Oracle EBusiness Suite R12.1.x Rapid Installmd5 Checksums November 2011 Section 1: Overview
After staging the Rapid Install software with the adautostg.pl script or downloading the Rapid Install software from Oracle Electronic Delivery, the md5 checksums for the staged directory structure can be used to validate the software integrity. Do this by running the md5sum program against the stage area using the oracle created checksum file. This is not an official development document - this procedure was performed/tested using the downloadable Rapidwiz media.
Section 2: Download md5 checksum results from OracleDownload the md5 checksum results from Oracle as posted below into a local file, for example <your platform> md5sum_.txt.
The attached files contain the md5 checksum results for every R12.1.1 release. Download the file corresponding to the used release and platform. The md5 checksum has been created without the startCD as it is often being updated, the checksum for the startCD‘s can be tested separately.
Release 12.1.1 Checksums currently available:
Release 12.1.x StartCD Checksums:
Section 3: Compare md5 checksumsCompare the Stage with the md5sums downloaded from Oracle (md5sum_.txt). There should not be any FAILED entry in the output. If a FAILED entrie was found, then the stage area was not created successfully. The stage have to be re-created for every component indicating differences (FAILED).
Note: The following example assumes the stage exists in /u01 for Unix and Linux, or F:\ for Windows customers.
Execute the following example commands to check stage using the the md5 checksums
On Windows:
MKS Toolkit or cygwin needs to be installed to be able to use mdm5sum.
F:\> cd StageR12
F:\StageR12> md5sum --check md5sum_Windows.txt > md5sum_result.txt
Note: The md5 checksum will validate the entire stage area and may take 10 minutes or more depending on hardware resources and system load.
When the md5sum command failed for all lines with error: ": FAILED open or read" try to make it a unix file using: dos2unix <checksum file> <checksum file>
Section 4: Disk overview, to be used when corrupted files are found
When a corrupted file is found the following can be used to identify which part needs to be re-downloaded from edelivery.
Release 12.1.1 Disk overview:
MD5 Checksums for R12.1.1 Rapid Install Media (文档 ID 802195.1)