I am currently trying to make a simple up counter inside of Verilog where the counter increases by 1 whenever i come across a '1' in an 8-bit stream. So for example with the 8-bit in put 8'b11001100, the output register would be 4'b0100. I created a for loop to pass through the 8-bit stream to see whenever i come across a '1' but whenever i try to add 1 to my register i get very odd assigning errors i have never seen before. Any help would be appreciated! Here is my source.
module stream_counter(stream);
input[7:0] stream;
output[3:0] stream_counter;
reg[3:0] stream_counter;
genvar index;
genvar counter;
always @ (stream)
counter = 0;
for(index = 0; index < 8; index = index +1) begin
if(stream[index]) begin
counter = counter + 1;
assign stream_counter = counter;
The errors i am getting when compiling are:
** Error: (vlog-13069) stream_counter.v(15): near "=": syntax error, unexpected '='.
** Error: stream_counter.v(15): (vlog-13205) Syntax error found in the scope following 'counter'. Is there a missing '::'?
**错误:stream_counter.v(15):( vlog-13205)在'counter'后面的范围内发现语法错误。缺少'::'吗?
1 个解决方案
At first glance you're missing a begin after the first always block declaration. And I would use an asterisk to let the tool manage the sensitivity list. For example:
always @ (*) begin
At first glance you're missing a begin after the first always block declaration. And I would use an asterisk to let the tool manage the sensitivity list. For example:
always @ (*) begin