
时间:2022-10-22 18:17:56

I have a form with many fields and validation groups, these fields contains some view data transformers too.


I need suppress the validation form partially (Groups based on the Submitted Data):


use AppBundle\Entity\Client;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormInterface;
use Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\OptionsResolver;

// ...
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
        'validation_groups' => function (FormInterface $form) {
            $data = $form->getData();

            if (Client::TYPE_PERSON == $data->getType()) {
                return array('person');

            return array('company');

When you do that, the form will still run basic integrity checks (Disabling Validation) and validation errors coming from transformers they are thrown still (Creating the Transformer).


Use the POST_SUBMIT event and prevent the ValidationListener from being called (Suppressing Form Validation):


use Symfony\Component\Form\FormBuilderInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvents;
use Symfony\Component\Form\FormEvent;

public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
    $builder->addEventListener(FormEvents::POST_SUBMIT, function (FormEvent $event) {
    }, 900); // Always set a higher priority than ValidationListener

    // ...

It is not a solution for me, since accidentally disable something more than just form validation.


The question is: How to disable one transformer validation error "dynamically"?




I have a form field of RepeatedType belonging to person validation group and contains a view transformer (RepeatedType), this transformer throws an exception when the values in the array they are not the same (ValueToDuplicatesTransformer).


So, even when validation group is company, the form show errors belonging to RepeatedType field coming from transformer it.


The question here is: How to disable the ValueToDuplicatesTransformer errors when validation group is not person?


3 个解决方案



Because the buildForm misses the code related to adding the fields I assume:


  1. you don't relate the form to an Entity via data_class directly, but set values in your controller
  2. 不直接通过data_class将表单与实体关联,而是在控制器中设置值
  3. the repeated type has required => true as an option and is there to validate a password
  4. 重复类型要求=>为true作为一个选项,并在那里验证密码
  5. the $data that is passed to the formbuilder contains a value for the repeated field.
  6. 传递给formbuilder的$数据包含重复字段的值。

The problem basically is that validation is triggered. If there is any data, then the type will always do it's basic validations (the repeated field should have the same value twice).


What you should do to solve this is do not pass the value to $data in the first place, and make sure required => false for the repeated field. Your form will only do the group validation after that, as you already explained.

要解决这个问题,首先要做的是不要将值传递给$data,并确保重复字段的required => false。正如您已经解释的那样,您的表单将只在此之后执行组验证。

Maybe the most robust solution is even different, and would it be best to make two FormTypes instead of using the groups. This will remove most of the complexity you describe in your question.




You can't really deactivate errors from a DataTransformer, these errors are added by FormValidator and this behavior is not customizable. This is quite logical since transformation errors leads to the model data being in a broken state.


What I would do in this case is use 2 field instead of a repeated field with the second one with mapped => false and an event listener that add the error manually when needed.

在这种情况下,我要做的是使用2字段,而不是重复字段,第二个字段具有mapping => false,以及一个在需要时手动添加错误的事件监听器。



Maybe I'm wrong, but the validation group is not a right tool to solve the problem at all. The dependency of validation rules you want to solve is based on data, while the validation group is not about it, it's about the same data being validating differently depending on context.


If you want to apply some rules only for person (or, the opposite, only for company), I would rather implement custom checking in Client Entity


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

class Client {
* @Assert\IsTrue(message="Person should have a valid Title")
public function isPersonTitleValid()
  return $this->type != Client::TYPE_PERSON || $this->isTitleValid();

public function isTitleValid()
  // Here implement your validation applicable only for person;



Because the buildForm misses the code related to adding the fields I assume:


  1. you don't relate the form to an Entity via data_class directly, but set values in your controller
  2. 不直接通过data_class将表单与实体关联,而是在控制器中设置值
  3. the repeated type has required => true as an option and is there to validate a password
  4. 重复类型要求=>为true作为一个选项,并在那里验证密码
  5. the $data that is passed to the formbuilder contains a value for the repeated field.
  6. 传递给formbuilder的$数据包含重复字段的值。

The problem basically is that validation is triggered. If there is any data, then the type will always do it's basic validations (the repeated field should have the same value twice).


What you should do to solve this is do not pass the value to $data in the first place, and make sure required => false for the repeated field. Your form will only do the group validation after that, as you already explained.

要解决这个问题,首先要做的是不要将值传递给$data,并确保重复字段的required => false。正如您已经解释的那样,您的表单将只在此之后执行组验证。

Maybe the most robust solution is even different, and would it be best to make two FormTypes instead of using the groups. This will remove most of the complexity you describe in your question.




You can't really deactivate errors from a DataTransformer, these errors are added by FormValidator and this behavior is not customizable. This is quite logical since transformation errors leads to the model data being in a broken state.


What I would do in this case is use 2 field instead of a repeated field with the second one with mapped => false and an event listener that add the error manually when needed.

在这种情况下,我要做的是使用2字段,而不是重复字段,第二个字段具有mapping => false,以及一个在需要时手动添加错误的事件监听器。



Maybe I'm wrong, but the validation group is not a right tool to solve the problem at all. The dependency of validation rules you want to solve is based on data, while the validation group is not about it, it's about the same data being validating differently depending on context.


If you want to apply some rules only for person (or, the opposite, only for company), I would rather implement custom checking in Client Entity


namespace AppBundle\Entity;

class Client {
* @Assert\IsTrue(message="Person should have a valid Title")
public function isPersonTitleValid()
  return $this->type != Client::TYPE_PERSON || $this->isTitleValid();

public function isTitleValid()
  // Here implement your validation applicable only for person;