Chapter 4 Invitations——25

时间:2022-11-03 11:31:09

"So you are trying to irritate me to death? Since Tyler's van didn't do the job?"

Anger flashed in his tawny eyes. His lips pressed into a hard line, all signs of humor gone.

"Bella, you are utterly absurd," he said, his low voice cold.
“Bella, 你真的是荒唐至极,”他说道,他冰冷的声音很轻。

My palms tingled — I wanted so badly to hit something.

I was surprised at myself. I was usually a nonviolent person.

I turned my back and started to walk away.

"Wait," he called. I kept walking, sloshing angrily through the rain. But he was next to me, easily keeping pace.

"I'm sorry, that was rude," he said as we walked. I ignored him.

"I'm not saying it isn't true," he continued, "but it was rude to say it, anyway."

"Why won't you leave me alone?" I grumbled.

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