I need to be able to select an element that has certain content (innerHTML).
e.g. I have some anchors each with a number as their text. How can I select the anchor with '1' as its text?
I have tried this
this seems to work in IE but not ff or chrome!
3 个解决方案
Try $("a:contains('1')")
EDIT => this will alert just the text of the anchor with 1 or null if nothing is found.
EDIT =>这将仅使用1警告锚的文本,如果没有找到则将为null。
alert(FindLink($("a:contains('1')"), "1"));
function FindLink(element, textToFind) {
var result = null;
element.each(function() {
if ($(this).text() === textToFind)
result = $(this).text();
// you can change any attributes or css using $(this).css, etc
// once the if statement is satisfied
return result;
Thanks for the replies. I have come up with a solution:
$('.pages a').filter(function() { return $(this).text() == 1; } )
Since the anchors I am searching are all in a common div I narrow down via that and then run a customer filter function the find the exact element.
Try $("a:contains('1')")
EDIT => this will alert just the text of the anchor with 1 or null if nothing is found.
EDIT =>这将仅使用1警告锚的文本,如果没有找到则将为null。
alert(FindLink($("a:contains('1')"), "1"));
function FindLink(element, textToFind) {
var result = null;
element.each(function() {
if ($(this).text() === textToFind)
result = $(this).text();
// you can change any attributes or css using $(this).css, etc
// once the if statement is satisfied
return result;
Thanks for the replies. I have come up with a solution:
$('.pages a').filter(function() { return $(this).text() == 1; } )
Since the anchors I am searching are all in a common div I narrow down via that and then run a customer filter function the find the exact element.