
时间:2022-10-22 09:19:48

I have an ASP.NET MVC website. In my backend I have a table called People with the following columns:

我有一个ASP.NET MVC网站。在我的后端,我有一个名为People的表,其中包含以下列:

  1. ID
  2. Name
  3. Age
  4. Location
  5. ... (a number of other cols)
  6. ......(其他一些小组)

I have a generic web page that uses model binding to query this data. Here is my controller action:


public ActionResult GetData(FilterParams filterParams)
      return View(_dataAccess.Retrieve(filterParams.Name, filterParams.Age, filterParams.location, . . .)

which maps onto something like this:


 http://www.mysite.com/MyController/GetData?Name=Bill .. . 

The dataAccess layer simply checks each parameter to see if its populated to add to the db where clause. This works great.

dataAccess层只是检查每个参数以查看它是否已填充以添加到db where子句。这很好用。

I now want to be able to store a user's filtered queries and I am trying to figure out the best way to store a specific filter. As some of the filters only have one param in the queryString while others have 10+ fields in the filter I can't figure out the most elegant way to storing this query "filter info" into my database.


Options I can think of are:


  1. Have a complete replicate of the table (with some extra cols) but call it PeopleFilterQueries and populate in each record a FilterName and put the value of the filter in each of field (Name, etc)


  2. Store a table with just FilterName and a string where I store the actual querystring Name=Bill&Location=NewYork. This way I won't have to keep adding new columns if the filters change or grow.

    存储一个只有FilterName的表和一个字符串,我存储实际的查询字符串Name = Bill&Location = NewYork。这样,如果过滤器更改或增长,我将不必继续添加新列。

What is the best practice for this situation?


7 个解决方案



If the purpose is to save a list of recently used filters, I would serialise the complete FilterParams object into an XML field/column after the model binding has occurred. By saving it into a XML field you're also giving yourself the flexibility to use XQuery and DML should the need arise at a later date for more performance focused querying of the information.


    public ActionResult GetData(FilterParams filterParams)
          // Peform action to get the information from your data access layer here
          var someData = _dataAccess.Retrieve(filterParams.Name, filterParams.Age, filterParams.location, . . .);

          // Save the search that was used to retrieve later here
          return View(someData);

And then in your DataAccess Class you'll want to have two Methods, one for saving and one for retrieving the filters:


public void SaveFilter(FilterParams filterParams){
    var ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(FilterParams));
    using (var stream = new StringWriter())
              // serialise to the stream
              ser.Serialize(stream, filterParams);
  //Add new database entry here, with a serialised string created from the FilterParams obj

Then when you want to retrieve a saved filter, perhaps by Id:


public FilterParams GetFilter(int filterId){

      //Get the XML blob from your database as a string
      string filter = someDBClass.GetFilterAsString(filterId);

      var ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(FilterParams));

      using (var sr = new StringReader(filterParams))
          return (FilterParams)ser.Deserialize(sr);

Remember that your FilterParams class must have a default (i.e. parameterless) constructor, and you can use the [XmlIgnore] attribute to prevent properties from being serialised into the database should you wish.


public class FilterParams{
   public string Name {get;set;}
   public string Age {get;set;}

   public string PropertyYouDontWantToSerialise {get;set;}

Note: The SaveFilter returns Void and there is no error handling for brevity.




Rather than storing the querystring, I would serialize the FilterParams object as JSON/XML and store the result in your database.

我不是存储查询字符串,而是将FilterParams对象序列化为JSON / XML并将结果存储在数据库中。

Here's a JSON Serializer I regularly use:

这是我经常使用的JSON Serializer:

using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;

namespace Fabrik.Abstractions.Serialization
    public class JsonSerializer : ISerializer<string>
        public string Serialize<TObject>(TObject @object) {
            var dc = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(TObject));
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                dc.WriteObject(ms, @object);
                return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());

        public TObject Deserialize<TObject>(string serialized) {
            var dc = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(TObject));
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serialized)))
                return (TObject)dc.ReadObject(ms);

You can then deserialize the object and pass it your data access code as per your example above.




You didn't mention about exact purpose of storing the filter.


If you insist to save filter into a database table, I would have following structure of the table.


  • FilterId
  • Field
  • FieldValue

An example table might be


FilterId Field    FieldValue
1        Name     Tom
1        Age      24
1        Location IL       
3        Name     Mike



The answer is much more simple than you are making it:


Essentially you should store the raw query in its own table and relate it to your People table. Don't bother storing individual filter options.


Decide on a value to store (2 options)


  1. Store the URL Query String


    This id be beneficial if you like open API-style apps, and want something you can pass nicely back and forth from the client to the server and re-use without transformation.


  2. Serialize the Filter object as a string


    This is a really nice approach if your purpose for storing these filters remains entirely server side, and you would like to keep the data closer to a class object.


Relate your People table to your Query Filters Table:


The best strategy here depends on what your intention and performance needs are. Some suggestions below:


  • Simple filtering (ex. 2-3 filters, 3-4 options each)


    Use Many-To-Many because the number of combinations suggests that the same filter combos will be used lots of times by lots of people.


  • Complex filtering

    Use One-To-Many as there are so many possible individual queries, it less likely they are to be reused often enough to make the extra-normalization and performance hit worth your while.


There are certainly other options but they would depend on more detailed nuances of your application. The suggestions above would work nicely if you are say, trying to keep track of "recent queries" for a user, or "user favorite" filtering options...


Personal opinion Without knowing much more about your app, I would say (1) store the query string, and (2) use OTM related tables... if and when your app shows a need for further performance profiling or issues with refactoring filter params, then come back... but chances are, it wont.





In my opinion the best way to save the "Filter" is to have some kind of json text string with each of the "columns names"


So you will have something in the db like


Table Filters

FilterId = 5 ; FilterParams = {'age' : '>18' , ...

FilterId = 5; FilterParams = {'age':'> 18',...

Json will provide a lot of capabilities, like the use of age as an array to have more than one filter to the same "column", etc.


Also json is some kind of standard, so you can use this "filters" with other db some day or to just "display" the filter or edit it in a web form. If you save the Query you will be attached to it.


Well, hope it helps!




Assuming that a nosql/object database such as Berkeley DB is out of the question, I would definitely go with option 1. Sooner or later you'll find the following requirements or others coming up:

假设像Berkeley DB这样的nosql / object数据库是不可能的,我肯定会使用选项1.迟早你会发现以下要求或其他要求:

  1. Allow people to save their filters, label, tag, search and share them via bookmarks, tweets or whatever.
  2. 允许用户通过书签,推文或其他方式保存过滤器,标签,标签,搜索和分享。

  3. Change what a parameter means or what it does, which will require you to version your filters for backward compatibility.
  4. 更改参数的含义或其作用,这将要求您对过滤器进行版本化以实现向后兼容性。

  5. Provide auto-complete functions over filters, possibly using a user's filter history to inform the auto-complete.
  6. 通过过滤器提供自动完成功能,可能使用用户的过滤器历史记录来通知自动完成。

The above will be somewhat harder to satisfy if you do any kind of binary/string serialization where you'll need to parse the result and then process them.


If you can use a NoSql DB, then you'll get all the benefits of a sql store plus be able to model the 'arbitrary number of key/value pairs' very well.

如果你可以使用NoSql DB,那么你将获得sql商店的所有好处,并能够非常好地建模“任意数量的键/值对”。



Have thought about using Profiles. This is a build in mechanism to store user specific info. From your description of your problem its seems a fit.


Profiles In ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0中的配置文件

I have to admit that M$ implementation is a bit dated but there is essentially nothing wrong with the approach. If you wanted to roll your own, there's quite a bit of good thinking in their API.

我不得不承认M $的实现有点过时,但这种方法基本上没有错。如果你想自己动手,那么他们的API就会有很多好的想法。



If the purpose is to save a list of recently used filters, I would serialise the complete FilterParams object into an XML field/column after the model binding has occurred. By saving it into a XML field you're also giving yourself the flexibility to use XQuery and DML should the need arise at a later date for more performance focused querying of the information.


    public ActionResult GetData(FilterParams filterParams)
          // Peform action to get the information from your data access layer here
          var someData = _dataAccess.Retrieve(filterParams.Name, filterParams.Age, filterParams.location, . . .);

          // Save the search that was used to retrieve later here
          return View(someData);

And then in your DataAccess Class you'll want to have two Methods, one for saving and one for retrieving the filters:


public void SaveFilter(FilterParams filterParams){
    var ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(FilterParams));
    using (var stream = new StringWriter())
              // serialise to the stream
              ser.Serialize(stream, filterParams);
  //Add new database entry here, with a serialised string created from the FilterParams obj

Then when you want to retrieve a saved filter, perhaps by Id:


public FilterParams GetFilter(int filterId){

      //Get the XML blob from your database as a string
      string filter = someDBClass.GetFilterAsString(filterId);

      var ser = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(FilterParams));

      using (var sr = new StringReader(filterParams))
          return (FilterParams)ser.Deserialize(sr);

Remember that your FilterParams class must have a default (i.e. parameterless) constructor, and you can use the [XmlIgnore] attribute to prevent properties from being serialised into the database should you wish.


public class FilterParams{
   public string Name {get;set;}
   public string Age {get;set;}

   public string PropertyYouDontWantToSerialise {get;set;}

Note: The SaveFilter returns Void and there is no error handling for brevity.




Rather than storing the querystring, I would serialize the FilterParams object as JSON/XML and store the result in your database.

我不是存储查询字符串,而是将FilterParams对象序列化为JSON / XML并将结果存储在数据库中。

Here's a JSON Serializer I regularly use:

这是我经常使用的JSON Serializer:

using System.IO;
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Json;
using System.Text;

namespace Fabrik.Abstractions.Serialization
    public class JsonSerializer : ISerializer<string>
        public string Serialize<TObject>(TObject @object) {
            var dc = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(TObject));
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())
                dc.WriteObject(ms, @object);
                return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(ms.ToArray());

        public TObject Deserialize<TObject>(string serialized) {
            var dc = new DataContractJsonSerializer(typeof(TObject));
            using (var ms = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serialized)))
                return (TObject)dc.ReadObject(ms);

You can then deserialize the object and pass it your data access code as per your example above.




You didn't mention about exact purpose of storing the filter.


If you insist to save filter into a database table, I would have following structure of the table.


  • FilterId
  • Field
  • FieldValue

An example table might be


FilterId Field    FieldValue
1        Name     Tom
1        Age      24
1        Location IL       
3        Name     Mike



The answer is much more simple than you are making it:


Essentially you should store the raw query in its own table and relate it to your People table. Don't bother storing individual filter options.


Decide on a value to store (2 options)


  1. Store the URL Query String


    This id be beneficial if you like open API-style apps, and want something you can pass nicely back and forth from the client to the server and re-use without transformation.


  2. Serialize the Filter object as a string


    This is a really nice approach if your purpose for storing these filters remains entirely server side, and you would like to keep the data closer to a class object.


Relate your People table to your Query Filters Table:


The best strategy here depends on what your intention and performance needs are. Some suggestions below:


  • Simple filtering (ex. 2-3 filters, 3-4 options each)


    Use Many-To-Many because the number of combinations suggests that the same filter combos will be used lots of times by lots of people.


  • Complex filtering

    Use One-To-Many as there are so many possible individual queries, it less likely they are to be reused often enough to make the extra-normalization and performance hit worth your while.


There are certainly other options but they would depend on more detailed nuances of your application. The suggestions above would work nicely if you are say, trying to keep track of "recent queries" for a user, or "user favorite" filtering options...


Personal opinion Without knowing much more about your app, I would say (1) store the query string, and (2) use OTM related tables... if and when your app shows a need for further performance profiling or issues with refactoring filter params, then come back... but chances are, it wont.





In my opinion the best way to save the "Filter" is to have some kind of json text string with each of the "columns names"


So you will have something in the db like


Table Filters

FilterId = 5 ; FilterParams = {'age' : '>18' , ...

FilterId = 5; FilterParams = {'age':'> 18',...

Json will provide a lot of capabilities, like the use of age as an array to have more than one filter to the same "column", etc.


Also json is some kind of standard, so you can use this "filters" with other db some day or to just "display" the filter or edit it in a web form. If you save the Query you will be attached to it.


Well, hope it helps!




Assuming that a nosql/object database such as Berkeley DB is out of the question, I would definitely go with option 1. Sooner or later you'll find the following requirements or others coming up:

假设像Berkeley DB这样的nosql / object数据库是不可能的,我肯定会使用选项1.迟早你会发现以下要求或其他要求:

  1. Allow people to save their filters, label, tag, search and share them via bookmarks, tweets or whatever.
  2. 允许用户通过书签,推文或其他方式保存过滤器,标签,标签,搜索和分享。

  3. Change what a parameter means or what it does, which will require you to version your filters for backward compatibility.
  4. 更改参数的含义或其作用,这将要求您对过滤器进行版本化以实现向后兼容性。

  5. Provide auto-complete functions over filters, possibly using a user's filter history to inform the auto-complete.
  6. 通过过滤器提供自动完成功能,可能使用用户的过滤器历史记录来通知自动完成。

The above will be somewhat harder to satisfy if you do any kind of binary/string serialization where you'll need to parse the result and then process them.


If you can use a NoSql DB, then you'll get all the benefits of a sql store plus be able to model the 'arbitrary number of key/value pairs' very well.

如果你可以使用NoSql DB,那么你将获得sql商店的所有好处,并能够非常好地建模“任意数量的键/值对”。



Have thought about using Profiles. This is a build in mechanism to store user specific info. From your description of your problem its seems a fit.


Profiles In ASP.NET 2.0

ASP.NET 2.0中的配置文件

I have to admit that M$ implementation is a bit dated but there is essentially nothing wrong with the approach. If you wanted to roll your own, there's quite a bit of good thinking in their API.

我不得不承认M $的实现有点过时,但这种方法基本上没有错。如果你想自己动手,那么他们的API就会有很多好的想法。