AngularJS - 将$ setValidity与ng-repeat指令一起使用

时间:2022-10-22 08:48:00

I am having a bit of a problem (mostly because of my lack of knowledge of AngularJS directives). I am using the Rating Directive directive from the UI Bootstrap library combined with my own custom validation. Multiple rating directive instances are created using ng-repeat from an object array from my controller. I use other scope variables to set the default "Rate Me" text, the custom CSS classes 'ratingOptions.ratingStates' and the max value limitiations 'ratingOptions.max'. All is working as desired... This is my directive code in the view (please note that the container form is called "categoryRatingFrom":

我遇到了一些问题(主要是因为我对AngularJS指令缺乏了解)。我正在使用UI Bootstrap库中的Rating Directive指令以及我自己的自定义验证。使用来自控制器的对象数组中的ng-repeat创建多个评级指令实例。我使用其他范围变量来设置默认的“Rate Me”文本,自定义CSS类的“ratingOptions.ratingStates”和最大值限制“ratingOptions.max”。一切都按预期工作......这是我在视图中的指令代码(请注意容器表单称为“categoryRatingFrom”:

<div data-ng-repeat="cats in categories">
    <div data-ng-form name="RatingFrom">
        <div class="row no-bottom-padding">
            <label class="col-sm-4 control-label">@{{ }}</label>

            <div class="col-sm-8">

                <div class="no-outline"
                     data-rating-validate > <!-- Notice the custom directive -->
                @{{ cats.hoverState || cats.items[cats.value - 1].name || rateMe }}

Now I wish to set the directive instance to invalid should a value not being set, the default value is zero but the user must enter a value from 1 to ratingOptions.max (which is currently 6). I have a custom directive to validate this called ratingValidate. This is being invoked/bootstrapped and I am able to determine the current value of each directive instance, however I wish to initially set the directive/form-item to invalid and once the user selects a value we set the directive /form-item/instance to valid. This should be fairly easy but with using an ng-repeat I am unsure how to reference the specific form item. If anyone could help explain what I need to do whilst I experiment and search the AngularJS docs I would be most appreciative. This is my directive...


    .directive('ratingValidate', function () {

       // ratingValidate
        return {
            restrict: 'A', // only activate on element attribute
            require: '?ngModel', // get a hold of NgModelController
            link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModel) {

                // do nothing if no ng-model
                if (!ngModel) {

                // Listen for change events to enable binding
                element.bind('click change', function () {

                    console.log(element[0], attrs);
                    if(attrs.ariaValuenow === 0){
                        ngModel.$setValidity('', false); // What goes here??? How do I reference the item?
                    } else {
                        ngModel.$setValidity('', false); // What goes here??? How do I reference the item?



2 个解决方案



How Angular Validation Works

Angular uses the 'name' attribute to create the $scope variables used for validation.

Angular使用'name'属性来创建用于验证的$ scope变量。

For example, if you have an input field with a 'required' attribute:


<form name="myform">
   <input name="firstname" ng-model="firstname" type="text" required/>

Then to access the validation properties on $scope, you would do:

然后,要访问$ scope上的验证属性,您将执行以下操作:

var validationFailed = $scope.myform.firstname.$error.required;

Where $error is an object that has 'required' as a Boolean property.

其中$ error是一个'required'作为布尔属性的对象。

In the 'required' directive, you would see something like this:


                if(attrs.value == ''){
                    ngModel.$setValidity('required', true); // failed validation
                } else {
                    ngModel.$setValidity('required', false); // passed validation

You can pass any string to $setValidity, and it will set the $error property for you. For example, if you did:

您可以将任何字符串传递给$ setValidity,它将为您设置$ error属性。例如,如果您这样做:

$setValidity('test', true)

Then there would be an $error property named 'test' and it would be set to true. You can then access the property like this:

然后会有一个名为'test'的$ error属性,它将被设置为true。然后,您可以像这样访问该属性:


Other validation properties that are available are:



Hope this helps to answer your question.




To overcome this I added the following to the directive HTML:



and in the directive


ngModel.$setValidity(, true); // or false depending on the condition



How Angular Validation Works

Angular uses the 'name' attribute to create the $scope variables used for validation.

Angular使用'name'属性来创建用于验证的$ scope变量。

For example, if you have an input field with a 'required' attribute:


<form name="myform">
   <input name="firstname" ng-model="firstname" type="text" required/>

Then to access the validation properties on $scope, you would do:

然后,要访问$ scope上的验证属性,您将执行以下操作:

var validationFailed = $scope.myform.firstname.$error.required;

Where $error is an object that has 'required' as a Boolean property.

其中$ error是一个'required'作为布尔属性的对象。

In the 'required' directive, you would see something like this:


                if(attrs.value == ''){
                    ngModel.$setValidity('required', true); // failed validation
                } else {
                    ngModel.$setValidity('required', false); // passed validation

You can pass any string to $setValidity, and it will set the $error property for you. For example, if you did:

您可以将任何字符串传递给$ setValidity,它将为您设置$ error属性。例如,如果您这样做:

$setValidity('test', true)

Then there would be an $error property named 'test' and it would be set to true. You can then access the property like this:

然后会有一个名为'test'的$ error属性,它将被设置为true。然后,您可以像这样访问该属性:


Other validation properties that are available are:



Hope this helps to answer your question.




To overcome this I added the following to the directive HTML:



and in the directive


ngModel.$setValidity(, true); // or false depending on the condition