如何保留HTML 标记中包含的文本的空白缩进,不包括文档中标记的当前缩进级别?

时间:2022-10-27 12:52:21

I'm trying to display my code on a website but I'm having problems preserving the whitespace indentation correctly.


For instance given the following snippet:


   Here is my code:
     def some_funtion
       return 'Hello, World!'

This is displayed in the browser as:


Here is my code:

     def some_funtion
       return 'Hello, World!'

When I would like it displayed as:


Here is my code:

def some_funtion
 return 'Hello, World!'

The difference is that that current indentation level of the HTML pre tag is being added to the indentation of the code. I'm using nanoc as a static website generator and I'm using google prettify to also add syntax highlighting.

区别在于HTML pre标记的当前缩进级别被添加到代码的缩进中。我正在使用nanoc作为静态网站生成器,我使用谷歌美化也添加语法高亮。

Can anyone offer any suggestions?


10 个解决方案



PRE is intended to preserve whitespace exactly as it appears (unless altered by white-space in CSS, which doesn't have enough flexibility to support formatting code).




Formatting is preserved, but so is all the indentation outside of the PRE tag. It would be nice to have whitespace preservation that used the location of the tag as a starting point.


如何保留HTML 标记中包含的文本的空白缩进,不包括文档中标记的当前缩进级别?


Contents are still formatted as declared, but the extraneous leading whitespace caused by the position of the PRE tag within the document is removed.


如何保留HTML 标记中包含的文本的空白缩进,不包括文档中标记的当前缩进级别?

I have come up with the following plugin to solve the issue of wanting to remove superfluous whitespace caused by the indentation of the document outline. This code uses the first line inside the PRE tag to determine how much it has been indented purely due to the indentation of the document.


This code works in IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, and Chrome. I have tested it briefly with the Prettify library to combine the preserved formatting with pretty printing. Make sure that the first line inside the PRE actually represents the baseline level of indenting that you want to ignore (or, you can modify the plugin to be more intelligent).


This is rough code. If you find a mistake or it does not work the way you want, please fix/comment; don't just downvote. I wrote this code to fix a problem that I was having and I am actively using it so I would like it to be as solid as possible!


*** prettyPre ***/

(function( $ ) {

    $.fn.prettyPre = function( method ) {

        var defaults = {
            ignoreExpression: /\s/ // what should be ignored?

        var methods = {
            init: function( options ) {
                this.each( function() {
                    var context = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
                    var $obj = $( this );
                    var usingInnerText = true;
                    var text = $obj.get( 0 ).innerText;

                    // some browsers support innerText...some don't...some ONLY work with innerText.
                    if ( typeof text == "undefined" ) {
                        text = $obj.html();
                        usingInnerText = false;

                    // use the first line as a baseline for how many unwanted leading whitespace characters are present
                    var superfluousSpaceCount = 0;
                    var currentChar = text.substring( 0, 1 );

                    while ( context.ignoreExpression.test( currentChar ) ) {
                        currentChar = text.substring( ++superfluousSpaceCount, superfluousSpaceCount + 1 );

                    // split
                    var parts = text.split( "\n" );
                    var reformattedText = "";

                    // reconstruct
                    var length = parts.length;
                    for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
                        // cleanup, and don't append a trailing newline if we are on the last line
                        reformattedText += parts[i].substring( superfluousSpaceCount ) + ( i == length - 1 ? "" : "\n" );

                    // modify original
                    if ( usingInnerText ) {
                        $obj.get( 0 ).innerText = reformattedText;
                    else {
                        // This does not appear to execute code in any browser but the onus is on the developer to not 
                        // put raw input from a user anywhere on a page, even if it doesn't execute!
                        $obj.html( reformattedText );
                } );

        if ( methods[method] ) {
            return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
        else if ( typeof method === "object" || !method ) {
            return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
        else {
            $.error( "Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.prettyPre." );
} )( jQuery );

This plugin can then be applied using a standard jQuery selector:


    $( function() { $("PRE").prettyPre(); } );



Indenting With Comments

Since browsers ignore comments, you can use them to indent your pre tag contents.



      Here is my code with hack:
<!-- -->def some_function
<!-- -->  return 'Hello, World!'
<!-- -->end
      Here is my code without hack:
        def some_function
          return 'Hello, World!'

NOTE: a main wrapper was added to provide enough space for the comments.



  • No JavaScript required
  • 无需JavaScript
  • Can be added statically
  • 可以静态添加
  • Minification won't affect the indentation and reduces file size
  • 缩小不会影响缩进并减小文件大小


  • Requires a minimum amount of space for the comments
  • 要求评论的最小空间
  • Not very elegant unless build tools are used
  • 除非使用构建工具,否则不是很优雅

Removing Indentation With Node

A better solution is to remove the leading white-space using either your build process or back-end rendering process. If you are using node.js, then you can use a stream I wrote called predentation. You can use any language you want to build a similar tool.




   Here is my code:
     def some_function
       return 'Hello, World!'


   Here is my code:
def some_function
  return 'Hello, World!'


  • Seamless way to write pre tags
  • 无缝的方式来编写预标签
  • Smaller output file size
  • 较小的输出文件大小


  • Requires a build step in your workflow
  • 需要在工作流程中构建步骤
  • Does not handle non pre elements with white-space: pre added by CSS
  • 不处理带有空格的非pre元素:由CSS预先添加

Removing Indentation With JavaScript

See this answer to remove indentation with JavaScript



  • Possible to target elements with white-space: pre
  • 可以使用空格来定位元素:pre


  • JavaScript can be disabled
  • 可以禁用JavaScript
  • White-space adds to the file size
  • 空格会增加文件大小



Managed to do this with JavaScript. It works in Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome 15, I haven't tested older versions. It should work in Firefox 11 when support for outerHTML is added (see here), meanwhile there are some custom implementations available on the web. An excercise for the reader is to get rid of trailing indentation (until I make time to finish it and update this answer).

使用JavaScript进行管理。它适用于Internet Explorer 9和Chrome 15,我还没有测试旧版本。当添加对outerHTML的支持时(参见此处),它应该在Firefox 11中工作,同时在Web上有一些自定义实现。读者的练习是摆脱尾随缩进(直到我花时间完成它并更新这个答案)。

I'll also mark this as community wiki for easy editing.


Please note that you'll have to reformat the example to use tabs as indentation, or change the regex to work with spaces.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello, World!</title>
                    &lt;title&gt;Hello World Example&lt;/title&gt;
                    Hello, World!
            class HelloWorld
                public static int Main(String[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine(&amp;quot;Hello, World!&amp;quot;);
                    return 0;
        <script language="javascript">
            var pre_elements = document.getElementsByTagName('pre');

            for (var i = 0; i < pre_elements.length; i++)
                var content = pre_elements[i].innerHTML;

                var tabs_to_remove = '';
                while (content.indexOf('\t') == '0')
                  tabs_to_remove += '\t';
                  content = content.substring(1);

                var re = new RegExp('\n' + tabs_to_remove, 'g');
                content = content.replace(re, '\n');
                pre_elements[i].outerHTML = '<pre>' + content + '</pre>';



This can be done in four lines of JavaScript:


var pre= document.querySelector('pre');

//insert a span in front of the first letter.  (the span will automatically close.)
pre.innerHTML= pre.textContent.replace(/(\w)/, '<span>$1');

//get the new span's left offset:
var left= pre.querySelector('span').getClientRects()[0].left;

//move the code to the left, taking into account the body's margin:
pre.style.marginLeft= (-left + pre.getClientRects()[0].left)+'px';
   Here is my code:
     def some_funtion
       return 'Hello, World!'



    $("pre[name='pre']").each(function () {
        var html = $(this).html()
        var blankLen = (html.split('\n')[0].match(/^\s+/)[0]).length
        $(this).html($.trim(html.replace(eval("/^ {" + blankLen + "}/gm"), "")))
	<pre name="pre">



I also found that if you're using haml you can use the preserve method. For example:


preserve yield

This will preserve the whitespace in the produced yield which is usually markdown containing the code blocks.




I decided to come up with something more concrete than changing the way pre or code work. So I made some regex to get the first newline character \n (preceded with possible whitespace - the \s* is used to cleanup extra whitespace at the end of a line of code and before the newline character (which I noticed yours had)) and find the tab or whitespace characters following it [\t\s]* (which means tab character, whitespace character (0 or more) and set that value to a variable. That variable is then used in the regex replace function to find all instances of it and replace it with \n (newline). Since the second line (where pattern gets set) doesn't have the global flag (a g after the regex), it will find the first instance of the \n newline character and set the pattern variable to that value. So in the case of a newline, followed by 2 tab characters, the value of pattern will technically be \n\t\t, which will be replaced where every \n character is found in that pre code element (since it's running through the each function) and replaced with \n

我决定提出一些比改变前期或代码工作更具体的方法。所以我做了一些正则表达式来获取第一个换行符\ n(前面有可能的空格 - \ s *用于清除一行代码末尾和换行符之前的额外空格(我注意到你的那个)()并找到它后面的制表符或空白字符[\ t \ s] *(表示制表符,空格字符(0或更多)并将该值设置为变量。然后在正则表达式替换函数中使用该变量来查找所有它的实例并用\ n(换行符)替换它。由于第二行(设置模式的地方)没有全局标志(正则表达式之后的ag),它将找到\ n换行符的第一个实例和将模式变量设置为该值。因此,对于换行符,后跟2个制表符,模式的值在技术上将是\ n \ t \ t,将替换为在该前导符中找到每个\ n字符的位置代码元素(因为它正在运行每个函数)并替换为\ n

$("pre code").each(function(){
    var html = $(this).html();
    var pattern = html.match(/\s*\n[\t\s]*/);
    $(this).html(html.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"),'\n'));
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    Here is some code:

        Here is some fun code!
        More code
          One tab
            One more tab
            Two tabs and an extra newline character precede me



This is cumbersome, but it works if code folding is important to you:


        <pre>def some_funtion</pre>
        <pre>    return 'Hello, World!'</pre>

In your css,


    pre { margin:0 }

In vim, writing your code normally and then executing:



for each line would work.




If you are using this on a code block like:



You can just use css like this to offset that large amount of white space in the front.


pre code {
  position: relative;
  left: -95px; // or whatever you want



The pre tag preserves all the white spaces you have used while writing in the body. Where as normally if you do not use pre it will display the text normally...(HTML will make the browser to neglect those white spaces) Here try this I have used the paragraph tag. Output:-

pre标签保留了在体内书写时使用的所有空白区域。通常情况下如果你不使用pre它会正常显示文本...(HTML将使浏览器忽略那些空格)这里尝试这个我使用了段落标记。输出: -

Here is my code:


def some_function

def some_function

  return 'Hello, World!'



<html> <body> Here is my code: <p> def some_function<br> <pre> return 'Hello, World!'<br></pre> end </p> </body> </html>



PRE is intended to preserve whitespace exactly as it appears (unless altered by white-space in CSS, which doesn't have enough flexibility to support formatting code).




Formatting is preserved, but so is all the indentation outside of the PRE tag. It would be nice to have whitespace preservation that used the location of the tag as a starting point.


如何保留HTML 标记中包含的文本的空白缩进,不包括文档中标记的当前缩进级别?


Contents are still formatted as declared, but the extraneous leading whitespace caused by the position of the PRE tag within the document is removed.


如何保留HTML 标记中包含的文本的空白缩进,不包括文档中标记的当前缩进级别?

I have come up with the following plugin to solve the issue of wanting to remove superfluous whitespace caused by the indentation of the document outline. This code uses the first line inside the PRE tag to determine how much it has been indented purely due to the indentation of the document.


This code works in IE7, IE8, IE9, Firefox, and Chrome. I have tested it briefly with the Prettify library to combine the preserved formatting with pretty printing. Make sure that the first line inside the PRE actually represents the baseline level of indenting that you want to ignore (or, you can modify the plugin to be more intelligent).


This is rough code. If you find a mistake or it does not work the way you want, please fix/comment; don't just downvote. I wrote this code to fix a problem that I was having and I am actively using it so I would like it to be as solid as possible!


*** prettyPre ***/

(function( $ ) {

    $.fn.prettyPre = function( method ) {

        var defaults = {
            ignoreExpression: /\s/ // what should be ignored?

        var methods = {
            init: function( options ) {
                this.each( function() {
                    var context = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
                    var $obj = $( this );
                    var usingInnerText = true;
                    var text = $obj.get( 0 ).innerText;

                    // some browsers support innerText...some don't...some ONLY work with innerText.
                    if ( typeof text == "undefined" ) {
                        text = $obj.html();
                        usingInnerText = false;

                    // use the first line as a baseline for how many unwanted leading whitespace characters are present
                    var superfluousSpaceCount = 0;
                    var currentChar = text.substring( 0, 1 );

                    while ( context.ignoreExpression.test( currentChar ) ) {
                        currentChar = text.substring( ++superfluousSpaceCount, superfluousSpaceCount + 1 );

                    // split
                    var parts = text.split( "\n" );
                    var reformattedText = "";

                    // reconstruct
                    var length = parts.length;
                    for ( var i = 0; i < length; i++ ) {
                        // cleanup, and don't append a trailing newline if we are on the last line
                        reformattedText += parts[i].substring( superfluousSpaceCount ) + ( i == length - 1 ? "" : "\n" );

                    // modify original
                    if ( usingInnerText ) {
                        $obj.get( 0 ).innerText = reformattedText;
                    else {
                        // This does not appear to execute code in any browser but the onus is on the developer to not 
                        // put raw input from a user anywhere on a page, even if it doesn't execute!
                        $obj.html( reformattedText );
                } );

        if ( methods[method] ) {
            return methods[method].apply( this, Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ) );
        else if ( typeof method === "object" || !method ) {
            return methods.init.apply( this, arguments );
        else {
            $.error( "Method " + method + " does not exist on jQuery.prettyPre." );
} )( jQuery );

This plugin can then be applied using a standard jQuery selector:


    $( function() { $("PRE").prettyPre(); } );



Indenting With Comments

Since browsers ignore comments, you can use them to indent your pre tag contents.



      Here is my code with hack:
<!-- -->def some_function
<!-- -->  return 'Hello, World!'
<!-- -->end
      Here is my code without hack:
        def some_function
          return 'Hello, World!'

NOTE: a main wrapper was added to provide enough space for the comments.



  • No JavaScript required
  • 无需JavaScript
  • Can be added statically
  • 可以静态添加
  • Minification won't affect the indentation and reduces file size
  • 缩小不会影响缩进并减小文件大小


  • Requires a minimum amount of space for the comments
  • 要求评论的最小空间
  • Not very elegant unless build tools are used
  • 除非使用构建工具,否则不是很优雅

Removing Indentation With Node

A better solution is to remove the leading white-space using either your build process or back-end rendering process. If you are using node.js, then you can use a stream I wrote called predentation. You can use any language you want to build a similar tool.




   Here is my code:
     def some_function
       return 'Hello, World!'


   Here is my code:
def some_function
  return 'Hello, World!'


  • Seamless way to write pre tags
  • 无缝的方式来编写预标签
  • Smaller output file size
  • 较小的输出文件大小


  • Requires a build step in your workflow
  • 需要在工作流程中构建步骤
  • Does not handle non pre elements with white-space: pre added by CSS
  • 不处理带有空格的非pre元素:由CSS预先添加

Removing Indentation With JavaScript

See this answer to remove indentation with JavaScript



  • Possible to target elements with white-space: pre
  • 可以使用空格来定位元素:pre


  • JavaScript can be disabled
  • 可以禁用JavaScript
  • White-space adds to the file size
  • 空格会增加文件大小



Managed to do this with JavaScript. It works in Internet Explorer 9 and Chrome 15, I haven't tested older versions. It should work in Firefox 11 when support for outerHTML is added (see here), meanwhile there are some custom implementations available on the web. An excercise for the reader is to get rid of trailing indentation (until I make time to finish it and update this answer).

使用JavaScript进行管理。它适用于Internet Explorer 9和Chrome 15,我还没有测试旧版本。当添加对outerHTML的支持时(参见此处),它应该在Firefox 11中工作,同时在Web上有一些自定义实现。读者的练习是摆脱尾随缩进(直到我花时间完成它并更新这个答案)。

I'll also mark this as community wiki for easy editing.


Please note that you'll have to reformat the example to use tabs as indentation, or change the regex to work with spaces.


<!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Hello, World!</title>
                    &lt;title&gt;Hello World Example&lt;/title&gt;
                    Hello, World!
            class HelloWorld
                public static int Main(String[] args)
                    Console.WriteLine(&amp;quot;Hello, World!&amp;quot;);
                    return 0;
        <script language="javascript">
            var pre_elements = document.getElementsByTagName('pre');

            for (var i = 0; i < pre_elements.length; i++)
                var content = pre_elements[i].innerHTML;

                var tabs_to_remove = '';
                while (content.indexOf('\t') == '0')
                  tabs_to_remove += '\t';
                  content = content.substring(1);

                var re = new RegExp('\n' + tabs_to_remove, 'g');
                content = content.replace(re, '\n');
                pre_elements[i].outerHTML = '<pre>' + content + '</pre>';



This can be done in four lines of JavaScript:


var pre= document.querySelector('pre');

//insert a span in front of the first letter.  (the span will automatically close.)
pre.innerHTML= pre.textContent.replace(/(\w)/, '<span>$1');

//get the new span's left offset:
var left= pre.querySelector('span').getClientRects()[0].left;

//move the code to the left, taking into account the body's margin:
pre.style.marginLeft= (-left + pre.getClientRects()[0].left)+'px';
   Here is my code:
     def some_funtion
       return 'Hello, World!'



    $("pre[name='pre']").each(function () {
        var html = $(this).html()
        var blankLen = (html.split('\n')[0].match(/^\s+/)[0]).length
        $(this).html($.trim(html.replace(eval("/^ {" + blankLen + "}/gm"), "")))
	<pre name="pre">



I also found that if you're using haml you can use the preserve method. For example:


preserve yield

This will preserve the whitespace in the produced yield which is usually markdown containing the code blocks.




I decided to come up with something more concrete than changing the way pre or code work. So I made some regex to get the first newline character \n (preceded with possible whitespace - the \s* is used to cleanup extra whitespace at the end of a line of code and before the newline character (which I noticed yours had)) and find the tab or whitespace characters following it [\t\s]* (which means tab character, whitespace character (0 or more) and set that value to a variable. That variable is then used in the regex replace function to find all instances of it and replace it with \n (newline). Since the second line (where pattern gets set) doesn't have the global flag (a g after the regex), it will find the first instance of the \n newline character and set the pattern variable to that value. So in the case of a newline, followed by 2 tab characters, the value of pattern will technically be \n\t\t, which will be replaced where every \n character is found in that pre code element (since it's running through the each function) and replaced with \n

我决定提出一些比改变前期或代码工作更具体的方法。所以我做了一些正则表达式来获取第一个换行符\ n(前面有可能的空格 - \ s *用于清除一行代码末尾和换行符之前的额外空格(我注意到你的那个)()并找到它后面的制表符或空白字符[\ t \ s] *(表示制表符,空格字符(0或更多)并将该值设置为变量。然后在正则表达式替换函数中使用该变量来查找所有它的实例并用\ n(换行符)替换它。由于第二行(设置模式的地方)没有全局标志(正则表达式之后的ag),它将找到\ n换行符的第一个实例和将模式变量设置为该值。因此,对于换行符,后跟2个制表符,模式的值在技术上将是\ n \ t \ t,将替换为在该前导符中找到每个\ n字符的位置代码元素(因为它正在运行每个函数)并替换为\ n

$("pre code").each(function(){
    var html = $(this).html();
    var pattern = html.match(/\s*\n[\t\s]*/);
    $(this).html(html.replace(new RegExp(pattern, "g"),'\n'));
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    Here is some code:

        Here is some fun code!
        More code
          One tab
            One more tab
            Two tabs and an extra newline character precede me



This is cumbersome, but it works if code folding is important to you:


        <pre>def some_funtion</pre>
        <pre>    return 'Hello, World!'</pre>

In your css,


    pre { margin:0 }

In vim, writing your code normally and then executing:



for each line would work.




If you are using this on a code block like:



You can just use css like this to offset that large amount of white space in the front.


pre code {
  position: relative;
  left: -95px; // or whatever you want



The pre tag preserves all the white spaces you have used while writing in the body. Where as normally if you do not use pre it will display the text normally...(HTML will make the browser to neglect those white spaces) Here try this I have used the paragraph tag. Output:-

pre标签保留了在体内书写时使用的所有空白区域。通常情况下如果你不使用pre它会正常显示文本...(HTML将使浏览器忽略那些空格)这里尝试这个我使用了段落标记。输出: -

Here is my code:


def some_function

def some_function

  return 'Hello, World!'



<html> <body> Here is my code: <p> def some_function<br> <pre> return 'Hello, World!'<br></pre> end </p> </body> </html>