixels      % whose gradient magnitudes are larger than the given threshold      grdmasklin = find(grdmag > prm_grdthres);      [grdmask_IdxI, grdmask_IdxJ] = ind2sub(imgsize, grdmasklin);                  % Compute (the line parameter) 'theta' for all voting pixels      grdphs_vot = atan2( grdy(grdmasklin), grdx(grdmasklin) );                  % -- Regulate 'grdphs_vot' from [-pi, pi] to [0, pi]      grdphs_vot = grdphs_vot + pi * (grdphs_vot < 0);                  % Compute the 'theta'-subscript (to the accumulation array)      % for all voting pixels      coef_subtheta = prm_accumsize(2) / ...          (coef_thetarng(2) - coef_thetarng(1)) * (1 - 1e-6);      sub_theta = ceil( (grdphs_vot - coef_thetarng(1)) * coef_subtheta );                  % 'theta' vector for the accumulation array      axis_theta = (coef_thetarng(1) + 0.5 / coef_subtheta) : ...          (1 / coef_subtheta) : coef_thetarng(2);                  % Compute the 'rho' values for all voting pixels      % rho = (J - 0.5) * cos(theta) + (I - 0.5) * sin(theta)      rho_vot = (grdmask_IdxJ - 0.5) .* cos(grdphs_vot) + ...          (grdmask_IdxI - 0.5) .* sin(grdphs_vot);                  % Compute the 'rho'-subscript (to the accumulation array)      % for all voting pixels      coef_subrho = prm_accumsize(1) / ...          (coef_rhorng(2) - coef_rhorng(1)) * (1 - 1e-6);      sub_rho = ceil( (rho_vot - coef_rhorng(1)) * coef_subrho );                  % 'rho' vector for the accumulation array      axis_rho = (coef_rhorng(1) + 0.5 / coef_subrho) : ...          (1 / coef_subrho) : coef_rhorng(2);                  % Build the accumulation array, using gradient magnitude as weight      accum = accumarray( sub2ind(prm_accumsize, sub_rho, sub_theta), ...          grdmag(grdmasklin) );      accum = [ accum ; ...          zeros(prm_accumsize(1) * prm_accumsize(2) - numel(accum), 1) ];      accum = reshape( accum, prm_accumsize );                              %%%%%%%% Locating peaks in the accumulation array %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                  % Stop if no need to estimate the parameters of the lines      if ~func_compu_lineprm,          return;      end                  % Smooth the accumulation array      if prm_fltraccum,          accum = filter2( fltr4accum, accum );      end                  % Find the maximum value in the accumulation array      accum_max = max(accum(:));                              %------- Algorithm 1: Local maximum filter (begin) -------------      % Build the local maximum filter      fltr4LM = zeros(2 * prm_fltrLM_R + 1);                  [mesh4fLM_x, mesh4fLM_y] = meshgrid(-prm_fltrLM_R : prm_fltrLM_R);      mesh4fLM_r = sqrt( mesh4fLM_x.^2 + mesh4fLM_y.^2 );      fltr4LM_mask = ...          ( mesh4fLM_r > prm_fltrLM_r & mesh4fLM_r <= prm_fltrLM_R );      fltr4LM = fltr4LM - ...          fltr4LM_mask * (prm_fltrLM_s / sum(fltr4LM_mask(:)));                  if prm_fltrLM_R >= 4,          fltr4LM_mask = ( mesh4fLM_r < (prm_fltrLM_r - 1) );      else          fltr4LM_mask = ( mesh4fLM_r < prm_fltrLM_r );      end      fltr4LM = fltr4LM + fltr4LM_mask / sum(fltr4LM_mask(:));                  % Select a number of Areas-Of-Interest from the accumulation array      if prm_useaoi,          % Thresholding and segmentation          accummask = ( accum > (accum_max * prm_detsens) );          [accumlabel, accum_nRgn] = bwlabel( accummask, 8 );                      % Select AOIs from segmented regions          accumAOI = ones(0,4);          for k = 1 : accum_nRgn,              accumrgn_lin = find( accumlabel == k );              [accumrgn_IdxI, accumrgn_IdxJ] = ...                  ind2sub( size(accumlabel), accumrgn_lin );              rgn_top = min( accumrgn_IdxI );              rgn_bottom = max( accumrgn_IdxI );              rgn_left = min( accumrgn_IdxJ );              rgn_right = max( accumrgn_IdxJ );                      % The AOIs selected must satisfy a minimum size              if ( (rgn_bottom - rgn_top + 1) >= prm_aoiminsize(1) || ...                      (rgn_right - rgn_left + 1) >= prm_aoiminsize(2) ),                  accumAOI = [ accumAOI; ...                      max([ 1, rgn_top - prm_fltrLM_R ]), ...                      min([ size(accum,1), rgn_bottom + prm_fltrLM_R ]), ...                      max([ 1, rgn_left - prm_fltrLM_R ]), ...                      min([ size(accum,2), rgn_right + prm_fltrLM_R ]) ];              end          end      else          % Whole accumulation array as the one AOI          accumAOI = [1, size(accum,1), 1, size(accum,2)];      end                  % **** Debug code (begin)      if dbg_on && prm_useaoi,          dbg_accumLM = zeros(size(accum));      end      % **** Debug code (end)                  % For each of the AOIs selected, locate the local maxima      lineprm = zeros(0,2);      for k = 1 : size(accumAOI, 1),          aoi = accumAOI(k,:);    % just for referencing convenience                      % Apply the local maxima filter          candLM = conv2( accum(aoi(1):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)) , ...              fltr4LM , 'same' );                      % Thresholding of 'candLM' & 'accum'          if prm_useaoi,              candLM_mask = ( candLM > (max(candLM(:))*prm_detsens) & ...                  accummask(aoi(1):aoi(2),aoi(3):aoi(4)) );          else              candLM_mask = ( candLM > (max(candLM(:))*prm_detsens) & ...                  accum(aoi(1):aoi(2),aoi(3):aoi(4)) > (accum_max*prm_detsens) );          end                      % Clear the margins of 'candLM_mask'          candLM_mask([1:prm_fltrLM_R, (end-prm_fltrLM_R+1):end], :) = 0;          candLM_mask(:, [1:prm_fltrLM_R, (end-prm_fltrLM_R+1):end]) = 0;                      % **** Debug code (begin)          if dbg_on && prm_useaoi,              dbg_accumLM(aoi(1):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)) = ...                  dbg_accumLM(aoi(1):aoi(2), aoi(3):aoi(4)) + candLM;          end          % **** Debug code (end)                      % Group the local maxima candidates by adjacency, compute the          % centroid position for each group and take that as the center          % of one circle detected          [candLM_label, candLM_nRgn] = bwlabel( candLM_mask, 8 );                      for ilabel = 1 : candLM_nRgn,              % Indices (to current AOI) of the pixels in the group              candgrp_masklin = find( candLM_label == ilabel );              [candgrp_IdxI, candgrp_IdxJ] = ...                  ind2sub( size(candLM_label) , candgrp_masklin );                          % Indices (to 'accum') of the pixels in the group              candgrp_IdxI = candgrp_IdxI + ( aoi(1) - 1 );              candgrp_IdxJ = candgrp_IdxJ + ( aoi(3) - 1 );              candgrp_idx2acm = ...                  sub2ind( size(accum) , candgrp_IdxI , candgrp_IdxJ );                          % Minimum number of qulified pixels in the group              if sum(numel(candgrp_masklin)) < prm_fltrLM_npix,                  continue;              end                          % Compute the centroid position              candgrp_acmsum = sum( accum(candgrp_idx2acm) );              cc_rho = sum( candgrp_IdxI .* accum(candgrp_idx2acm) ) / ...                  candgrp_acmsum;              cc_theta = sum( candgrp_IdxJ .* accum(candgrp_idx2acm) ) / ...                  candgrp_acmsum;              lineprm = [lineprm; cc_rho, cc_theta];          end      end                  % **** Debug code (begin)      if dbg_on,          figure(dbg_bfigno);          if prm_useaoi,              imagesc(dbg_accumLM); axis xy;          else              imagesc(candLM); axis xy;          end      end      % **** Debug code (end)      %------- Algorithm 1: Local maximum filter (end) ---------------                  %------- Algo 2: Repeated thresholding & segmentation (begin) --      %{      % Locate the peaks (in pixel coordinates) in the accumulation array      if dbg_on,          [lineprm, dbg_label] = RecursSegment( accum , ...              accum_max * [prm_detsens, prm_lp_dthres, prm_lp_maxthres] );      else          lineprm = RecursSegment( accum , ...              accum_max * [prm_detsens, prm_lp_dthres, prm_lp_maxthres] );      end                  % **** Debug code (begin)      if dbg_on,          figure(dbg_bfigno);          imagesc(dbg_label); axis xy; axis equal;          hold on;          plot(lineprm(:,2), lineprm(:,1), ...              'w+', 'LineWidth', 2, 'MarkerSize', 6);          hold off;      end      % **** Debug code (end)      %}      %------- Algo 2: Repeated thresholding & segmentation (end) ----                              % Convert 'lineprm' from pixel coordinates to (rho, theta)      lineprm = [ (lineprm(:,1) - 0.5)/coef_subrho + coef_rhorng(1), ...          (lineprm(:,2) - 0.5)/coef_subtheta + coef_thetarng(1) ];                  % Output 'lineprm'      varargout{1} = lineprm;      if nargout <= 4,          return;      end                              %%%%%%%% Locating the line segments in the raw image %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                  % Parameters for locating the line segments      prm_ls_tTol = [-pi/7.5, pi/7.5];      prm_ls_pTol = [-3.5, 3.5];      prm_ls_minlen = 10;                  % Locate the two ends for all lines detected      rgnmask = logical(zeros(imgsize));      lineseg = zeros(0, 4);                  for k = 1 : size(lineprm, 1),          % Compute the 'rho' values for all pixels voted,          % assuming they contribute to the current line          rho2_vot = (grdmask_IdxJ - 0.5) * cos( lineprm(k,2) ) + ...              (grdmask_IdxI - 0.5) .* sin( lineprm(k,2) );                      % Find the pixels that belong to the line          PixOnLn_votmask = ( grdphs_vot > (lineprm(k,2) + prm_ls_tTol(1)) & ...              grdphs_vot < (lineprm(k,2) + prm_ls_tTol(2)) & ...              rho2_vot > (lineprm(k,1) + prm_ls_pTol(1)) & ...              rho2_vot < (lineprm(k,1) + prm_ls_pTol(2)) );                      PixOnLn_lin = grdmasklin( find(PixOnLn_votmask) );          if isempty(PixOnLn_lin),              continue;          end          [PixOnLn_IdxI, PixOnLn_IdxJ] = ind2sub(imgsize, PixOnLn_lin);                      % Find the axis-aligned bounding box for these pixels          bndbox = [ min(PixOnLn_IdxI), max(PixOnLn_IdxI), ...              min(PixOnLn_IdxJ), max(PixOnLn_IdxJ) ];                      % Seperate the line segments by adjacencies          rgnmask( bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4) ) = 0;          rgnmask( PixOnLn_lin ) = 1;          [rgnlabel, nrgn] = bwlabel( ...              rgnmask(bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4)), 8 );                      for k_rgn = 1 : nrgn,              % Get the linear indices of pixels that belong to one segment              seg_lin = find( rgnlabel == k_rgn );              [seg_IdxI, seg_IdxJ] = ind2sub( size(rgnlabel), seg_lin );                          % Ignore if the line segment is too short              segspan = [ min(seg_IdxI) + bndbox(1) - 1, ...                  max(seg_IdxI) + bndbox(1) - 1, ...                  min(seg_IdxJ) + bndbox(3) - 1, ...                  max(seg_IdxJ) + bndbox(3) - 1 ];              if (segspan(2) - segspan(1) + 1) < prm_ls_minlen && ...                      (segspan(4) - segspan(3) + 1) < prm_ls_minlen,                  continue;              end                          % Get the [x1 x2 y1 y2] structure for the line SEGMENT              if lineprm(k,2) > pi/4 && lineprm(k,2) < 3*pi/4,                  % ls_base_x = 0;                  ls_base_y = lineprm(k,1) / sin(lineprm(k,2));                  lineseg = [ lineseg; segspan(3) - 0.5, segspan(4) - 0.5, ...                      ls_base_y - (segspan(3) - 0.5) / tan(lineprm(k,2)), ...                      ls_base_y - (segspan(4) - 0.5) / tan(lineprm(k,2)) ];              else                  % ls_base_y = 0;                  ls_base_x = lineprm(k,1) / cos(lineprm(k,2));                  lineseg = [ lineseg; ...                      ls_base_x - (segspan(1) - 0.5) * tan(lineprm(k,2)), ...                      ls_base_x - (segspan(2) - 0.5) * tan(lineprm(k,2)), ...                      segspan(1) - 0.5, segspan(2) - 0.5 ];              end          end      end                  % Output 'lineseg'      varargout{2} = lineseg;      if nargout > 5,          varargout{3} = dbg_label;      end                                          %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%      %%%%%%%% Recursive thresholding and segmentation ********************                  function [lineprm, varargout] = RecursSegment(accum, struct_thres)      % 'struct_thres' contains [thres, deltathres, maxthres]      % 'lineprm' is in pixel coordinate (w.r.t. 'accum')                  % Parameters      prm_as_minpixn = 3;      prm_as_maxsize = [12, 12];                  % Thresholding      accummask = ( accum > struct_thres(1) );                  % Segmentation and locating the centroids of individual regions      [accumlabel, accum_nRgn] = bwlabel( accummask, 8 );                  % Segmentation label (for debug purpose)      func_seglbl = ( nargout > 1 );      if func_seglbl,          seglbl_lblshft = 4;          seglabel = accumlabel;      end                  lineprm = zeros(0, 2);      for k = 1 : accum_nRgn,          % Linear indices of the pixels in one connected component          acmrgn_lin = find( accumlabel == k );          if numel(acmrgn_lin) < prm_as_minpixn,              continue;          end          % Subscripts of the pixels in one connected component          [acmrgn_IdxPho, acmrgn_IdxTheta] = ...              ind2sub( size(accumlabel), acmrgn_lin );                      % Further segmentation if the connected region is too big, or          % computing the centroid of the region          % -- Axis-aligned bounding box for the region          bndbox = [ min(acmrgn_IdxPho), max(acmrgn_IdxPho), ...              min(acmrgn_IdxTheta), max(acmrgn_IdxTheta) ];                      % -- Further segmentation          bAddCentrdOfRgn = true;          if ( (bndbox(2) - bndbox(1) + 1) > prm_as_maxsize(1) || ...                  (bndbox(4) - bndbox(3) + 1) > prm_as_maxsize(2) ) && ...                  (struct_thres(1) + struct_thres(2)) <= struct_thres(3),              if func_seglbl,                  [lineprm_sub, seglabel_sub] = RecursSegment( ...                      accum(bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4)), ...                      [struct_thres(1) + struct_thres(2), struct_thres(2:3)] );                  seglabel(bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4)) = ...                      seglabel(bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4)) + ...                      seglabel_sub + (seglabel_sub > 0) * seglbl_lblshft;              else                  lineprm_sub = RecursSegment( ...                      accum(bndbox(1):bndbox(2), bndbox(3):bndbox(4)), ...                      [struct_thres(1) + struct_thres(2), struct_thres(2:3)] );              end              if ~isempty(lineprm_sub),                  lineprm = [lineprm; lineprm_sub(:,1) + bndbox(1) - 1, ...                      lineprm_sub(:,2) + bndbox(3) - 1 ];                  bAddCentrdOfRgn = false;              end          end                      % -- Computing the centroid of the whole region          if bAddCentrdOfRgn,              acmrgn_acmsum = sum( accum(acmrgn_lin) );              lp_IdxPho = sum( acmrgn_IdxPho .* accum(acmrgn_lin) ) / ...                  acmrgn_acmsum;              lp_IdxTheta = sum( acmrgn_IdxTheta .* accum(acmrgn_lin) ) / ...                  acmrgn_acmsum;              lineprm = [ lineprm; lp_IdxPho, lp_IdxTheta ];          end      end                  % Output the segmentation label      if func_seglbl,          varargout{1} = seglabel;      end                  function DrawLines_2Ends(lineseg, varargin)            hold on;      for k = 1 : size(lineseg, 1),          % The image origin defined in function '[...] = Hough_Grd(...)' is          % different from what is defined in Matlab, off by (0.5, 0.5).          if nargin > 1,              plot(lineseg(k,1:2)+0.5, lineseg(k,3:4)+0.5, varargin{1});          else              plot(lineseg(k,1:2)+0.5, lineseg(k,3:4)+0.5, 'LineWidth', 2);          end      end      hold off;                  function DrawLines_Polar(imgsize, lineprm, varargin)            hold on;      line = zeros(2,2);      for k = 1 : size(lineprm, 1),          if lineprm(k,2) > pi/4 && lineprm(k,2) < 3*pi/4,              line(1,1) = 0;              line(1,2) = lineprm(k,1) / sin(lineprm(k,2));              line(2,1) = imgsize(2);              line(2,2) = line(1,2) - line(2,1) / tan(lineprm(k,2));          else              line(1,2) = 0;              line(1,1) = lineprm(k,1) / cos(lineprm(k,2));              line(2,2) = imgsize(1);              line(2,1) = line(1,1) - line(2,2) * tan(lineprm(k,2));          end          % The image origin defined in function '[...] = Hough_Grd(...)' is          % different from what is defined in Matlab, off by (0.5, 0.5).          line = line + 0.5;          % Draw lines using 'plot'          if nargin > 2,              plot(line(:,1), line(:,2), varargin{1});          else              plot(line(:,1), line(:,2));          end      end      hold off;  

