【转】tars源码漫谈第1篇------tc_loki.h (牛逼哄哄的loki库)

时间:2023-12-11 15:22:38

loki库是C++模板大牛Andrei写的, 里面大量运用模板的特性, 而tc_loki.h借用了loki库的部分代码, 形成了一个基本的文件tc_loki.h, 来看看:

 #ifndef __TC_TYPETRAITS_H
#define __TC_TYPETRAITS_H #include <memory> namespace tars
// 说明: loki
///////////////////////////////////////////////// namespace TL
//只声明, 不定义的类, 作为TYPELIST的末端类型
class NullType; //空类型
struct EmptyType { }; /**
* 数值到类型的映射
template<int v>
struct Int2Type
enum { value = v };
}; /**
* 类型到类型的映射
template<typename T>
struct Type2Type
typedef T OriginalType;
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 以下是TypeList的定义(目前只支持10个参数)
* 定义类型链表
template<typename Head, typename Tail>
struct TypeList
typedef Head H;
typedef Tail T;
}; #define TYPELIST_1(T1) TypeList<T1, TL::NullType>
#define TYPELIST_2(T1, T2) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_1(T2)>
#define TYPELIST_3(T1, T2, T3) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_2(T2, T3)>
#define TYPELIST_4(T1, T2, T3, T4) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_3(T2, T3, T4)>
#define TYPELIST_5(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_4(T2, T3, T4, T5)>
#define TYPELIST_6(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_5(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6)>
#define TYPELIST_7(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_6(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)>
#define TYPELIST_8(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_7(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8)>
#define TYPELIST_9(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_8(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9)>
#define TYPELIST_10(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_9(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10)>
#define TYPELIST_11(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_10(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11)>
#define TYPELIST_12(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_11(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12)>
#define TYPELIST_13(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_12(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13)>
#define TYPELIST_14(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_13(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14)>
#define TYPELIST_15(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_14(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15)>
#define TYPELIST_16(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_15(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16)>
#define TYPELIST_17(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_16(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17)>
#define TYPELIST_18(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_17(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18)>
#define TYPELIST_19(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_18(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19)>
#define TYPELIST_20(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20) TypeList<T1, TL::TYPELIST_19(T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10, T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20)> //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 以下定义TypeList的编译期的操作函数(通过偏特化实现)
* Length: 取TypeList的长度
template<class TList> struct Length;
template<> struct Length<NullType>
enum { value = };
template<class Head, class Tail> struct Length<TypeList<Head, Tail> >
enum { value = + Length<Tail>::value };
}; /**
* TypeAt, 取链表在i位置上的类型
template<class TList, unsigned int i> struct TypeAt;
template<class Head, class Tail> struct TypeAt<TypeList<Head, Tail>, >
typedef Head Result;
template<class Head, class Tail, unsigned int i> struct TypeAt<TypeList<Head, Tail>, i>
typedef typename TypeAt<Tail, i->::Result Result;
}; /**
* TypeAt, 取链表在i位置上的类型, i超出了返回, 则返回DefaultType
template<class TList, unsigned int index, typename DefaultType = NullType> struct TypeAtNonStrict
typedef DefaultType Result;
template <class Head, class Tail, typename DefaultType> struct TypeAtNonStrict<TypeList<Head, Tail>, , DefaultType>
typedef Head Result;
template <class Head, class Tail, unsigned int i, typename DefaultType> struct TypeAtNonStrict<TypeList<Head, Tail>, i, DefaultType>
typedef typename TypeAtNonStrict<Tail, i - , DefaultType>::Result Result;
}; /**
* 取链表上类型为T的序号, 没有则返回-1
template<class TList, class T> struct IndexOf;
template<class T> struct IndexOf<NullType, T>
enum { value = - };
template<class Tail, class T> struct IndexOf<TypeList<T,Tail>, T>
enum { value = };
template<class Head, class Tail, class T> struct IndexOf<TypeList<Head, Tail>, T>
enum { temp = IndexOf<Tail, T>::value };
enum { value = temp == - ? - : + temp };
}; /**
* Append, 添加到链表尾部
template<class TList, class T> struct Append;
template<> struct Append<NullType, NullType>
typedef NullType Result;
template<class T> struct Append<NullType,T>
typedef TYPELIST_1(T) Result;
template<class Head, class Tail> struct Append<NullType, TypeList<Head, Tail> >
typedef TypeList<Head, Tail> Result;
template<class Head, class Tail, class T> struct Append<TypeList<Head, Tail>, T>
typedef TypeList<Head, typename Append<Tail, T>::Result> Result;
}; /**
* Erase 删除
template<class TList, class T> struct Erase;
template<class T> struct Erase<NullType, T>
typedef NullType Result;
template<class T, class Tail> struct Erase<TypeList<T, Tail>, T>
typedef Tail Result;
template<class Head, class Tail, class T> struct Erase<TypeList<Head, Tail>, T>
typedef TypeList<Head, typename Erase<Tail, T>::Result> Result;
}; /**
* EraseAll 删除
template<class TList, class T> struct EraseAll;
template<class T> struct EraseAll<NullType, T>
typedef NullType Result;
template<class T, class Tail> struct EraseAll<TypeList<T, Tail>, T>
typedef typename EraseAll<Tail, T>::Result Result;
template<class Head, class Tail, class T> struct EraseAll<TypeList<Head, Tail>, T>
typedef TypeList<Head, typename EraseAll<Tail, T>::Result> Result;
}; /**
* 生成TypeList类型
template<class T1=NullType, class T2=NullType, class T3=NullType, class T4=NullType, class T5=NullType,
class T6=NullType, class T7=NullType, class T8=NullType, class T9=NullType, class T10=NullType,
class T11=NullType, class T12=NullType, class T13=NullType, class T14=NullType, class T15=NullType,
class T16=NullType, class T17=NullType, class T18=NullType, class T19=NullType, class T20=NullType>
struct TLMaker
typedef TYPELIST_20(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10,
T11, T12, T13, T14, T15, T16, T17, T18, T19, T20) TmpList;
typedef typename EraseAll<TmpList, NullType>::Result Result;
}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//判断类型T是否可以转换成类型U(参考了wbl库, 直接采用loki, 编译时会有警告
//关键:如果能够转换, 则接收U的函数, 也能够接收T
template<class T, class U>
class Conversion
typedef char YES;
struct NO {char dummy[];};
struct any_conversion
template <typename P> any_conversion(const volatile P&);
template <typename P> any_conversion(P&);
}; template <typename P> struct conversion_checker
static NO _m_check(any_conversion ...);
static YES _m_check(P, int);
}; static T _m_from;
//是否可以转换(如果Test(makeT())匹配到了static Small Test(U), 则可以转换)
exists = (sizeof(conversion_checker<U>::_m_check(_m_from, )) == sizeof(YES)),
exists2Way = exists && Conversion<U, T>::exists,
sameType = false
}; //偏特化来确定sameType
template<class T>
class Conversion<T, T>
exists = true,
exists2Way = true,
sameType = true
}; //判断两个类是否可以继承
//关键:子类指针可以转换成父类指针, 且不是void*类型
//相同类型, SUPERSUBCLASS判断为true
#define SUPERSUBCLASS(T, U) (TL::Conversion<const U*, const T*>::exists && !TL::Conversion<const T*, const void*>::sameType)
#define SUPERSUBCLASS_STRICT(T, U) (SUPERSUBCLASS(T, U) && !TL::Conversion<const T, const U>::sameType) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 类型选择器
template<bool flag, typename U, typename V>
struct TypeSelect
typedef U Result;
}; template<typename U, typename V>
struct TypeSelect<false, U, V>
typedef V Result;
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
* 类型萃取器, copy至Loki库
template<typename T>
class TypeTraits
private: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<class U>
struct ReferenceTraits
enum { result = false };
typedef U Result;
}; template<class U>
struct ReferenceTraits<U&>
enum { result = true };
typedef U Result;
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
template<class U>
struct PointerTraits
enum { result = false };
typedef TL::NullType Result;
}; template<class U>
struct PointerTraits<U*>
enum { result = true };
typedef U Result;
}; template<class U>
struct PointerTraits<U*&>
enum { result = true };
typedef U Result;
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//成员函数指针, gcc下面支持有问题, 屏蔽之
template<typename U>
struct PointerToMemberTraits
enum { result = false };
}; template<class U, class V>
struct PointerToMemberTraits<U V::*>
enum { result = true };
}; template<class U, class V>
struct PointerToMemberTraits<U V::*&>
enum { result = true };
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// const
template<typename U>
struct UnConstTraits
enum { result = false };
typedef U Result;
template<typename U>
struct UnConstTraits<const U>
enum { result = true };
typedef U Result;
template<typename U>
struct UnConstTraits<const U&>
enum { result = true };
typedef U& Result;
}; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// volatile
template<typename U>
struct UnVolatileTraits
enum { result = false };
typedef U Result;
template<typename U>
struct UnVolatileTraits<volatile U>
enum { result = true };
typedef U Result;
template<typename U>
struct UnVolatileTraits<volatile U&>
enum { result = true };
typedef U& Result;
enum { isPointer = PointerTraits<T>::result };
enum { isReference = ReferenceTraits<T>::result };
enum { isMemberPointer = PointerToMemberTraits<T>::result }; //T是否是Const类型
enum { isConst = UnConstTraits<T>::result };
enum { isVolatile = UnVolatileTraits<T>::result }; //如果T是指针类型,则获取T的原类型, 即去掉指针类型
typedef typename PointerTraits<T>::Result PointeeType;
//如果T是引用类型,则获取T的原类型, 即去掉引用类型
typedef typename ReferenceTraits<T>::Result ReferencedType;
//如果T是Const类型,则获取T的原类型, 即去掉Const类型
typedef typename UnConstTraits<T>::Result NonConstType;
//如果T是volatile类型,则获取T的原类型, 即去掉volatile类型
typedef typename UnVolatileTraits<T>::Result NonVolatileType;
//去掉const volatile类型
typedef typename UnVolatileTraits<typename UnConstTraits<T>::Result>::Result UnqualifiedType; public: //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
typedef TL::TLMaker<unsigned char, unsigned short, unsigned int, unsigned long, unsigned long long>::Result UnsignedInts;
typedef TL::TLMaker<signed char, short, int, long, long long>::Result SignedInts;
typedef TL::TLMaker<bool, char, wchar_t>::Result OtherInts;
typedef TL::TLMaker<float, double, long double>::Result Floats;
typedef TL::TYPELIST_2(TL::EmptyType, TL::NullType) NullTypes; //无符号整形
enum { isStdUnsignedInt = TL::IndexOf<UnsignedInts, T>::value >= };
enum { isStdSignedInt = TL::IndexOf<SignedInts, T>::value >= };
enum { isStdInt = isStdUnsignedInt || isStdSignedInt || TL::IndexOf<OtherInts, T>::value >= };
enum { isStdFloat = TL::IndexOf<Floats, T>::value >= };
enum { isStdArith = isStdInt || isStdFloat };
enum { isStdFundamental = isStdArith || TL::IndexOf<TL::TYPELIST_1(void), T>::value >= };
enum { isNullType = TL::IndexOf<NullTypes, T>::value >= };
enum { isBaseType = isStdArith || isPointer || isMemberPointer }; //对于复杂类型, 获取数据的引用类型, 即加上引用类型
typedef typename TypeSelect<isBaseType, T, ReferencedType&>::Result ReferenceType; //对于复杂类型且非空类型, 获取数据的引用类型, 即加上引用类型
//typedef typename TypeSelect<isBaseType || isNullType, T, ReferencedType&>::Result ReferenceTypeEx; //获取数据的原类型, 消除引用的引用这种情况
typedef typename TypeSelect<!isReference, T, ReferencedType&>::Result ParameterType;
}; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//下面的使用开始展示TypeList的威力, 用于自动生成class //散乱的继承体系
template<class TList, template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy; /*
namespace p
// The following type helps to overcome subtle flaw in the original
// implementation of GenScatterHierarchy.
// The flaw is revealed when the input type list of GenScatterHierarchy
// contains more then tars element of the same type (e.g. LOKI_TYPELIST_2(int, int)).
// In this case GenScatterHierarchy will contain multiple bases of the same
// type and some of them will not be reachable (per 10.3).
// For example before the fix the first element of Tuple<LOKI_TYPELIST_2(int, int)>
// is not reachable in any way!
template<class, class>
struct ScatterHierarchyTag;
template<class T1, class T2, template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy<TypeList<T1, T2>, Unit> : public ScatterHierarchy<p::ScatterHierarchyTag<T1, T2>, Unit>
, public ScatterHierarchy<T2, Unit>
typedef TypeList<T1, T2> TList;
typedef ScatterHierarchy<p::ScatterHierarchyTag<T1, T2>, Unit> LeftBase;
typedef ScatterHierarchy<T2, Unit> RightBase;
template<typename T> struct Rebind
typedef Unit<T> Result;
// In the middle *unique* class that resolve possible ambiguity
template <class T1, class T2, template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy<p::ScatterHierarchyTag<T1, T2>, Unit>
: public ScatterHierarchy<T1, Unit>
*/ //具现化继承体系
template <class T1, class T2, template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy<TypeList<T1, T2>, Unit>
: public ScatterHierarchy<T1, Unit>
, public ScatterHierarchy<T2, Unit>
typedef TypeList<T1, T2> TList;
typedef ScatterHierarchy<T1, Unit> LeftBase;
typedef ScatterHierarchy<T2, Unit> RightBase;
template <typename T> struct Rebind
typedef Unit<T> Result;
}; template<class AtomicType, template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy : public Unit<AtomicType>
typedef Unit<AtomicType> LeftBase; template<typename T> struct Rebind
typedef Unit<T> Result;
}; template<template <class> class Unit>
class ScatterHierarchy<NullType, Unit>
template<typename T> struct Rebind
typedef Unit<T> Result;
}; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//构建继承体系后, 采用下面的函数获取继承体系中某个类 template<class T, class H>
struct FieldHelperByType
typedef typename H::template Rebind<T>::Result ResultType;
static ResultType& dochange(H &obj)
return static_cast<ResultType&>(obj);
template<class T, class H>
struct FieldHelperByType<T, const H>
typedef const typename H::template Rebind<T>::Result ResultType;
static ResultType& dochange(const H &obj)
return (ResultType&)obj;
}; //直接按照类型获取, 如果有两个相同的类型, 则编译不过
template<class T, class H>
typename FieldHelperByType<T, H>::ResultType& field(H &obj)
return FieldHelperByType<T, H>::dochange(obj);
} /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// 根据索引获取字段
//定义Tuple, 默认的数据操作器(Unit)
template<typename T>
struct TupleUnit
T _value;
operator T&() { return _value; }
operator const T&() const { return _value; }
}; template<class TList>
struct Tuple : public ScatterHierarchy<TList, TupleUnit>
}; //定义FieldHelperByIndex
template<class H, unsigned int i> struct FieldHelperByIndex; //特化版本的FieldHelperByIndex, 推导出最后一个元素
template<class H>
struct FieldHelperByIndex<H, >
typedef typename H::TList::H ElementType;
typedef typename H::template Rebind<ElementType>::Result UnitType; enum
isTuple = Conversion<UnitType, TupleUnit<ElementType> >::sameType,
isConst = TypeTraits<H>::isConst
}; typedef const typename H::LeftBase ConstLeftBase;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isConst, ConstLeftBase, typename H::LeftBase>::Result LeftBase;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isTuple, ElementType, UnitType>::Result UnqualifiedResultType;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isConst, const UnqualifiedResultType, UnqualifiedResultType>::Result ResultType; static ResultType &dochange(H& obj)
LeftBase &leftBase = obj;
return (ResultType&)leftBase;
}; //根据索引获取FieldHelper
template<class H, unsigned int i>
struct FieldHelperByIndex
typedef typename TypeAt<typename H::TList, i>::Result ElementType;
typedef typename H::template Rebind<ElementType>::Result UnitType; enum
isTuple = Conversion<UnitType, TupleUnit<ElementType> >::sameType,
isConst = TypeTraits<H>::isConst
}; typedef const typename H::RightBase ConstRightBase;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isConst, ConstRightBase, typename H::RightBase>::Result RightBase;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isTuple, ElementType, UnitType>::Result UnqualifiedResultType;
typedef typename TypeSelect<isConst, const UnqualifiedResultType, UnqualifiedResultType>::Result ResultType; static ResultType &dochange(H& obj)
RightBase &rightBase = obj;
return FieldHelperByIndex<RightBase, i->::dochange(rightBase);
}; //定义按照索引获取
template<unsigned int i, class H>
typename FieldHelperByIndex<H, i>::ResultType &field(H& obj)
return FieldHelperByIndex<H, i>::dochange(obj);
} }

是不是有一种看天书的感觉, 确实如此。

也行, 姑且把它当成和STL类似的基础库, 别纠结于它。
