
时间:2022-10-25 07:43:37



Problem: Let me try to explain what I want in one or two lines, In Demo 1 where I've used Angular Datatables when I click on Edit button the data DOES NOT appear in Edit form, whereas in Demo 2 I haven't used any datatables but the data is clearly appearing in edit form, I want the data to appear in Demo1 using Datatables. The data is inside the $scope.update but for some reasons it is not appearing in HTML whereas using the same HTML It works perfectly without datatables.


Demo1: http://plnkr.co/edit/EXXbkPUHfxcZ3blzvMaz?p=preview


Demo2: http://plnkr.co/edit/QYZzmJNwWTQaIgvUkRzQ?p=preview




Initially on the left hand side the Data is inserted from a form which contain one Input type and one Select (Colony Type), there are two forms Insert, Update form on the left hand side one form is for insertion and one for editing, when the insertion form is visible the edit form is hidden and vice versa, on the right hand side the list of data is displayed with the help of datatables along with Edit and Delete button, Important thing is the buttons are made inside the DataTable code and not on HTML page, now Delete and Insert works absolutely fine, but Edit !! No it doesn't.




Case 1: (When I use Datatables) when the Edit button (CODED INSIDE DATATABLES) is clicked an ID is sent, In the Below picture the Id is consoled "47" then an $http request is made which brings the Data and printed in console. but when I try to inject the values back to Update form it doesn't work, although when I consoled $scope the values are injected into update object but not printing on HTML page.


Case 2: (When I don't Use Datatables) If I don't use Datatables and click the Edit the button every thing works absolutely fine and the data is injected into update object and printed on HTML page.




If DataTables are Used


<!-- IF DataTables are Used For printing the Data on Right Side-->
<div ng-controller="colony_Controller as Main_Module">
    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered" align="center" datatable="" dt-options="Main_Module.dtOptions" dt-columns="Main_Module.dtColumns" class="row-border hover">

If DataTables are NOT Used


<!-- If DataTables are NOT Used for Printing the Data on Right Side -->

    <table class="table table-striped table-bordered">
            <th style="width: 323px;" aria-label="">Colony Name</th>

            <th style="width: 170px;" aria-label="">Actions</th>

        <tr ng-repeat="colony in es_colony_details" >
            <td style="width: 323px;" aria-label="">{{colony.es_colony_name}}</td>
                <button ng-click="EditColonyData(colony.es_colony_id)" class="btn btn-primary">
                    <i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit</button>
                <button ng-click="DeleteColonyData(colony.es_colony_id)" class="btn btn-danger">
                    <i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i> Delete</button>



    Main_Module.controller('colony_Controller', function colony_Controller($window, $scope, $http, bootbox, $compile, DTOptionsBuilder, DTColumnBuilder, SimpleHttpRequest, DelMainRecPicRecUnlinkPic, message)
     $scope.field = {};
     $scope.update = {};
     var dtInstance = {};

     /********************************** FETCH DATA START *******************************/
     $http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/SELECT/es_colony_type').success(function successCallback(data)
         $scope.es_colony_type = data.es_colony_type;

     // ONLY USED WHEN Datatable are NOT 
      //$http.get("http://localhost:3000/api/SELECT/es_colony").success(function successCallback(data)
      //    $scope.es_colony_details = data.es_colony;
      //    console.log(data.es_colony);
     /********************************** FETCH DATA END *********************************/

     /********************************** DISPLAY DATA START *******************************/
     var vm = this;
     vm.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder
         return $http.get('http://localhost:3000/api/SELECT/es_colony')
                 return response.data.es_colony;
     .withOption('order', [0, 'desc'])
     .withOption('createdRow', function(row, data, dataIndex)
     vm.dtColumns =
         DTColumnBuilder.newColumn(null).withTitle('Actions').notSortable().withOption('width', '31%')
         .renderWith(function(data, type, full, meta)
             return '<button class="btn btn-primary" ng-click="EditColonyData(' + data.es_colony_id + ');">' +
                 '<i class="icon-edit"></i> Edit' + '</button>&nbsp;' +
                 '<button class="btn btn-danger" ng-click="DeleteColonyData(' + data.es_colony_id + ');">' +
                 '<i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i> Delete' + '</button>';

     $scope.EditColonyData = function(id)

                 $scope.YesEdit = true;
                 $scope.update = data.es_colony[0];

                 // **This is where I'm injecting data Back to $scope object**

                 $scope.update.es_colony_type_id = data.es_colony[0].es_colony_type_id;


2 个解决方案



You are mixing up $scope and this for your controller model.


Since you are using controllerAs alias....all your data model needs to be bound to this in controller or you need to get rid of alias for controler and only use $scope


Most people would recommend using the alias and this




As was mentioned by @charlietfl in his answer, your example using dataTables is incorrectly assigning the same controller twice, once with ng-controller="colony_Controller" and once with ng-controller="colony_Controller as Main_Module. The data tables inside the second copy of the controller will not have access to the variables in the first controller.

正如@charlietfl在他的回答中提到的,您使用datatable的示例两次分配相同的控制器,一次是使用ng-controller="colony_Controller",一次使用ng-controller="colony_Controller =" Main_Module "。控制器的第二个副本中的数据表将不能访问第一个控制器中的变量。

<div ng-controller="colony_Controller">
    <div ng-controller="colony_Controller as Main_Module">
      <table align="center" datatable="" dt-options="Main_Module.dtOptions" dt-columns="Main_Module.dtColumns" class="row-border hover">

To correct this, you need to choose between using the first syntax ($scope) or the second (controller as) and ensure that all the code is using the same format.

要纠正这一点,您需要在使用第一个语法($scope)和第二个语法(controller as)之间进行选择,并确保所有代码都使用相同的格式。

In this modified version, dtOptions and dtColumns have been moved to $scope, and the extra controller removed:


$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder

$scope.dtColumns = [
<div ng-controller="colony_Controller">
    <table align="center" datatable="" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns" class="row-border hover">





You are mixing up $scope and this for your controller model.


Since you are using controllerAs alias....all your data model needs to be bound to this in controller or you need to get rid of alias for controler and only use $scope


Most people would recommend using the alias and this




As was mentioned by @charlietfl in his answer, your example using dataTables is incorrectly assigning the same controller twice, once with ng-controller="colony_Controller" and once with ng-controller="colony_Controller as Main_Module. The data tables inside the second copy of the controller will not have access to the variables in the first controller.

正如@charlietfl在他的回答中提到的,您使用datatable的示例两次分配相同的控制器,一次是使用ng-controller="colony_Controller",一次使用ng-controller="colony_Controller =" Main_Module "。控制器的第二个副本中的数据表将不能访问第一个控制器中的变量。

<div ng-controller="colony_Controller">
    <div ng-controller="colony_Controller as Main_Module">
      <table align="center" datatable="" dt-options="Main_Module.dtOptions" dt-columns="Main_Module.dtColumns" class="row-border hover">

To correct this, you need to choose between using the first syntax ($scope) or the second (controller as) and ensure that all the code is using the same format.

要纠正这一点,您需要在使用第一个语法($scope)和第二个语法(controller as)之间进行选择,并确保所有代码都使用相同的格式。

In this modified version, dtOptions and dtColumns have been moved to $scope, and the extra controller removed:


$scope.dtOptions = DTOptionsBuilder

$scope.dtColumns = [
<div ng-controller="colony_Controller">
    <table align="center" datatable="" dt-options="dtOptions" dt-columns="dtColumns" class="row-border hover">

