Thanks in Advance. I have created a model in Django, in which it has a title, url and an Ordering Field. Now I have set the default value of that Ordering Field as ZERO
. My requirement is this defult value should be changed to the current highest Ordering number + 1
. Ho can I do that in Admin Inteface?
提前致谢。我在Django中创建了一个模型,它有一个标题,url和一个Ordering Field。现在我已将Ordering Field的默认值设置为ZERO。我的要求是这个defult值应该改为当前最高的订购号+ 1.我可以在Admin Inteface中这样做吗?
class FooterLinks(models.Model):
title = models.CharField(_("Title"), max_length=200, null = True, blank = True)
link = models.CharField(_("Link"), max_length = 200)
order = models.IntegerField(_("Sort Order"), default=0)
2 个解决方案
Inspired by Burhan's answer, I was able to solve a problem of mine, similar to yours.
So for your problem: In my create the callable get_new_default
from django.db.models import Max
def get_new_default():
new_order_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
return new_order_default
class FooterLinks(models.Model):
order = models.CharField(_("Sort Order"), default = get_new_default)
This pastes the new maximum order value in the Text Box and keeps the field editable.
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This raises one problem, when resetting the database, as there are no objects to calculate the maximum with. The fix is to count all the found objects and in case none exist set default to 1:
from django.db.models import Max
def get_new_default():
if FooterLinks.objects.all().count() == 0:
new_order_default = 1
new_order_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
return new_order_default
class FooterLinks(models.Model):
order = models.CharField(_("Sort Order"), default = get_new_default)
from django.db.models import Max
new_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
To make the change permanent, either do a database migration with South; or as danihp suggested override the save method.
However note that if you table gets very large, it would be better to implement this logic as a trigger on your database.
No, you would run this one time and it would update all the entries in your database - ideally you would do this during normal system downtime/maintenance windows.
不,您将运行此次并且它将更新数据库中的所有条目 - 理想情况下,您将在正常的系统停机/维护窗口期间执行此操作。
To adjust the value in the text box, you need to update the default that you have given in your model. Note that default
can take a value or a callable (in other words, a method). Everytime the field is rendered the method will be called.
You can use this to make sure the default is always calculated by providing a method as the default.
Inspired by Burhan's answer, I was able to solve a problem of mine, similar to yours.
So for your problem: In my create the callable get_new_default
from django.db.models import Max
def get_new_default():
new_order_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
return new_order_default
class FooterLinks(models.Model):
order = models.CharField(_("Sort Order"), default = get_new_default)
This pastes the new maximum order value in the Text Box and keeps the field editable.
---!! Edit !!---
---!编辑!! ---
This raises one problem, when resetting the database, as there are no objects to calculate the maximum with. The fix is to count all the found objects and in case none exist set default to 1:
from django.db.models import Max
def get_new_default():
if FooterLinks.objects.all().count() == 0:
new_order_default = 1
new_order_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
return new_order_default
class FooterLinks(models.Model):
order = models.CharField(_("Sort Order"), default = get_new_default)
from django.db.models import Max
new_default = FooterLinks.objects.all().aggregate(Max('order'))['order__max']+1
To make the change permanent, either do a database migration with South; or as danihp suggested override the save method.
However note that if you table gets very large, it would be better to implement this logic as a trigger on your database.
No, you would run this one time and it would update all the entries in your database - ideally you would do this during normal system downtime/maintenance windows.
不,您将运行此次并且它将更新数据库中的所有条目 - 理想情况下,您将在正常的系统停机/维护窗口期间执行此操作。
To adjust the value in the text box, you need to update the default that you have given in your model. Note that default
can take a value or a callable (in other words, a method). Everytime the field is rendered the method will be called.
You can use this to make sure the default is always calculated by providing a method as the default.