
时间:2022-10-24 17:23:32

In the code below I want to apply the object "$activeclass" as a DIV class. I thought the end pointer I included would apply this only to the last iteration of the array, but instead it is applying the class to all iterations.


<div id="right_bottom">
                $content = is_array($pagedata->content) ? $pagedata->content : array($pagedata->content);
                foreach($content as $item){
                $activeclass = end($content) ? 'active' : ' ';
                    <div id="right_side">
                           <div id="<?=$item->id?>" class="side_items <?=$activeclass?>">
                             <a class="content" href="<?=$item->id?>"><img src="<?=PROTOCOL?>//<?=DOMAIN?>/img/content/<?=$item->image?>"><br />
                             <strong><?=$item->title?></strong></a><br />
                             <h2><?=date('F j, Y',  strtotime($item->published))?></h2><br />

Any ideas where I am making a mistake? How can I apply the class $activeclass only to the last iteration of my "foreach" statement?

我有什么想法吗?我如何在“foreach”语句的最后一个迭代中应用类$activeclass ?

3 个解决方案



The simplest way is to keep a count:


$i = 0; $size = count( $content);
foreach( $content as $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $i < $size) ? '' : 'active';

Alternatively, you can compare the last element with the current element (if your array is consecutively numerically indexed starting with 0 [Thanks to webbiedave for pointing out the assumptions made by this method]):


$last = count( $content) - 1;
foreach( $content as $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $content[$last] === $item) ? 'active' : '';

Note that this approach will not work if your array has duplicate items.


Finally, you can compare indexes in the following way:


// Numerical or associative
$keys = array_keys($content); 
$key = array_pop($keys); // Assigned to variables thanks to webbiedave

// Consecutive numerically indexed
$key = count( $content) - 1; 

foreach( $content as $current_key => $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $current_key === $key) ? 'active' : '';



$activeclass = end($content) ? 'active' : ' ';

The end() function returns the last element in the array, so you're basically checking to see if the array has a last element (which it always will, unless it's empty).


This is an explanation of what you're doing wrong - nick has the answer for how to fix it by using a counter.




Try this approach from the following link http://blog.actsmedia.com/2009/09/php-foreach-last-item-last-loop/

试试下面的链接:http://blog.actsmedia.com/2009/09/php-foreach-last- loop/。

$last_item = end($array);
$last_item = each($array);
foreach($array as $key => $value)
    // code executed during standard iteration
    if($value == $last_item['value'] && $key == $last_item['key'])
    // code executed on the 
            // last iteration of the foreach loop



The simplest way is to keep a count:


$i = 0; $size = count( $content);
foreach( $content as $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $i < $size) ? '' : 'active';

Alternatively, you can compare the last element with the current element (if your array is consecutively numerically indexed starting with 0 [Thanks to webbiedave for pointing out the assumptions made by this method]):


$last = count( $content) - 1;
foreach( $content as $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $content[$last] === $item) ? 'active' : '';

Note that this approach will not work if your array has duplicate items.


Finally, you can compare indexes in the following way:


// Numerical or associative
$keys = array_keys($content); 
$key = array_pop($keys); // Assigned to variables thanks to webbiedave

// Consecutive numerically indexed
$key = count( $content) - 1; 

foreach( $content as $current_key => $item) {
    $activeclass = ( $current_key === $key) ? 'active' : '';



$activeclass = end($content) ? 'active' : ' ';

The end() function returns the last element in the array, so you're basically checking to see if the array has a last element (which it always will, unless it's empty).


This is an explanation of what you're doing wrong - nick has the answer for how to fix it by using a counter.




Try this approach from the following link http://blog.actsmedia.com/2009/09/php-foreach-last-item-last-loop/

试试下面的链接:http://blog.actsmedia.com/2009/09/php-foreach-last- loop/。

$last_item = end($array);
$last_item = each($array);
foreach($array as $key => $value)
    // code executed during standard iteration
    if($value == $last_item['value'] && $key == $last_item['key'])
    // code executed on the 
            // last iteration of the foreach loop