使用Zurb Foundation创建大型输入文本的正确方法是什么?

时间:2022-10-22 09:16:07

I've read the documentation about forms and there is nothing saying about how to make input texts larger. Larger I mean, for example, as the Grooveshark's search box was before, with bigger typography and dimensions:


使用Zurb Foundation创建大型输入文本的正确方法是什么?

I've read the typography but it talks about headers, lists, etc. Probably there is a way to apply this to the input text, but I am really new to Foundation and I do not know the right way to do that. I saw also that, for buttons, you can control how large they are using the respective classes, "large", "medium", "small", and "tiny", but what if I want to make my input text as large as the button?


So far, I have a basic input form as following:


  <div class="row">
    <div class="ten mobile-three columns">
      <input type="text" placeholder="Type here what you want" />
    <div class="two mobile-one columns">
      <a class="button expand postfix">Search</a>



1 个解决方案



There is no correct way as per Foundation's UI toolset. You will have to apply your own CSS to application.css in order to achieve this.


For example:


input[type=text] {
    font-size: 24px;

Note that this works only in this particular example, you would need to add some #id to the search input element in order not to set this style to all input texts.




There is no correct way as per Foundation's UI toolset. You will have to apply your own CSS to application.css in order to achieve this.


For example:


input[type=text] {
    font-size: 24px;

Note that this works only in this particular example, you would need to add some #id to the search input element in order not to set this style to all input texts.
