struct Node;
typedef struct Node *PtrToNode;
typedef PtrToNode List;
typedef PtrToNode Position; struct Node{
ElementType Ele;
PtrToNode Next;
}; Position
First( List L )
return L->Next;
Next( List L, Position p )
return p->Next;
} List
CreateAndMakeEmpty( List L )
L = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
if( L == NULL )
Error("out of space ");
L->Next = NULL;
return L;
} void
Insert( Position p, ElementType X )
Position TmpCell;
TmpCell = malloc( sizeof( struct Node ) );
if( TmpCell == NULL )
Error("out of space ");
TmpCell->Ele = X;
TmpCell->Next = p->Next;
p->Next = TmpCell;
FindSimilar( List L1, List L2 )
Position L1Pos,L2Pos,LresPos;
List Lres;
CreateAndMakeEmpty( Lres );
LresPos = Lres;
L1Pos = First(L1);
L2Pos = First(L2);
while( L1Pos != NULL && L2Pos != NULL )
if( L1Pos->Ele > L2Pos->Ele )
next( L2, L2Pos );
else if( L1Pos->Ele < L2Pos->Ele )
next( L1, L1Pos )
Insert( LresPos, L1Pos->Ele );
LresPos = LresPos->Next;
L1Pos = next( L1, L1Pos );
L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos );
PrintList( List Lres )
Position p;
p = First( Lres );
while( p != NULL )
p = p->Next;
} List
GetUnion( List L1, List L2 )
ElementType InsertEle;
List Lres;
Position L1Pos,L2Pos,LresPos;
L1Pos = First( L1 );
L2Pos = First( L2 );
Lres = CreateAndMakeEmpty( Lres );
LresPos = Lres;
while( L1Pos != NULL && L2Pos != NULL )
if( L1Pos->Ele < L2Pos->Ele )
InsertEle = L1Pos->Ele;
L1Pos = next( L1, L1pos );
else if( L1Pos->Ele > L2Pos->Ele )
InsertEle = L2Pos->Ele;
L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos );
InsertEle = L1Pos->Ele;
L1Pos = next( L1, L1Pos ); L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos );
Insert( LresPos, InsertEle );
LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos );
while( L1Pos != NULL )
InsertEle = L1Pos->Ele;
Insert( LresPos, InsertEle );
LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos );
L1Pos = next( L1Pos );
while( L2Pos != NULL )
InsertEle = L2Pos->Ele;
Insert( LresPos, InsertEle );
LresPos = next( Lres, LresPos );
L2Pos = next( L2, L2Pos );
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