
时间:2022-06-12 04:48:34

I have an alert is it´s showed in the navbar. What I would like is achieve an effect where the alert arrive form the left of the navbar, and when I close, instead of fade out just disappear from the right.


I dont know if that´s an effect that bootstrap can provide by the css framework.


Here is my current code


the html:

<div id="msgbox_success" class="alert alert-success alert-position hidden">
    <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">&times;</button>
    <spring:message code='msg.saved'/>

and here my js


function showMessageBoxSuccess() {
    console.log("Displaying msgbox_success");
    if ($("#msgbox_success").is(":visible")) {

Like I said I would like to have an animation instead use show, to show the alert from the left. And when I click in close another animation instead hide, to hide the alert moving it to the right.



2 个解决方案


I wanted to give this another shot. I setup a JSFiddle example that I think is similar to what you want. It has JS and CSS that will get the job done. In the example, I have a button that triggers the alert to come in from the left. Then, clicking the close button in the alert will send the alert offscreen to the right.


    $("#msgbox_success").removeClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", false);
    $("#msgbox_success").animate({left: '75%'}, "slow");

    $("#msgbox_success").animate({left: '150%'}, "slow");

    var adjustMsgBox = function(){
        $("#msgbox_success").addClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", true);
    setTimeout(adjustMsgBox, 2000);

There might be a better way to do this, but I think this will point you in the right direction. The messageContainer will be your navbar, so adjust CSS accordingly. Hope this is more of what you are after.

可能有更好的方法来做到这一点,但我认为这将指向正确的方向。 messageContainer将是您的导航栏,因此请相应地调整CSS。希望这更像是你所追求的。


There is a Bootstrap plugin that you could maybe take advantage of called Bootstrap Notify (formerly Bootstrap Growl). Another idea is Bootbox.js, but that is more modal driven. Hope this helps.

有一个Bootstrap插件,你可以利用它称为Bootstrap Notify(以前称Bootstrap Growl)。另一个想法是Bootbox.js,但这是更多的模态驱动。希望这可以帮助。


I wanted to give this another shot. I setup a JSFiddle example that I think is similar to what you want. It has JS and CSS that will get the job done. In the example, I have a button that triggers the alert to come in from the left. Then, clicking the close button in the alert will send the alert offscreen to the right.


    $("#msgbox_success").removeClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", false);
    $("#msgbox_success").animate({left: '75%'}, "slow");

    $("#msgbox_success").animate({left: '150%'}, "slow");

    var adjustMsgBox = function(){
        $("#msgbox_success").addClass("hidden").attr("aria-hidden", true);
    setTimeout(adjustMsgBox, 2000);

There might be a better way to do this, but I think this will point you in the right direction. The messageContainer will be your navbar, so adjust CSS accordingly. Hope this is more of what you are after.

可能有更好的方法来做到这一点,但我认为这将指向正确的方向。 messageContainer将是您的导航栏,因此请相应地调整CSS。希望这更像是你所追求的。


There is a Bootstrap plugin that you could maybe take advantage of called Bootstrap Notify (formerly Bootstrap Growl). Another idea is Bootbox.js, but that is more modal driven. Hope this helps.

有一个Bootstrap插件,你可以利用它称为Bootstrap Notify(以前称Bootstrap Growl)。另一个想法是Bootbox.js,但这是更多的模态驱动。希望这可以帮助。