I have build a small graph where all the screens are connected and the flow of the screen varies based on the system/user. So the system/user is the relationship type.
I am looking to fetch all nodes that are linked with a certain relation ship from a starting screen. I don't care about the depth since i don't know the depth of the graph. Something like this, but the below query takes ever to get the result and its returning incorrect connections not matching the attribute {path:'CC'}
match (n:screen {isStart:true})-[r:NEXT*0..{path:'CC'}]-() return r,n
match(n:screen {isStart:true}) - [r:NEXT * 0 .. {path:'CC'}] - ()返回r,n
1 个解决方案
A few suggestions:
Make sure you have created an index for
CREATE INDEX ON :screen(isStart);
- Are you sure you want to include 0-length paths? If not, take out
from your query. -
You did not specify the directionality of the :NEXT relationships, so the DB has to look at both incoming and outgoing :NEXT relationships. If appropriate, specify the directionality.
To minimize the number of result rows, add a
clause that ensures that the current path cannot be extended further.要最小化结果行数,请添加WHERE子句以确保无法进一步扩展当前路径。
您确定要包含0长度路径吗?如果没有,请从查询中取出0 ..
Here is a proposed query that combines the last 3 suggestions (fix it up to suit your needs):
MATCH (n:screen {isStart:true})-[r:NEXT* {path:'CC'}]->(x)
WHERE NOT (x)-[:NEXT {path:'CC'}]->()
return r,n;
A few suggestions:
Make sure you have created an index for
CREATE INDEX ON :screen(isStart);
- Are you sure you want to include 0-length paths? If not, take out
from your query. -
You did not specify the directionality of the :NEXT relationships, so the DB has to look at both incoming and outgoing :NEXT relationships. If appropriate, specify the directionality.
To minimize the number of result rows, add a
clause that ensures that the current path cannot be extended further.要最小化结果行数,请添加WHERE子句以确保无法进一步扩展当前路径。
您确定要包含0长度路径吗?如果没有,请从查询中取出0 ..
Here is a proposed query that combines the last 3 suggestions (fix it up to suit your needs):
MATCH (n:screen {isStart:true})-[r:NEXT* {path:'CC'}]->(x)
WHERE NOT (x)-[:NEXT {path:'CC'}]->()
return r,n;