
时间:2022-10-28 14:51:48

Please excuse my ignorance in this area. I have read many threads and still cannot get my routing correct.


I have a ProductsController like this:


public class ProductsController : ApiController
    public static List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents(string Username, string Password)
        List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Password);
        return si;

I have a console test program where I have defined the route:


name: "ApiByAction",
routeTemplate: "api/products/GetListOfStudents",
defaults: new { controller = "products", action = "GetListOfStudents" });

But when I run call


GET http://localhost:8080/api/Products/GetListOfStudents

I get the error message:


MessageDetail=No action was found on the controller 'Products' that matches the name 'GetListOfStudents'.

I have been pulling my hair out and cannot work out what the correct route should be.


Would any kind person care to help me out?




7 个解决方案



When registering your global api access point, you should tell the config which route to use in the following manner:


name: "ApiByAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}
defaults: new { controller = "products", action = "GetListOfStudents" });

In this sample you explicitly tell the controller it should only go to the "products" controller, you can make it generic without specifying the control or the action, just omit the defaults, like this:


name: "ApiByAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}

That should do the job :)




Ok- thanks for the help peeps!


This what I did to get it working:


  1. Removed the "static" from the GetListOfStudents function.
  2. 从GetListOfStudents函数中删除“静态”。
  3. Added the route below.
  4. 添加下面的路线。
  name: "ApiByAction",
  routeTemplate: "api/products/GetListOfStudents/{username}/{password}",
  defaults: new { controller = "products", action = "GetListOfStudents" }

Thanks everyone for your help!




Your GetListOfStudents action requires two parameters, username and password. Yet, the route definition contains neither specification in the route template where the values for those parameters should come from, nor specification for those parameter defaults in the defaults: parameter definition.


So when request comes in, routing is able to find your controller, but it is unable to find the action that it can call with the request and route context that it has because it has no information for the username and password parameters.




The most important is: ASP.Net's mvc not only seek action by name, also it will check method's signature, only the method is non-static, name matches and parameters matches, the action will be executed.


for your case, there are two ways to correct it. one way is declare default value, mvc will use default value is no such parameters


public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents(string Username = null, string Password = null)
    List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Password);
    return si;

the second way is use override


public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents()
   return GetListOfStudents(null, null);

public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents(string Username, string Password)
    List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Password);
    return si;



I had this problem and solved it by including the verb as part of the action (i.e. GetThis, GetThat) and manually creating routes. I was attempting to create routes using attributes, but that did not work. This SO question may be the answer as to why the attributes aren't working, I haven't gotten that straightened out yet. As an additional note for anyone else having the same problem, when debugging it locally, IE was crashing when the "no action found" xml was returned. Once I gave up and switched to Chrome, the message detail was returned, and it was obvious that my controller at least was being found, it was just a matter of getting the action to work...

我有这个问题,并通过将动词作为动作的一部分(即GetThis, GetThat)和手动创建路由来解决它。我试图使用属性创建路由,但这行不通。这个问题可能是为什么属性不工作的答案,我还没弄清楚。对于任何有同样问题的人来说,当在本地调试IE时,当返回“没有找到操作”xml时,IE会崩溃。一旦我放弃并切换到Chrome,消息细节被返回,很明显我的控制器至少被找到了,这仅仅是让动作开始工作的问题……



If you want to call GetListOfStudents method without parameter you must set default value for parameter. such as GetListOfStudents(string Username=null, string Password=null) Otherwise you must call method with Parameters. GET http://localhost:8080/api/Products/GetListOfStudents/Username/Password

如果要调用没有参数的GetListOfStudents方法,必须为参数设置默认值。例如GetListOfStudents(string Username=null, string Password=null),否则必须使用参数调用方法。http://localhost:8080 / api /产品/ GetListOfStudents /用户名/密码



When sending, encode the password with base64. Then when you about to use it decode it.


byte[] numArray = Convert.FromBase64String(password);
string Pass = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(numArray); 

List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Pass);

Works fine for me.




When registering your global api access point, you should tell the config which route to use in the following manner:


name: "ApiByAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}
defaults: new { controller = "products", action = "GetListOfStudents" });

In this sample you explicitly tell the controller it should only go to the "products" controller, you can make it generic without specifying the control or the action, just omit the defaults, like this:


name: "ApiByAction",
routeTemplate: "api/{controller}/{action}

That should do the job :)




Ok- thanks for the help peeps!


This what I did to get it working:


  1. Removed the "static" from the GetListOfStudents function.
  2. 从GetListOfStudents函数中删除“静态”。
  3. Added the route below.
  4. 添加下面的路线。
  name: "ApiByAction",
  routeTemplate: "api/products/GetListOfStudents/{username}/{password}",
  defaults: new { controller = "products", action = "GetListOfStudents" }

Thanks everyone for your help!




Your GetListOfStudents action requires two parameters, username and password. Yet, the route definition contains neither specification in the route template where the values for those parameters should come from, nor specification for those parameter defaults in the defaults: parameter definition.


So when request comes in, routing is able to find your controller, but it is unable to find the action that it can call with the request and route context that it has because it has no information for the username and password parameters.




The most important is: ASP.Net's mvc not only seek action by name, also it will check method's signature, only the method is non-static, name matches and parameters matches, the action will be executed.


for your case, there are two ways to correct it. one way is declare default value, mvc will use default value is no such parameters


public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents(string Username = null, string Password = null)
    List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Password);
    return si;

the second way is use override


public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents()
   return GetListOfStudents(null, null);

public List<Structures.StudentInfo> GetListOfStudents(string Username, string Password)
    List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Password);
    return si;



I had this problem and solved it by including the verb as part of the action (i.e. GetThis, GetThat) and manually creating routes. I was attempting to create routes using attributes, but that did not work. This SO question may be the answer as to why the attributes aren't working, I haven't gotten that straightened out yet. As an additional note for anyone else having the same problem, when debugging it locally, IE was crashing when the "no action found" xml was returned. Once I gave up and switched to Chrome, the message detail was returned, and it was obvious that my controller at least was being found, it was just a matter of getting the action to work...

我有这个问题,并通过将动词作为动作的一部分(即GetThis, GetThat)和手动创建路由来解决它。我试图使用属性创建路由,但这行不通。这个问题可能是为什么属性不工作的答案,我还没弄清楚。对于任何有同样问题的人来说,当在本地调试IE时,当返回“没有找到操作”xml时,IE会崩溃。一旦我放弃并切换到Chrome,消息细节被返回,很明显我的控制器至少被找到了,这仅仅是让动作开始工作的问题……



If you want to call GetListOfStudents method without parameter you must set default value for parameter. such as GetListOfStudents(string Username=null, string Password=null) Otherwise you must call method with Parameters. GET http://localhost:8080/api/Products/GetListOfStudents/Username/Password

如果要调用没有参数的GetListOfStudents方法,必须为参数设置默认值。例如GetListOfStudents(string Username=null, string Password=null),否则必须使用参数调用方法。http://localhost:8080 / api /产品/ GetListOfStudents /用户名/密码



When sending, encode the password with base64. Then when you about to use it decode it.


byte[] numArray = Convert.FromBase64String(password);
string Pass = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(numArray); 

List<Structures.StudentInfo> si = StudentFunctions.GetListOfStudents(Username, Pass);

Works fine for me.
