SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句

时间:2023-12-12 10:26:50

最近收到一SQL Server数据库服务器的告警邮件,告警内容具体如下所示:

DATE/TIME: 10/23/2018 4:30:26 PM

DESCRIPTION:  The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan. This is a rare event and only expected for extremely complex queries or queries that reference a very large number of tables or partitions. Please simplify the query. If you believe you have received this message in error, contact Customer Support Services for more information.

COMMENT:   (None)

JOB RUN:   (None)

关于“8623 The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan”这个错误,这篇文章不分析错误产生的原因以及解决方案。这里仅仅介绍如何捕获产生这个错误的SQL语句。因为出现这个错误,具体对应的SQL语句不会写入到错误日志。不能定位到具体SQL语句,很难解决这错误。所以解决问题的前提是先定位SQL语句。我们可以通过扩展事件或服务器端跟踪两种方式来定位SQL语句。

扩展事件(Extended Events)捕获

如下所示,脚本只需根据实际情况修改filename、metadatafile参数对应的值。就会创建扩展事件(Extented Events)overly_complex_queries




ADD EVENT sqlserver.error_reported


ACTION (sqlserver.sql_text, sqlserver.tsql_stack, sqlserver.database_id, sqlserver.username)

WHERE ([severity] = 16

AND [error_number] = 8623)


ADD TARGET package0.asynchronous_file_target

(set filename = 'D:\DB_BACKUP\overly_complex_queries.xel' ,

metadatafile = 'D:\DB_BACKUP\overly_complex_queries.xem',

max_file_size = 10,

max_rollover_files = 5)



-- Start the session

ALTER EVENT SESSION overly_complex_queries



然后我们测试,使用网上一个脚本测试验证,如下所示,执行这个脚本就会报“8623 The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan”错误,如下所示:

SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句

选中扩展事件(Extented Events)overly_complex_queries,单击右键“Watch Live Data"就能查看是那个SQL语句出现这个错误(sql_text),当然,也可以通过选项“View Target Data”查看所有捕获的数据。

SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句


注意:这个扩展事件只能运行在SQL Server 2012及后续版本,如果是SQL Server 2008的相关版本部署,就会报下面错误:

Msg 25706, Level 16, State 8, Line 1

The event attribute or predicate source, "error_number", could not be found.

Msg 15151, Level 16, State 1, Line 18

Cannot alter the event session 'overly_complex_queries', because it does not exist or you do not have permission.


服务器端跟踪(Server Side Trace)捕获

如上所示,刚好我们这台数据库服务器的版本为SQL Server 2008 R2,我们只能采取Server Side Trace来捕获这个错误的SQL语句。设置Server Side Trace脚本如下(相关参数需根据实际情况等设定):

-- 定义参数  

declare @rc int  

declare @TraceID int  

declare @maxfilesize bigint  

set @maxfilesize = 1024   


-- 初始化跟踪  

exec @rc = sp_trace_create @TraceID output, 0, N'D:\SQLScript\trace_error_8623', @maxfilesize, NULL   


if (@rc != 0) goto error  


-- 设置跟踪事件  

declare @on bit  

set @on = 1  



--trace_event_id=13  SQL:BatchStarting   trace_event_id=22 ErrorLog

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 1,  @on    

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 3,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 6,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 7,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 8,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 11, @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 12, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 14, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 15, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 35, @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 13, 63, @on  


exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 1,  @on    

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 3,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 6,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 7,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 8,  @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 12, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 11, @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 14, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 14, @on 

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 35, @on  

exec sp_trace_setevent @TraceID, 22, 63, @on  

-- 启动跟踪  

exec sp_trace_setstatus @TraceID, 1  


-- 记录下跟踪ID,以备后面使用  

select TraceID = @TraceID  

goto finish  



select ErrorCode=@rc  






SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句


无法捕获到对应的SQL(对应的trace column没有捕获SQL语句,暂时还没有找到一个好的解决方法)。这里也有个弊端,就是会捕获大量无关的SQL语句。

测试过后,你可以使用SQL Profile工具打开D:\SQLScript\trace_error_8623.trc找到错误信息,对应的SQL语句(在这个时间点附近的SQL语句,一般为是错误信息后面的第一个SQL语句,需要做判断),如下截图所示:

SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句

也可以使用脚本查询,如下所示,也是需要自己判断定位SQL语句,一般都是“8623 The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan”出现后紧接着的SQL。

SELECT StartTime,EndTime,

    TextData, ApplicationName,SPID,Duration,LoginName

FROM ::fn_trace_gettable(N'D:\SQLScript\trace_error_8623.trc',DEFAULT)

WHERE spid=64

ORDER BY StartTime

SQL Server捕获发生The query processor ran out of internal resources and could not produce a query plan...错误的SQL语句


