I am relatively new to AngularJS. While venturing into directive creation, I can across this problem: How to dynamically add / remove attributes on the children of the directive's element when these children are dynamically added with 'ng-repeat'?
First, I thought of this solution:
a.list-group-item(ng-repeat='playlist in playlists', ng-click='addToPlaylist(playlist, track)', ng-href='playlist/{{ playlist._id }})
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
var listItems = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('list-group-item')
angular.forEach(listItems, function(item, index) {
'add' in attrs ? item.removeAttr('href') : item.removeAttr('ng-click');
listItems[index] = item;
It turns out, my code never enters this angular.forEach
loop because listItems is empty. I suppose it's because the ng-repeat
is waiting for the scope.playlists to populate with the data from a async call to a server via $resource.
事实证明,我的代码永远不会进入此angular.forEach循环,因为listItems为空。我想这是因为ng-repeat正在等待scope.playlists通过$ resource填充从异步调用到服务器的数据。
temporary fix
in the directive definition, I added a boolean variable that checks for the presence of 'add' in the element's attributes: var adding = 'add' in attrs ? true : false;
在指令定义中,我添加了一个布尔变量,用于检查元素属性中是否存在'add':变量add ='add'在attrs中?真假;
And then in the template,
a.list-group-item(ng-if='adding', ng-repeat='playlist in playlists', ng-click='addToPlaylist(playlist, track)')
a.list-group-item(ng-if='!adding', ng-repeat='playlist in playlists', ng-href='playlist/{{playlist._id }}')
While it works fine, it is obviously not DRY at all. HELP!
2 个解决方案
Instead of removing attributes, change your click handler.
Add $event
to the list of arguments and conditionally use preventDefault()
将$ event添加到参数列表中并有条件地使用preventDefault()。
<a ng-click='addToPlaylist($event,playlist)' ng-href='playlist'>CLICK ME</a>
In your controller:
$scope.addToPlaylist = function(event,playlist) {
if (!$scope.adding) return;
//do add operation
When not adding, the function returns and the href is fetched. Otherwise the default is prevented and the click handler does the add operation.
From the Docs:
Directives like
expose a$event
object within the scope of that expression. The object is an instance of a jQuery Event Object when jQuery is present or a similar jqLite object.像ngClick和ngFocus这样的指令在该表达式的范围内公开$ event对象。当jQuery存在或类似的jqLite对象时,该对象是jQuery事件对象的实例。
-- AngularJS Developer Guide -- $event
- AngularJS开发人员指南 - $ event
The way that you are trying to do things may not be the most Angularish (Angularist? Angularyist?) way. When using angular.element()
to select child elements as you are trying to do here, you can make sure the child elements are ready as follows:
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
elm.ready(function() {
var listItems = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('list-group-item')
angular.forEach(listItems, function(item, index) {
'add' in attrs ? item.removeAttr('href') : item.removeAttr('ng-click');
listItems[index] = item;
However, this is unlikely to work in your situation, as @charlietfl points out below. If you want to avoid the solution you already have (which I think is better than your first attempt), you will have to reimplement your code altogether.
I would suggest defining an additional directive that communicates with its parent directive using the require
property of the directive definition object. The new directive would have access to an add
property of the parent (this.add
in the parent directive's controller) and could be programmed to behave accordingly. The implementation of that solution is beyond the scope of this answer.
I decided to give the implementation something of a shot. The example is highly simplified, but it does what you are trying to do: alter the template of a directive based on the attributed passed to it. See the example here.
The example uses a new feature in Angular 1: components. You can read more about injectable templates and components here. Essentially, components allow you to define templates using a function with access to your element and its attributes, like so:
该示例使用Angular 1中的新功能:组件。您可以在此处阅读有关可注射模板和组件的更多信息。从本质上讲,组件允许您使用可以访问元素及其属性的函数来定义模板,如下所示:
app.component('playlistComponent', {
// We can define out template as a function that returns a string:
template: function($element, $attrs) {
var action = 'add' in $attrs
? 'ng-click="$ctrl.addToPlaylist(playlist, track)"'
: 'ng-href="playlist/{{playlist._id}}"';
return '<a class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="playlist in playlists" ' +
action + '></a>';
// Components always use controllers rather than scopes
controller: ['playlistService', function(playlists) {
this.playlists = playlists;
this.addToPlaylist = function(playlist, track) {
// Some logic
Instead of removing attributes, change your click handler.
Add $event
to the list of arguments and conditionally use preventDefault()
将$ event添加到参数列表中并有条件地使用preventDefault()。
<a ng-click='addToPlaylist($event,playlist)' ng-href='playlist'>CLICK ME</a>
In your controller:
$scope.addToPlaylist = function(event,playlist) {
if (!$scope.adding) return;
//do add operation
When not adding, the function returns and the href is fetched. Otherwise the default is prevented and the click handler does the add operation.
From the Docs:
Directives like
expose a$event
object within the scope of that expression. The object is an instance of a jQuery Event Object when jQuery is present or a similar jqLite object.像ngClick和ngFocus这样的指令在该表达式的范围内公开$ event对象。当jQuery存在或类似的jqLite对象时,该对象是jQuery事件对象的实例。
-- AngularJS Developer Guide -- $event
- AngularJS开发人员指南 - $ event
The way that you are trying to do things may not be the most Angularish (Angularist? Angularyist?) way. When using angular.element()
to select child elements as you are trying to do here, you can make sure the child elements are ready as follows:
link: function(scope, elm, attrs) {
elm.ready(function() {
var listItems = angular.element(element[0].getElementsByClassName('list-group-item')
angular.forEach(listItems, function(item, index) {
'add' in attrs ? item.removeAttr('href') : item.removeAttr('ng-click');
listItems[index] = item;
However, this is unlikely to work in your situation, as @charlietfl points out below. If you want to avoid the solution you already have (which I think is better than your first attempt), you will have to reimplement your code altogether.
I would suggest defining an additional directive that communicates with its parent directive using the require
property of the directive definition object. The new directive would have access to an add
property of the parent (this.add
in the parent directive's controller) and could be programmed to behave accordingly. The implementation of that solution is beyond the scope of this answer.
I decided to give the implementation something of a shot. The example is highly simplified, but it does what you are trying to do: alter the template of a directive based on the attributed passed to it. See the example here.
The example uses a new feature in Angular 1: components. You can read more about injectable templates and components here. Essentially, components allow you to define templates using a function with access to your element and its attributes, like so:
该示例使用Angular 1中的新功能:组件。您可以在此处阅读有关可注射模板和组件的更多信息。从本质上讲,组件允许您使用可以访问元素及其属性的函数来定义模板,如下所示:
app.component('playlistComponent', {
// We can define out template as a function that returns a string:
template: function($element, $attrs) {
var action = 'add' in $attrs
? 'ng-click="$ctrl.addToPlaylist(playlist, track)"'
: 'ng-href="playlist/{{playlist._id}}"';
return '<a class="list-group-item" ng-repeat="playlist in playlists" ' +
action + '></a>';
// Components always use controllers rather than scopes
controller: ['playlistService', function(playlists) {
this.playlists = playlists;
this.addToPlaylist = function(playlist, track) {
// Some logic