I'm using PHP, MySQL, Smarty, jQuery, AJAX, etc. for my website. Currently, I'm fetching a large amount of data (matching question IDs) from the MySQL database, do processing on it, assigning this data to the Smarty template and printing it on a webpage. As the amount of data to be fetched is too large and it's going under further processing, it's taking too much time in getting the final output data. In turn, it takes too much time to display whole data to the user.
I have one approach in my mind but not able to implement it. My approach is to run the two processes of fetching the single matching question_id
and displaying it to the browser simultaneously and repeat this cycle until all the matching question ids are fetched and displayed. As the loaded data of single row is getting displayed a loader image should get display under that displayed record. When all the data gets printed the loader image should vanish.
But the major issue I'm facing is how I should continuously assign the data to the Smarty template and display the template as the Smarty Template Engine first loads all the content and only after completely having the content it prints it to the browser.
For your reference I'm putting below all my existing code from Controller, Model and View:
The PHP code of Controller (match_question.php) is as follows:
$objQuestionMatch = new QuestionMatch();
$request = empty( $_GET ) ? $_POST : $_GET ;
$subject_id = $request['subject_id'];
$topic_id = $request['topic_id'];
if($subject_id !='' && $topic_id !='')
$all_match_questions = $objQuestionMatch->GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id);
$smarty->assign('all_match_questions', $all_match_questions);
The PHP code of Model(QuestionMatch.php) is as follows:
class QuestionMatch {
var $mError = "";
var $mCheck;
var $mDb;
var $mValidator;
var $mTopicId;
var $mTableName;
function __construct() {
global $gDb;
global $gFormValidation;
$this->mDb = $gDb;
$this->mValidator = $gFormValidation;
$this->mTableName = TBL_QUESTIONS;
* This function is used to get all the questions from the given subject id and topic id
function GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id) {
/*SQL query to find out questions from given subject_id and topic_id*/
$sql = " SELECT * FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id;
$sql .= " AND question_topic_id=".$topic_id;
$questions_data = $this->mDb->FetchArray();
/*Same array $questions_data is assigned to new array $questions to avoid the reference mismatching*/
$questions = $questions_data;
/*Array of words to be excluded from comparison process
*For now it's a static array but when UI design will be there the array would be dynamic
$exclude_words = array('which','who','what','how','when','whom','wherever','the','is','a','an','and','of','from');
/*This loop removes all the words of $exclude_words array from all questions and converts all
*converts all questions' text into lower case
foreach($questions as $index=>$arr) {
$questions_array = explode(' ',strtolower($arr['question_text']));
$clean_questions = array_diff($questions_array, $exclude_words);
$questions[$index]['question_text'] = implode(' ',$clean_questions);
/*Now the actual comparison of each question with every other question stats here*/
foreach ($questions as $index=>$outer_data) {
/*Logic to find out the no. of count question appeared into tests*/
$sql = " SELECT count(*) as question_appeared_count FROM ".TBL_TESTS_QUESTIONS." WHERE test_que_id=";
$sql .= $outer_data['question_id'];
$qcount = $this->mDb->FetchArray(MYSQL_FETCH_SINGLE);
$question_appeared_count = $qcount['question_appeared_count'];
$questions_data[$index]['question_appeared_count'] = $question_appeared_count;
/*Crerated a new key in an array to hold similar question's ids*/
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'] = Array();
$outer_question = $outer_data['question_text'];
$qpcnt = 0;
//foreach ($questions as $inner_data) {
/*This foreach loop is for getting every question to compare with outer foreach loop's
foreach ($questions as $secondIndex=>$inner_data) {
/*This condition is to avoid comparing the same questions again*/
if ($secondIndex <= $index) {
/*This is to avoid comparing the question with itself*/
if ($outer_data['question_id'] != $inner_data['question_id']) {
$inner_question = $inner_data['question_text'];
/*This is to calculate percentage of match between each question with every other question*/
similar_text($outer_question, $inner_question, $percent);
$percentage = number_format((float)$percent, 2, '.', '');
/*If $percentage is >= $percent_match only then push the respective question_id into an array*/
if($percentage >= 85) {
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['question_id'] = $inner_data['question_id'];
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['percentage'] = $percentage;
/*$questions_data[$secondIndex]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['question_id'] = $outer_data['question_id'];
$questions_data[$secondIndex]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['percentage'] = $percentage;*/
/*Logic to find out the no. of count question appeared into tests*/
$sql = " SELECT count(*) as question_appeared_count FROM ".TBL_TESTS_QUESTIONS." WHERE test_que_id=";
$sql .= $inner_data['question_id'];
$qcount = $this->mDb->FetchArray(MYSQL_FETCH_SINGLE);
$question_appeared_count = $qcount['question_appeared_count'];
$questions_data[$index]['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'][$qpcnt]['question_appeared_count'] = $question_appeared_count;
} //}
/*Logic to create the return_url when user clicks on any of the displayed matching question_ids*/
foreach ($questions_data as $index=>$outer_data) {
if(!empty($outer_data['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'])) {
$return_url = ADMIN_SITE_URL.'modules/questions/match_question.php?';
$return_url .= 'op=get_question_detail&question_ids='.$outer_data['question_id'];
foreach($outer_data['similar_questions_ids_and_percentage'] as $secondIndex=>$inner_data) {
$return_url = $return_url.','.$inner_data['question_id'];
$questions_data[$index]['return_url'] = $return_url.'#searchPopContent';
/*This will return the complete array with matching question ids*/
return $questions_data;
The code of View(match-question.tpl) is as follows:
<table width="100%" class="base-table tbl-practice" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="evenRow">
<th width="33%" style="text-align:center;" class="question-id">Que ID</th>
<th width="33%" style="text-align:center;" class="question-id">Matching Que IDs</th>
<th width="33%" style="text-align:center;" class="question-id">Percentage(%)</th>
{if $all_match_questions}
{foreach from=$all_match_questions item=qstn key=key}
{if $qstn.similar_questions_ids_and_percentage}
{assign var=counter value=1}
<tr class="oddRow">
<td class="question-id" align="center" valign="top">
<a href="{$qstn.return_url}" title="View question" class="inline_view_question_detail">QUE{$qstn.question_id}</a>{if $qstn.question_appeared_count gt 0}-Appeared({$qstn.question_appeared_count}){/if}
{foreach from=$qstn.similar_questions_ids_and_percentage item=question key=q_no}
{if $counter gt 1}
<tr class="oddRow"><td class="question-id" align="center" valign="top"></td>
<td class="question" align="center" valign="top">
{if $question.question_id!=''}
<a href="{$qstn.return_url}" title="View question" class="inline_view_question_detail">QUE{$question.question_id}</a>{if $question.question_appeared_count gt 0}-Appeared({$question.question_appeared_count}){/if}
{if $question.question_appeared_count eq 0}
<a id ="{$question.question_id}" href="#" class="c-icn c-remove delete_question" title="Delete question"> Delete</a>{/if}
<td class="question" align="center" valign="top">
{if $question.percentage!=''}{$question.percentage}{/if}
{assign var=counter value=$counter+1}
<td colspan="2" align="center"><b>No Questions Available</b></td>
Thanks for the spending some of your valuable time in understanding my issue.
5 个解决方案
I believe the bottle neck is on the looping over SQL queries. There is an standard way to rank search results on MySQL. You can simply implement full-text search.
First, you need to create a table like search_results
CREATE TABLE `search_results` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`result_title` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`result_content` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`result_short_description` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
`result_uri` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`result_resource_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY `result_title` (`result_title`,`result_content`)
You have to insert all useful data from table of questions
(including the questions, subjects, answers, and whatever you want to search through them) into result_title and result_content here, (also update this table when ever it needs to be update). There is also a back track to original record of corresponding table on result_resource_id
. With a pre-defined URI result_uri
pointing to the defined URL of the result in your website, you make everything faster. You don't need to create URL each time.
您必须将问题表中的所有有用数据(包括问题、主题、答案,以及您想要通过它们搜索的任何内容)插入到result_title和result_content中,(当这个表需要更新时也要更新它)。还有一个关于result_resource_id上对应表的原始记录的回溯。使用一个预定义的URI result_uri指向您网站中结果的已定义URL,可以使一切都更快。您不需要每次都创建URL。
Now, You can create a simple SQL query for a search query 'question?'
SELECT `result_title`, `result_content`, `result_uri`
FROM `search_results` WHERE MATCH(result_title, result_content) AGAINST('question?');
You can also add the relevance measurement in to your query string. There are other modes for search like boolean. Read the documents here and find the best solution.
Full-text indexing is faster and also more accurate in these use-cases.
In general, templating engines do not load content piecemeal - you'd need to send data to the browser in chunks manually, and flush
between each bit. Template libraries usually compose the whole document in memory, and then dump it to the browser in one go. It's worth checking the Smarty manual though, just in case.
As an alternative, you could render the page without the large amount of data, and then load it in sections via AJAX. Whilst making, say, 10 AJAX connections serially adds a small extra overhead, it sounds like that will be minimal in comparison to your current rendering time. Even though your total rendering time may be slightly longer, the perceived rendering time for the user will be much faster, and of course they have the benefit that they can see data arriving.
I would kick off the first AJAX operation in jQuery upon domready, and when each completes, it can fire off another request. If your server can answer in JSON rather than HTML, it will allow the server to return a more_available
Boolean flag, which you can use to determine if you need to do another fetch.
在domready之后,我将启动第一个jQuery AJAX操作,当每个操作完成时,它将触发另一个请求。如果您的服务器可以以JSON而不是HTML来回答,它将允许服务器返回一个more_available Boolean标志,您可以使用它来确定是否需要进行另一个fetch。
Assuming you want your content to load in the browser while it is still being streamed from the server to the client, if you are using tables - as you do - you may run into the problem of the browser (due to layout issues) not being able to render the table until all data is loaded.
You can see these tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages and learn about tables in the according section.
Some crucial points:
If the browser can immediately determine the height and/or width of your images and tables, it will be able to display a web page without having to reflow the content. This not only speeds the display of the page but prevents annoying changes in a page's layout when the page completes loading. For this reason, height and width should be specified for images, whenever possible.
Tables should use the CSS
table-layout: fixed;
... and should specify widths of columns using the COL and COLGROUP HTML tags.
…并且应该使用COL和COLGROUP HTML标记指定列的宽度。
As well as:
Tables are still considered valid markup, but should be used for displaying tabular data. To help the browser render your page quicker, you should avoid nesting your tables.
You might also want to look into methods of streaming output from PHP.
See this question for details.
Your current database query and subsequent smarty->assign will not allow for lazy loading of data to speed up the process.
In this situation you can identify a maximum set of rows from your query that can be rapidly displayed to the user. Once you identify a maximum set of rows you can display and still maintain a fast response time you can modify your query and template system to reflect a multiple query setup. This is essentially pagination. Instead of paginating you will perform an initial load of rows, and then via jquery load the latter set of rows until all "pages" of data have been successfully loaded.
For match_question.php
- First query your dataset to see how many total rows of data you have.
- 首先查询您的数据集,看看您总共有多少行数据。
- Divide those rows by the total amount of rows you can display while maintaining a fast application. This will give you your total number of "pages" or "queries" you will run.
- 将这些行除以在维护快速应用程序时可以显示的行总数。这将给出您将要运行的“页面”或“查询”的总数。
- For example: Say your tests yield 100 rows as the optimal fastest response. You would perform a COUNT(*) on the expected data set which returns 2021. You would divide that row count by your optimal 100 results, which would yield 20.21 or 21 "pages", or in your case 21 total queries. Your first initial query, and 20 additional ajax queries.
- 例如:假设您的测试产生100行作为最佳的最快响应。您将对预期的数据集执行计数(*),该数据集将返回2021年。您可以将行数除以100的最优结果,这将产生20.21或21“页面”,或者在您的情况下,总共有21个查询。您的第一个初始查询,以及另外20个ajax查询。
This will cause a larger amount of queries to your database, but it will cause the page load time to be more efficient to the end user. So you should measure the load on the machine vs the ease of use for the end user.
$limit = 100; $page = 1; ... if($request['page'] != '') $page = $request['page']; ... if($subject_id !='' && $topic_id !=''){ $count_matched_questions = $objQuestionMatch->GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, true); $page_count = ceil($count/$limit) //round up if decimal for last page; $paged_match_questions = $objQuestionMatch->GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, false, $limit, $page) } $smarty->assign( 'all_match_questions', $paged_match_questions ,'page_count', $page_count); //cache each result page separately to support multiple subject/topic/page combinations to properly utilize the cache mechanism $smarty->display("match-question-".$subject_id."-".$topic_id."-".$page.".tpl")
For QuestionMatch.php
Adjust your query function (an example):
function GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, $count = false, $limit = 0, $page = 0 ) { if($count) { $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id; } else { $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id; } $sql .= " AND question_topic_id=".$topic_id; if($page > 0 && $limit > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT = " . ($limit*$page)-$limit . ", " . ($limit*$page); } }
For View(match-question.tpl)
- output the 'page_count' value in an html element, maybe a data-pages html5 value and assign it to an element with a unique id.
- 在html元素中输出“page_count”值,可能是一个数据页面html5值,并将其分配给具有唯一id的元素。
- On page load have your ajax initialize and grab the data-pages value.
- 在页面加载中,让ajax初始化并获取数据页面值。
- call your php document via ajax with the ?page=&subject_id=&topic_id=
- 使用?page=&subject_id=&topic_id=通过ajax调用php文档
- loop through the ajax call utilizing the data-pages amount starting at page=2 until you've queried the max pages.
- 使用从page=2开始的数据页数量对ajax调用进行循环,直到查询了最大页面。
- append the returned html where appropriate on each iteration.
- 在每次迭代中适当地附加返回的html。
Hope this idea helps you find a solution. Cheers!
Without getting into the specific details of your code, it sounds like what you are looking for is something similar to a system used by Facebook called BigPipe, described in reasonable detail in this note on Facebook Engineering.
在不涉及代码的具体细节的情况下,您所寻找的似乎是类似于Facebook所使用的名为BigPipe的系统,在这篇关于Facebook Engineering的文章中有相当详细的描述。
Basically, what they attempt to do is send a reply to the browser as soon as possible, containing the basic layout of the page, and placeholder elements that will later contain the content that takes longer to load - they call these pagelets. After the initial response is flushed, each pagelet is loaded in turn, including loading data from databases or similar, and also sent to the client - still part of the same HTTP request. Javascript is used to insert the content into the right placeholder.
At the company I work at, we experimented with this for a while and got great results. There is an open source third party PHP/Javascript BigPipe implementation on GitHub that we used as a starting point. While far from trivial to set up and, more importantly, get working really well, I believe it's a great solution for exactly the kind of problem you face.
在我工作的公司,我们做了一段时间的实验,取得了很好的结果。GitHub上有一个开源的第三方PHP/Javascript BigPipe实现,我们将它作为起点。虽然这远不是一件小事,更重要的是,要把工作做好,但我相信这是解决你所面临的问题的好办法。
I believe the bottle neck is on the looping over SQL queries. There is an standard way to rank search results on MySQL. You can simply implement full-text search.
First, you need to create a table like search_results
CREATE TABLE `search_results` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`result_title` varchar(128) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`result_content` text CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL,
`result_short_description` text CHARACTER SET utf8,
`result_uri` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`result_resource_id` int(10) unsigned DEFAULT NULL,
FULLTEXT KEY `result_title` (`result_title`,`result_content`)
You have to insert all useful data from table of questions
(including the questions, subjects, answers, and whatever you want to search through them) into result_title and result_content here, (also update this table when ever it needs to be update). There is also a back track to original record of corresponding table on result_resource_id
. With a pre-defined URI result_uri
pointing to the defined URL of the result in your website, you make everything faster. You don't need to create URL each time.
您必须将问题表中的所有有用数据(包括问题、主题、答案,以及您想要通过它们搜索的任何内容)插入到result_title和result_content中,(当这个表需要更新时也要更新它)。还有一个关于result_resource_id上对应表的原始记录的回溯。使用一个预定义的URI result_uri指向您网站中结果的已定义URL,可以使一切都更快。您不需要每次都创建URL。
Now, You can create a simple SQL query for a search query 'question?'
SELECT `result_title`, `result_content`, `result_uri`
FROM `search_results` WHERE MATCH(result_title, result_content) AGAINST('question?');
You can also add the relevance measurement in to your query string. There are other modes for search like boolean. Read the documents here and find the best solution.
Full-text indexing is faster and also more accurate in these use-cases.
In general, templating engines do not load content piecemeal - you'd need to send data to the browser in chunks manually, and flush
between each bit. Template libraries usually compose the whole document in memory, and then dump it to the browser in one go. It's worth checking the Smarty manual though, just in case.
As an alternative, you could render the page without the large amount of data, and then load it in sections via AJAX. Whilst making, say, 10 AJAX connections serially adds a small extra overhead, it sounds like that will be minimal in comparison to your current rendering time. Even though your total rendering time may be slightly longer, the perceived rendering time for the user will be much faster, and of course they have the benefit that they can see data arriving.
I would kick off the first AJAX operation in jQuery upon domready, and when each completes, it can fire off another request. If your server can answer in JSON rather than HTML, it will allow the server to return a more_available
Boolean flag, which you can use to determine if you need to do another fetch.
在domready之后,我将启动第一个jQuery AJAX操作,当每个操作完成时,它将触发另一个请求。如果您的服务器可以以JSON而不是HTML来回答,它将允许服务器返回一个more_available Boolean标志,您可以使用它来确定是否需要进行另一个fetch。
Assuming you want your content to load in the browser while it is still being streamed from the server to the client, if you are using tables - as you do - you may run into the problem of the browser (due to layout issues) not being able to render the table until all data is loaded.
You can see these tips for authoring fast-loading HTML pages and learn about tables in the according section.
Some crucial points:
If the browser can immediately determine the height and/or width of your images and tables, it will be able to display a web page without having to reflow the content. This not only speeds the display of the page but prevents annoying changes in a page's layout when the page completes loading. For this reason, height and width should be specified for images, whenever possible.
Tables should use the CSS
table-layout: fixed;
... and should specify widths of columns using the COL and COLGROUP HTML tags.
…并且应该使用COL和COLGROUP HTML标记指定列的宽度。
As well as:
Tables are still considered valid markup, but should be used for displaying tabular data. To help the browser render your page quicker, you should avoid nesting your tables.
You might also want to look into methods of streaming output from PHP.
See this question for details.
Your current database query and subsequent smarty->assign will not allow for lazy loading of data to speed up the process.
In this situation you can identify a maximum set of rows from your query that can be rapidly displayed to the user. Once you identify a maximum set of rows you can display and still maintain a fast response time you can modify your query and template system to reflect a multiple query setup. This is essentially pagination. Instead of paginating you will perform an initial load of rows, and then via jquery load the latter set of rows until all "pages" of data have been successfully loaded.
For match_question.php
- First query your dataset to see how many total rows of data you have.
- 首先查询您的数据集,看看您总共有多少行数据。
- Divide those rows by the total amount of rows you can display while maintaining a fast application. This will give you your total number of "pages" or "queries" you will run.
- 将这些行除以在维护快速应用程序时可以显示的行总数。这将给出您将要运行的“页面”或“查询”的总数。
- For example: Say your tests yield 100 rows as the optimal fastest response. You would perform a COUNT(*) on the expected data set which returns 2021. You would divide that row count by your optimal 100 results, which would yield 20.21 or 21 "pages", or in your case 21 total queries. Your first initial query, and 20 additional ajax queries.
- 例如:假设您的测试产生100行作为最佳的最快响应。您将对预期的数据集执行计数(*),该数据集将返回2021年。您可以将行数除以100的最优结果,这将产生20.21或21“页面”,或者在您的情况下,总共有21个查询。您的第一个初始查询,以及另外20个ajax查询。
This will cause a larger amount of queries to your database, but it will cause the page load time to be more efficient to the end user. So you should measure the load on the machine vs the ease of use for the end user.
$limit = 100; $page = 1; ... if($request['page'] != '') $page = $request['page']; ... if($subject_id !='' && $topic_id !=''){ $count_matched_questions = $objQuestionMatch->GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, true); $page_count = ceil($count/$limit) //round up if decimal for last page; $paged_match_questions = $objQuestionMatch->GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, false, $limit, $page) } $smarty->assign( 'all_match_questions', $paged_match_questions ,'page_count', $page_count); //cache each result page separately to support multiple subject/topic/page combinations to properly utilize the cache mechanism $smarty->display("match-question-".$subject_id."-".$topic_id."-".$page.".tpl")
For QuestionMatch.php
Adjust your query function (an example):
function GetSimilarQuestionsBySubjectIdTopicId($subject_id, $topic_id, $count = false, $limit = 0, $page = 0 ) { if($count) { $sql = " SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id; } else { $sql = " SELECT * FROM ".TBL_QUESTIONS." WHERE question_subject_id=".$subject_id; } $sql .= " AND question_topic_id=".$topic_id; if($page > 0 && $limit > 0) { $sql .= " LIMIT = " . ($limit*$page)-$limit . ", " . ($limit*$page); } }
For View(match-question.tpl)
- output the 'page_count' value in an html element, maybe a data-pages html5 value and assign it to an element with a unique id.
- 在html元素中输出“page_count”值,可能是一个数据页面html5值,并将其分配给具有唯一id的元素。
- On page load have your ajax initialize and grab the data-pages value.
- 在页面加载中,让ajax初始化并获取数据页面值。
- call your php document via ajax with the ?page=&subject_id=&topic_id=
- 使用?page=&subject_id=&topic_id=通过ajax调用php文档
- loop through the ajax call utilizing the data-pages amount starting at page=2 until you've queried the max pages.
- 使用从page=2开始的数据页数量对ajax调用进行循环,直到查询了最大页面。
- append the returned html where appropriate on each iteration.
- 在每次迭代中适当地附加返回的html。
Hope this idea helps you find a solution. Cheers!
Without getting into the specific details of your code, it sounds like what you are looking for is something similar to a system used by Facebook called BigPipe, described in reasonable detail in this note on Facebook Engineering.
在不涉及代码的具体细节的情况下,您所寻找的似乎是类似于Facebook所使用的名为BigPipe的系统,在这篇关于Facebook Engineering的文章中有相当详细的描述。
Basically, what they attempt to do is send a reply to the browser as soon as possible, containing the basic layout of the page, and placeholder elements that will later contain the content that takes longer to load - they call these pagelets. After the initial response is flushed, each pagelet is loaded in turn, including loading data from databases or similar, and also sent to the client - still part of the same HTTP request. Javascript is used to insert the content into the right placeholder.
At the company I work at, we experimented with this for a while and got great results. There is an open source third party PHP/Javascript BigPipe implementation on GitHub that we used as a starting point. While far from trivial to set up and, more importantly, get working really well, I believe it's a great solution for exactly the kind of problem you face.
在我工作的公司,我们做了一段时间的实验,取得了很好的结果。GitHub上有一个开源的第三方PHP/Javascript BigPipe实现,我们将它作为起点。虽然这远不是一件小事,更重要的是,要把工作做好,但我相信这是解决你所面临的问题的好办法。