
时间:2022-10-30 08:55:31

Possible Duplicates:
Develop iPhone app without a Mac?
iPhone Programming in Mac OS X runnning not in a Mac Computer

可能的重复:开发没有Mac的iPhone应用?iPhone在Mac OS X上编程,而不是在Mac电脑上

hey. i'm 14 and i'm interested in making apps for the iphone. i'm not a noob at programming, but i'm not that good. i have no idea what i'm doing when it comes to Objective-c, but i was wondering if it were possible to make apps, WITHOUT xcode. the only reason is because i'm dirt poor, and cant afford an apple. any help would be appreciated.




8 个解决方案



If it's games you're interested in developing, then another option might be to take a look at Unity (http://unity3d.com/). This would let you develop on the PC for free in a friendly environment for a beginner. If you then develop something that you decide you want to publish on iPhone, then at that point you could invest in a Mac and just rebuild the Unity app for iPhone on that.

如果您对开发游戏感兴趣,那么另一个选择可能是查看Unity (http://unity3d.com/)。这将让你在PC上免费为初学者开发一个友好的环境。如果你开发出你想要在iPhone上发布的东西,那么在那个时候你可以投资一个Mac,然后在这个上面重建iPhone的Unity应用。

Also, Unity lets you write scripts in both C# and Java so you wouldn't have to learn Obj-C.

此外,Unity还允许您用c#和Java编写脚本,这样您就不必学习object -C了。



The short answer is no. The long answer is "not exactly," but you can get started in some ways while you're working on getting access to a Mac you can do the work you'd like to do on.


"XCode" is more or less really two things:


(1) an IDE


(2) a toolchain with a C/ObjC/C++ compiler (really a version of gcc) and a big library of apps

(2)具有C/ObjC/ c++编译器(实际上是gcc的一个版本)和大型应用库的工具链

You don't have to use #1 in order to build iPhone Apps, though it's genuinely helpful. You can get by with #2.


But without #2, you're going to have a hard time building an App you can sell in the App store.


So, it depends on what your goal is.


If it really is to build an app and get it out there, the easiest path is probably going to be to find some way to get access to a machine running OS (probably 10.5 and up) you can do development on. That might be talking a friend who has one into letting you spend some scheduled time on it, or it might be working and saving up for a used intel-based Mac mini (probably something you could get for $300), or it might be turning a PC you've got into a Hackintosh (or maybe setting up a Hackintosh VM on the PC if you're sharing it with others who might not want it transformed thusly :).

如果真的要构建一个应用程序并将其发布出去,最简单的方法可能是找到某种方法来访问运行OS(可能是10.5或更高)的机器。可能说一个朋友有一个让你花一些预定的时间,也可能是工作和节约了使用基于英特尔处理器的Mac mini(可能你可以得到300美元),也可能是把电脑你变成Hackintosh(或者建立一个Hackintosh VM在PC上如果你与人分享它可能不这么想要改变:)。

If your goal is to start learning how to do things while you work out how you're going to do the above, though, the good news is that it's not hard to get a hold of tools that will help you learn the technologies/languages involved in iPhone apps. Like I said earlier, Apple's compiler is really just a version of gcc. You can probably install gcc on your machine and write objective C programs with it. You could also look into GNUStep which could help you get familiar with a lot of the concepts and practices underlying how the Cocoa libraries work for the iPhone and OS X. And you could learn OpenGL ES, which would be great help if you ever end up working on an iPhone game.

如果你的目标是开始学习如何做事情,同时你也在思考如何去做上面的事情,那么好消息是,找到工具帮助你学习iPhone应用中涉及的技术/语言并不难。正如我前面所说,苹果的编译器实际上只是gcc的一个版本。您可以在您的机器上安装gcc并使用它编写目标C程序。你也可以看看GNUStep可以帮助你熟悉很多概念和实践的底层可可图书馆如何为iPhone和OS x和工作你可以学习OpenGL ES,这将是很大的帮助如果你最终在iPhone游戏。



Unfortunately, although there are 'alternatives' (phonegap, mono touch, etc.) I believe you ultimately need Xcode and its tools to package/sign/publish your applications.

不幸的是,尽管有“替代方案”(phonegap、mono touch等),但我认为您最终需要Xcode及其工具来打包/签名/发布应用程序。

If you are really motivated though, you can look about ways of installing Mac OS X on a PC, though that is beyond the scope of this website.

如果你真的很有动力,你可以在PC上寻找安装Mac OS X的方法,不过这超出了这个网站的范围。



In short, you need a mac. There a number of screwed up ways to do this without a mac, but for all intents and purposes you need a mac. A mac mini you can buy used for $300 on ebay will do the trick. You don't need a powerful machine.




Though Xcode itself is free it does require an Intel based Mac running Snow Leopard. You have 2 options:


  • Buy a refurbished Mac Pro or Mac mini from Apple website. They are not that expensive. You can use non-Apple peripherals with them to bring down the cost. And you will not be disappointed with quality.
  • 从苹果的网站上购买一个翻新的Mac Pro或Mac mini。它们没那么贵。你可以使用非苹果的外设来降低成本。你不会对质量失望的。
  • Use Hackintosh to run the OS X on other Intel platform. Its hacky, difficult (carshes) and illegal.
  • 使用Hackintosh在其他英特尔平台上运行OS X。它陈腐,难对付,而且非法。



For Objective C you can refer a pretty good documentation of Objective C language at iPhone developer portal. There are many other documents like memory management and human interface guidelines which should help you get started.

对于Objective - C,你可以在iPhone开发者门户网站上参考一个相当好的Objective - C语言文档。还有许多其他的文档,比如内存管理和人机界面指南,可以帮助您入门。

Once you have developed the familiarity with Objective C, you can then browse through various programming guides on iPhone development centre. If you want to follow a systematic approach, you may refer to "Beginning iPhone Development" book which I found pretty good.

一旦您熟悉了Objective C,就可以浏览iPhone开发中心的各种编程指南。如果你想要遵循一个系统的方法,你可以参考“开始iPhone开发”的书,我觉得很不错。



Yes it's possible to develop applications for the mac/ipad/iphone without Xcode and without a mac/ipad/iphone.I own a imac,an ipad,and and a mac book pro.I tried to develop in xcode.

是的,在没有Xcode和没有mac/ipad/iphone的情况下,为mac/ipad/iphone开发应用程序是可能的。我有一台imac、一台ipad和一台mac book pro。我尝试在xcode中开发。

After some quick search on the internet I found this http://www.gnustep.org/. This is a framework you can use to develop in the objective C language,using GCC (the GNU compiler).There are other tools you can use,like GNU STEP Application project:this seems to be a sort of IDE (I didn't test it yet).

在网上快速搜索之后,我找到了http://www.gnustep.org/。这是一个可以使用GCC (GNU编译器)在objective C语言中开发的框架。您还可以使用其他工具,比如GNU STEP应用程序项目:这似乎是一种IDE(我还没有测试它)。



Yes and no. You can use alternative SDK's but they can be a pain to use and don't offer the publish/signing capabilities that Xcode does.




Actually You can develop apps without a Mac. You can use a number of languages and tools that enable writing apps for iOS like:


- Python
- PhoneGap
- Appcelerator
- Mono
- Unity3D
- Unreal Engine

These all can export to iOS.


The only step that requires a Mac is publishing to the app store. But You can use any Mac for that, so You can publish from a friend's/neighbour's or actually anyone's Mac. That is the last step when You're sure everything is running perfectly. Perhaps Your application will earn You Your own Mac.


Also there are a number of publishing service providers in the internet (which don't cost nearly as much as a Mac). I don't remember any particular one at the moment, but I'm sure if You search You will find many. Good luck!




If it's games you're interested in developing, then another option might be to take a look at Unity (http://unity3d.com/). This would let you develop on the PC for free in a friendly environment for a beginner. If you then develop something that you decide you want to publish on iPhone, then at that point you could invest in a Mac and just rebuild the Unity app for iPhone on that.

如果您对开发游戏感兴趣,那么另一个选择可能是查看Unity (http://unity3d.com/)。这将让你在PC上免费为初学者开发一个友好的环境。如果你开发出你想要在iPhone上发布的东西,那么在那个时候你可以投资一个Mac,然后在这个上面重建iPhone的Unity应用。

Also, Unity lets you write scripts in both C# and Java so you wouldn't have to learn Obj-C.

此外,Unity还允许您用c#和Java编写脚本,这样您就不必学习object -C了。



The short answer is no. The long answer is "not exactly," but you can get started in some ways while you're working on getting access to a Mac you can do the work you'd like to do on.


"XCode" is more or less really two things:


(1) an IDE


(2) a toolchain with a C/ObjC/C++ compiler (really a version of gcc) and a big library of apps

(2)具有C/ObjC/ c++编译器(实际上是gcc的一个版本)和大型应用库的工具链

You don't have to use #1 in order to build iPhone Apps, though it's genuinely helpful. You can get by with #2.


But without #2, you're going to have a hard time building an App you can sell in the App store.


So, it depends on what your goal is.


If it really is to build an app and get it out there, the easiest path is probably going to be to find some way to get access to a machine running OS (probably 10.5 and up) you can do development on. That might be talking a friend who has one into letting you spend some scheduled time on it, or it might be working and saving up for a used intel-based Mac mini (probably something you could get for $300), or it might be turning a PC you've got into a Hackintosh (or maybe setting up a Hackintosh VM on the PC if you're sharing it with others who might not want it transformed thusly :).

如果真的要构建一个应用程序并将其发布出去,最简单的方法可能是找到某种方法来访问运行OS(可能是10.5或更高)的机器。可能说一个朋友有一个让你花一些预定的时间,也可能是工作和节约了使用基于英特尔处理器的Mac mini(可能你可以得到300美元),也可能是把电脑你变成Hackintosh(或者建立一个Hackintosh VM在PC上如果你与人分享它可能不这么想要改变:)。

If your goal is to start learning how to do things while you work out how you're going to do the above, though, the good news is that it's not hard to get a hold of tools that will help you learn the technologies/languages involved in iPhone apps. Like I said earlier, Apple's compiler is really just a version of gcc. You can probably install gcc on your machine and write objective C programs with it. You could also look into GNUStep which could help you get familiar with a lot of the concepts and practices underlying how the Cocoa libraries work for the iPhone and OS X. And you could learn OpenGL ES, which would be great help if you ever end up working on an iPhone game.

如果你的目标是开始学习如何做事情,同时你也在思考如何去做上面的事情,那么好消息是,找到工具帮助你学习iPhone应用中涉及的技术/语言并不难。正如我前面所说,苹果的编译器实际上只是gcc的一个版本。您可以在您的机器上安装gcc并使用它编写目标C程序。你也可以看看GNUStep可以帮助你熟悉很多概念和实践的底层可可图书馆如何为iPhone和OS x和工作你可以学习OpenGL ES,这将是很大的帮助如果你最终在iPhone游戏。



Unfortunately, although there are 'alternatives' (phonegap, mono touch, etc.) I believe you ultimately need Xcode and its tools to package/sign/publish your applications.

不幸的是,尽管有“替代方案”(phonegap、mono touch等),但我认为您最终需要Xcode及其工具来打包/签名/发布应用程序。

If you are really motivated though, you can look about ways of installing Mac OS X on a PC, though that is beyond the scope of this website.

如果你真的很有动力,你可以在PC上寻找安装Mac OS X的方法,不过这超出了这个网站的范围。



In short, you need a mac. There a number of screwed up ways to do this without a mac, but for all intents and purposes you need a mac. A mac mini you can buy used for $300 on ebay will do the trick. You don't need a powerful machine.




Though Xcode itself is free it does require an Intel based Mac running Snow Leopard. You have 2 options:


  • Buy a refurbished Mac Pro or Mac mini from Apple website. They are not that expensive. You can use non-Apple peripherals with them to bring down the cost. And you will not be disappointed with quality.
  • 从苹果的网站上购买一个翻新的Mac Pro或Mac mini。它们没那么贵。你可以使用非苹果的外设来降低成本。你不会对质量失望的。
  • Use Hackintosh to run the OS X on other Intel platform. Its hacky, difficult (carshes) and illegal.
  • 使用Hackintosh在其他英特尔平台上运行OS X。它陈腐,难对付,而且非法。



For Objective C you can refer a pretty good documentation of Objective C language at iPhone developer portal. There are many other documents like memory management and human interface guidelines which should help you get started.

对于Objective - C,你可以在iPhone开发者门户网站上参考一个相当好的Objective - C语言文档。还有许多其他的文档,比如内存管理和人机界面指南,可以帮助您入门。

Once you have developed the familiarity with Objective C, you can then browse through various programming guides on iPhone development centre. If you want to follow a systematic approach, you may refer to "Beginning iPhone Development" book which I found pretty good.

一旦您熟悉了Objective C,就可以浏览iPhone开发中心的各种编程指南。如果你想要遵循一个系统的方法,你可以参考“开始iPhone开发”的书,我觉得很不错。



Yes it's possible to develop applications for the mac/ipad/iphone without Xcode and without a mac/ipad/iphone.I own a imac,an ipad,and and a mac book pro.I tried to develop in xcode.

是的,在没有Xcode和没有mac/ipad/iphone的情况下,为mac/ipad/iphone开发应用程序是可能的。我有一台imac、一台ipad和一台mac book pro。我尝试在xcode中开发。

After some quick search on the internet I found this http://www.gnustep.org/. This is a framework you can use to develop in the objective C language,using GCC (the GNU compiler).There are other tools you can use,like GNU STEP Application project:this seems to be a sort of IDE (I didn't test it yet).

在网上快速搜索之后,我找到了http://www.gnustep.org/。这是一个可以使用GCC (GNU编译器)在objective C语言中开发的框架。您还可以使用其他工具,比如GNU STEP应用程序项目:这似乎是一种IDE(我还没有测试它)。



Yes and no. You can use alternative SDK's but they can be a pain to use and don't offer the publish/signing capabilities that Xcode does.




Actually You can develop apps without a Mac. You can use a number of languages and tools that enable writing apps for iOS like:


- Python
- PhoneGap
- Appcelerator
- Mono
- Unity3D
- Unreal Engine

These all can export to iOS.


The only step that requires a Mac is publishing to the app store. But You can use any Mac for that, so You can publish from a friend's/neighbour's or actually anyone's Mac. That is the last step when You're sure everything is running perfectly. Perhaps Your application will earn You Your own Mac.


Also there are a number of publishing service providers in the internet (which don't cost nearly as much as a Mac). I don't remember any particular one at the moment, but I'm sure if You search You will find many. Good luck!
