
时间:2022-11-03 08:29:50

I need to process selected(highlighted with mouse) text in html page. But if I'm selecting ordered list <ol></ol> elements I'm losing numbering information. Maybe someone can help me with this information extraction, because if I select and copy+paste selection to text editor - I see those numbers. Function used for html fragment selection:


    元素,我将丢失编号信息。也许有人可以帮我解决这个问题,因为如果我选择并复制+粘贴选择到文本编辑器 - 我会看到这些数字。用于html片段选择的函数:

function getSelectionHtml() {
    var html = "";
    if (typeof window.getSelection != "undefined") {
       var sel = window.getSelection();
       if (sel.rangeCount) {
           var container = document.createElement("div");
           for (var i = 0, len = sel.rangeCount; i < len; ++i) {
           html = container.innerHTML;
   else if (typeof document.selection != "undefined") {
       if (document.selection.type == "Text") {
           html = document.selection.createRange().htmlText;
   return html;

Complete fiddle example : https://jsfiddle.net/t2mhcbyo/3/


1 个解决方案



Updated fiddle here. The main problem is that you are not, in fact, actually selecting the numbers. They cannot be selected. (You notice they don't get highlighted).

这里更新了小提琴。实际上,主要的问题是你实际上并没有选择这些数字。他们无法选择。 (你注意到他们没有突出显示)。

I suspect that when you are copying the list into a 'text' editor, you are actually copying html (which is an ordered list that has numbers), which the editor displays as an ordered list. When you copy into a plain text editor like notepad, wordpad, or just remove formatting, it will return to just the highlighted test.


To get the number at the start of the list items, you can store the information directly in the <li> tags.


  • 标记中。

  • <li index="3">

    Then, when you select the highlighted html, you can use a regex string replace to change the index to a number.


    Example regex:

       html = html.replace(/<li\ index="([0-9]+)">/g, "<li>$1. ");

    <li index="3"> becomes <li>3.

  • 变为
  • 3。

  • This replaces the start list item tag that contains index information with a tag that has no information, but has a number at the start of the list.


    Issue: This method puts a number at the start of every line, regardless of how much of the line is actually highlighted. You might be able to modify the regex to only replace some of the index="#"'s.

    问题:此方法将数字放在每一行的开头,无论实际突出显示多少行。您可以修改正则表达式,只替换一些index =“#”。



    Updated fiddle here. The main problem is that you are not, in fact, actually selecting the numbers. They cannot be selected. (You notice they don't get highlighted).

    这里更新了小提琴。实际上,主要的问题是你实际上并没有选择这些数字。他们无法选择。 (你注意到他们没有突出显示)。

    I suspect that when you are copying the list into a 'text' editor, you are actually copying html (which is an ordered list that has numbers), which the editor displays as an ordered list. When you copy into a plain text editor like notepad, wordpad, or just remove formatting, it will return to just the highlighted test.


    To get the number at the start of the list items, you can store the information directly in the <li> tags.


  • 标记中。

  • <li index="3">

    Then, when you select the highlighted html, you can use a regex string replace to change the index to a number.


    Example regex:

       html = html.replace(/<li\ index="([0-9]+)">/g, "<li>$1. ");

    <li index="3"> becomes <li>3.

  • 变为
  • 3。

  • This replaces the start list item tag that contains index information with a tag that has no information, but has a number at the start of the list.


    Issue: This method puts a number at the start of every line, regardless of how much of the line is actually highlighted. You might be able to modify the regex to only replace some of the index="#"'s.

    问题:此方法将数字放在每一行的开头,无论实际突出显示多少行。您可以修改正则表达式,只替换一些index =“#”。