Please help me with this above ques. as i am new to netsuite. Scenario is i would like to call a WCF Webserivce from Netsuite, Whenever any record has been craeted from User Event script i would like to call this webservice and send some data using post method.
请帮我解决上面这个问题。因为我是netsuite的新手。场景是我想从Netsuite调用WCF Webserivce,每当从用户事件脚本中获取任何记录时,我想调用此web服务并使用post方法发送一些数据。
Please share any example of this...
1 个解决方案
To call the web service, I suggest using nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, method)
, where method
would be "POST".
For API details and usage instructions on how to use the function, you may look it up in the NetSuite Help Center.
To call the web service, I suggest using nlapiRequestURL(url, postdata, headers, method)
, where method
would be "POST".
For API details and usage instructions on how to use the function, you may look it up in the NetSuite Help Center.