Any idea how to write command line application in ruby with rspec ?
How to test drive a command Application.
3 个解决方案
You should look at aruba, which allows you to drive command-line app development using Cucumber, which, under the covers, uses RSpec. It handles executing programs and capturing their output and exit status, which can be kindof a pain to do on your own. As an example:
Given the file "foo.txt" exists
When I successfully execute `cp foo.txt bar.txt`
Then a file named "bar.txt" should exist
And the file "bar.txt" should the same contents as "foo.txt"
Aruba provides you the second and third steps, you provide the others:
CONTENTS = 'some contents'
Given /^the file "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |file|,'w') { |file| file.puts(CONTENTS) }
Then /^the file "([^"]*)" should the same contents as "([^"]*)"$/ do |dest_file,source_file|
contents =
contents.should == CONTENTS
There's a lot more tricky stuff to testing command-line apps, but aruba is a big help
If you want to run a command you can use backticks around the command and have a String returned:
`ruby /path/to/my_command.rb arg1 arg2`.should == "something"
But I personally would limit this style of testing to a very limited subset of your tests. These are integration tests, more than unit tests, which doesn't mean you shouldn't write them, but you should probably test at a slightly lower level first.
Being able to test your command at a lower level, however, requires structuring it in a way that is easy to pull individual units from. If your script is a big procedural script, then you probably can't do much, but if it's composed of Classes that represent the various commands it will run, you can test those classes without executing the command in the shell.
Watch Ryan Bigg's pilot screencast which gives some good tips on test driving a vanilla ruby app
看看Ryan Bigg的试播视频吧,它提供了一些测试驾驶普通ruby应用的好技巧
You should look at aruba, which allows you to drive command-line app development using Cucumber, which, under the covers, uses RSpec. It handles executing programs and capturing their output and exit status, which can be kindof a pain to do on your own. As an example:
Given the file "foo.txt" exists
When I successfully execute `cp foo.txt bar.txt`
Then a file named "bar.txt" should exist
And the file "bar.txt" should the same contents as "foo.txt"
Aruba provides you the second and third steps, you provide the others:
CONTENTS = 'some contents'
Given /^the file "([^"]*)" exists$/ do |file|,'w') { |file| file.puts(CONTENTS) }
Then /^the file "([^"]*)" should the same contents as "([^"]*)"$/ do |dest_file,source_file|
contents =
contents.should == CONTENTS
There's a lot more tricky stuff to testing command-line apps, but aruba is a big help
If you want to run a command you can use backticks around the command and have a String returned:
`ruby /path/to/my_command.rb arg1 arg2`.should == "something"
But I personally would limit this style of testing to a very limited subset of your tests. These are integration tests, more than unit tests, which doesn't mean you shouldn't write them, but you should probably test at a slightly lower level first.
Being able to test your command at a lower level, however, requires structuring it in a way that is easy to pull individual units from. If your script is a big procedural script, then you probably can't do much, but if it's composed of Classes that represent the various commands it will run, you can test those classes without executing the command in the shell.
Watch Ryan Bigg's pilot screencast which gives some good tips on test driving a vanilla ruby app
看看Ryan Bigg的试播视频吧,它提供了一些测试驾驶普通ruby应用的好技巧