
时间:2022-11-04 17:19:02

I'm trying to trigger a rotate animation in an SVG on my website. It definetly work but the problem is when i'm moving my mouse when i'm on hover the element it cancels the animation.


So i include an object svg element:


<object type="image/svg+xml" data="branching4.svg" id="branching">
    Your browser does not support SVG

which is a long SVG document but here is stylesheet attached to it:


#rectangle1, #rectangle2, #rectangle3{
    perspective: 1500px;
#rectangle1.flip .card, #rectangle2.flip .card, #rectangle3.flip .card {
    transform: rotateX(180deg);
#rectangle1 .card, #rectangle2 .card, #rectangle3 .card{
#rectangle1 .face, #rectangle2 .face, #rectangle3 .face{
    backface-visibility: hidden;
#rectangle1 #front1{
    transform: rotateX(0deg);
#rectangle1 #back1{
    transform: rotateX( 180deg );
#rectangle2 #front2{
    transform: rotateX(0deg);
#rectangle2 #back2{
    transform: rotateX( 180deg );
#rectangle3 #front3{
    transform: rotateX(0deg);
#rectangle3 #back3{
    transform: rotateX( 180deg );
#rectangle1.flipped, #rectangle2.flipped, #rectangle3.flipped {
    transform: rotateX( 180deg );

You can see the svg structure in the jsfiddle


And finally the script:


window.onload=function() {
    var svgDoc = $("#branching")[0].contentDocument; // Get the document object for the SVG
    $(".st4", svgDoc).css("font-family", "robotolight,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif");
    $("#rectangle1", svgDoc).hover(function(){
        $(this, svgDoc).toggleClass("flip");
    $("#rectangle2", svgDoc).hover(function(){
        $(this, svgDoc).toggleClass("flip");
    $("#rectangle3", svgDoc).hover(function(){
        $(this, svgDoc).toggleClass("flip");


I also tried with CSS, it's the same problem.


Here is a jsfiddle:




1st question:


How can i have a fluid rotate transition when moving the mouse on the element ?


2nd question:


How can i have a Y rotation that stay on the spot and not translate to the left ? Try it in the fiddle


3rd question:


Why the jsfiddle display the svg well in firefox and not in chrome? Also, perspective doesn't seem to work in chrome ... WHY ?


Any ideas ?


3 个解决方案



Unfortunately, I think many of the problems you're experiencing are simply the result of bad browser support for (3D) css transforms on svg elements.

不幸的是,我认为您遇到的许多问题只是由于浏览器对svg元素(3D) css转换的支持不佳造成的。

Moving the cards <g> elements to their own <svg> inside an ordinary <div>, and applying the interactivity to the div element would make stuff a lot easier.

将卡片 元素移动到普通的

中的它们自己的 中,并将交互性应用到div元素将使事情变得更容易。

.card {
  display: inline-block;
  transform-origin: center;
  perspective: 1000px;
  background: grey;
.card-inner {
  width: 100px;
  height: 200px;
  transition: transform .4s;
.card:hover > .card-inner {
  transform: rotateY(180deg);
<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: yellow">
    Add svg card here

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: blue">
    Add svg card here

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: green">
    Add svg card here

How can i have a fluid rotate transition when moving the mouse on the element ?


Once the card rotates, it easily looses hover. The hover state will be applied to underlying element though. If you make sure this is the card's parent, you can use this css rule for styling:


.card:hover > .card-inner {
  transform: rotateY(180deg);

How can i have a Y rotation that stay on the spot and not translate to the left ? Try it in the fiddle


You'll have to use transform-origin, like you tried. It just doesn't work for svg elements...


transform-origin: center;

Why the jsfiddle display the svg well in firefox and not in chrome? Also, perspective doesn't seem to work in chrome ... WHY ?


Like I said, it just isn't supported properly...




Re your first problem with the flip


It looks like the problem is that when the cards spin, they shrink. Then the mouse is no longer over the card and when the card moves around again it re-enters and the mouseenter event fires again. Then the whole process repeats (as long as the mouse is moving).


The solution is to prevent the event from firing again until the animation i complete.


There are several ways to fix this, but here is one solution:


// Flag to keep track of whether rectangle1 is flipping
var flipping1 = false;
$("#rectangle1").mouseenter(function() {
    // Only toggle the animation if we aren't already doing so
    if (!flipping1) {
        // Add the class to start the flip
        // Set flag to mark that we are flipping
        flipping1 = true;
        // Then in just over a second, turn the flag off again
        setTimeout(function () {
            flipping1 = false;
        }, 1010);

Here's a fiddle showing this technique working on just rectangle1.






I don't have a complete answer but for your first question I'd suggest replacing the .hover with a .mouseenter trigger, and for the second one just lose the perspective. Also, I tried prefixing your css but to no avail, seems there's some compatibility issues between the browsers here.




Unfortunately, I think many of the problems you're experiencing are simply the result of bad browser support for (3D) css transforms on svg elements.

不幸的是,我认为您遇到的许多问题只是由于浏览器对svg元素(3D) css转换的支持不佳造成的。

Moving the cards <g> elements to their own <svg> inside an ordinary <div>, and applying the interactivity to the div element would make stuff a lot easier.

将卡片 元素移动到普通的

中的它们自己的 中,并将交互性应用到div元素将使事情变得更容易。

.card {
  display: inline-block;
  transform-origin: center;
  perspective: 1000px;
  background: grey;
.card-inner {
  width: 100px;
  height: 200px;
  transition: transform .4s;
.card:hover > .card-inner {
  transform: rotateY(180deg);
<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: yellow">
    Add svg card here

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: blue">
    Add svg card here

<div class="card">
  <div class="card-inner" style="background: green">
    Add svg card here

How can i have a fluid rotate transition when moving the mouse on the element ?


Once the card rotates, it easily looses hover. The hover state will be applied to underlying element though. If you make sure this is the card's parent, you can use this css rule for styling:


.card:hover > .card-inner {
  transform: rotateY(180deg);

How can i have a Y rotation that stay on the spot and not translate to the left ? Try it in the fiddle


You'll have to use transform-origin, like you tried. It just doesn't work for svg elements...


transform-origin: center;

Why the jsfiddle display the svg well in firefox and not in chrome? Also, perspective doesn't seem to work in chrome ... WHY ?


Like I said, it just isn't supported properly...




Re your first problem with the flip


It looks like the problem is that when the cards spin, they shrink. Then the mouse is no longer over the card and when the card moves around again it re-enters and the mouseenter event fires again. Then the whole process repeats (as long as the mouse is moving).


The solution is to prevent the event from firing again until the animation i complete.


There are several ways to fix this, but here is one solution:


// Flag to keep track of whether rectangle1 is flipping
var flipping1 = false;
$("#rectangle1").mouseenter(function() {
    // Only toggle the animation if we aren't already doing so
    if (!flipping1) {
        // Add the class to start the flip
        // Set flag to mark that we are flipping
        flipping1 = true;
        // Then in just over a second, turn the flag off again
        setTimeout(function () {
            flipping1 = false;
        }, 1010);

Here's a fiddle showing this technique working on just rectangle1.






I don't have a complete answer but for your first question I'd suggest replacing the .hover with a .mouseenter trigger, and for the second one just lose the perspective. Also, I tried prefixing your css but to no avail, seems there's some compatibility issues between the browsers here.
