
时间:2022-10-20 19:27:44

I recently wrote a small tool to generate a class for each tier I hand write for the boring "forms over data" work where I spend almost 90% of my time (depressing I know) ... more on this as the economy improves ;)

我最近编写了一个小工具来为每个层级生成一个类,我为无聊的“数据形式”工作编写,我花费了近90%的时间(令人沮丧,我知道)...随着经济的改善,更多关于这一点; )

My question is this - will using this tool instead of hand typing all this code from day to day actually hurt me as a developer? I feel like I will always be making changes to this tool and thus I "should" stay on top of the patterns used/ choices made/ etc... but some small part of me feels like I might lose my edge ... am I wrong?

我的问题是 - 将使用这个工具而不是手工打字所有这些代码日复一日实际上伤害了我作为开发人员?我觉得我将永远改变这个工具,因此我“应该”保持在使用的模式/选择/等等...但我的一小部分感觉我可能会失去我的优势......我错了?

16 个解决方案


If the tool can spit the code out without thought, then it probably saves you lots of thoughtless typing.


Writing the tool in the first place requires thinking, so I'd guess you'd be more "on the edge" maintaining and writing the tool.



That's good! Of course writing a tool to do all the job for you is impossible and wrong.


But automating repeatable tasks is always good - and sometimes writing specific types of code is repeatable.

但自动化可重复任务总是好的 - 有时编写特定类型的代码是可重复的。

It is even encouraged in the "Pragmatic Programmer" book.


Make sure that in the source control you have checked in a code generator and not its output (unless you have to modify the code later by hand)!



You are most definitely not wrong. I use code generators anywhere I can - I currently use CodeSmith to create my DAO's by looking at the database.

你绝对没错。我在任何地方使用代码生成器 - 我目前使用CodeSmith通过查看数据库来创建我的DAO。

What edge are you afraid of losing? In my mind going to code generation is actually giving you an edge.



Larry Wall (of Perl fame) describes the three cardinal virtues of programming as Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.

Larry Wall(Perl成名)描述了编程的三个主要优点:Laziness,Impatience和Hubris。

Congratulations! You have shown good laziness, in that you have identified some work you can pass off to an automated process and done so. (Bad laziness leads to cutting corners, procrastination, and generally postponing rather than eliminating work.) If you can successfully palm off some work onto another program, you are spending less time on annoying triviality and more on accomplishing things and learning.

恭喜!你已经表现出很好的懒惰,因为你已经确定了一些可以传递给自动化过程的工作并且这样做了。 (糟糕的懒惰导致偷工减料,拖延,并且通常推迟而不是消除工作。)如果你能成功地将一些工作转移到另一个项目上,你就会花更少的时间来讨厌烦人的事情,而更多的时间来完成事情和学习。


Generate what you can. Code generation is one of the best tools I've picked up over the last 2 or 3 years. Typing the same code over and over (or copy and pasting it) is prone to error.



Spending less time doing something by having something/someone else do it, and more time researching better ways to do it will generally lead to doing it in a better way.


This doesn't have to just apply to programming....



Your code generator (at least in principle - I haven't looked at it myself) is The Right Thing, at least as far as it goes.

你的代码生成器(至少在原则上 - 我自己没有看过它)是正确的事,至少就它而言。

The next step would be to see whether you can, instead of generating all this redundant code, create a base class whose functionality matches the generated code and then derive your application code from it. Using inheritance rather than generation will allow you to benefit from improvements without needing to re-run the generator on all your projects. Perhaps more importantly, if you customize the generated code, the customizations would be lost if you re-run the generator, but customizations in a derived class will be preserved when the base class is changed.



No. Why do you think IDE's are so popular. Imagine if all the people who use Visual Studio had to programmatically create the GUI's without help from the IDE, it'd be terrible. I would be willing to bet most people who use VisualStudio won't know how to manualy create the forms they're creating in the IDE. But there's nothing wrong with that.

不。为什么你认为IDE如此受欢迎。想象一下,如果所有使用Visual Studio的人都必须在没有IDE帮助的情况下以编程方式创建GUI,那就太糟糕了。我愿意打赌大多数使用VisualStudio的人都不会知道如何手动创建他们在IDE中创建的表单。但这并没有错。


I believe in code generation wherever possible to remove the rote tasks of programming. You will not lose your edge, you will probably become a better programmer because you will spend more time working on the important and interesting stuff.


BTW, your tool sounds interesting. Have you released it anywhere?



Code generation is fine as long as you understand what you are generating. Physicists use calculators because they understand the formulas they are automating and realize that their precious time is better spent on important tasks.



Code generation is one of those invaluable DO:s that The Pragmatic Programmer advocates. I truly recommend that book. Here's a Pragmatic Programmer quick ref.



Its almost hypocritical not to code generate. Here we are automating all of these tasks that were traditionally done by hand... and yet many of us still hand crank all of our code, even if it can be easily generated.



My only experience with code generation is the macros of Common Lisp. They are used all the time. Everything that automats repetitive tasks is beneficial; that is what programming is about.

我唯一的代码生成经验是Common Lisp的宏。它们一直在使用。使重复性任务自动化的一切都是有益的;这就是编程的意义所在。

Read the story of Mac.



Imagine that each time you made a change to the tool and regenerated your code, that you made that design change by hand on all of your modules.


Since I've started generating code and gotten up to speed, I've found that I rarely get bugs in the generated code.



I find that writing code gen does help me learn the nuances of good architecture. You start seeing common patterns as opposed to a narrow view of your design. That said, don't use code gen as a substitute for good object-oriented code, and don't love your code gen so much you ignore new technologies. For example, if you're in .NET and are writing code-gen for data access, you'd better have a good excuse for not using Linq to SQL or NHibernate. Similarly, Dynamic Data can help in many forms-on-data scenarios. So, my advice: spike new stuff and code gen as needed.

我发现编写代码确实帮助我学习了良好架构的细微差别。您开始看到常见的图案,而不是狭隘的设计视图。也就是说,不要使用代码生成代替良好的面向对象的代码,并且不要太喜欢你的代码,否则你会忽略新技术。例如,如果你在.NET中并且正在编写用于数据访问的代码,那么你最好有一个不使用Linq to SQL或NHibernate的借口。同样,动态数据可以在许多数据形式场景中提供帮助。所以,我的建议是:根据需要加入新东西和代码。


My 2cents on code gen is that it is also critical for use in refactoring. I have found that partial classes and a good file comparison utility (Araxis or BeyondCompare) are essential.


Keep your generated code in one file and the custom Tweaks you made for that class in another file.


This practice will allow you to make those comprehensive framework changes implemented quickly and will also help you move to a new paradigm while easily being able to save your custom logic.


CodeSmith FTW!

While build servers are great to make sure all your code compiles, it doesn't address the differences in signatures with your stored procs or the like. If you routinely run the code gen you can more easily identify when those changes occur. A unit test will tell you the SP is wrong, code gen will tell you how to make it right.



If the tool can spit the code out without thought, then it probably saves you lots of thoughtless typing.


Writing the tool in the first place requires thinking, so I'd guess you'd be more "on the edge" maintaining and writing the tool.



That's good! Of course writing a tool to do all the job for you is impossible and wrong.


But automating repeatable tasks is always good - and sometimes writing specific types of code is repeatable.

但自动化可重复任务总是好的 - 有时编写特定类型的代码是可重复的。

It is even encouraged in the "Pragmatic Programmer" book.


Make sure that in the source control you have checked in a code generator and not its output (unless you have to modify the code later by hand)!



You are most definitely not wrong. I use code generators anywhere I can - I currently use CodeSmith to create my DAO's by looking at the database.

你绝对没错。我在任何地方使用代码生成器 - 我目前使用CodeSmith通过查看数据库来创建我的DAO。

What edge are you afraid of losing? In my mind going to code generation is actually giving you an edge.



Larry Wall (of Perl fame) describes the three cardinal virtues of programming as Laziness, Impatience, and Hubris.

Larry Wall(Perl成名)描述了编程的三个主要优点:Laziness,Impatience和Hubris。

Congratulations! You have shown good laziness, in that you have identified some work you can pass off to an automated process and done so. (Bad laziness leads to cutting corners, procrastination, and generally postponing rather than eliminating work.) If you can successfully palm off some work onto another program, you are spending less time on annoying triviality and more on accomplishing things and learning.

恭喜!你已经表现出很好的懒惰,因为你已经确定了一些可以传递给自动化过程的工作并且这样做了。 (糟糕的懒惰导致偷工减料,拖延,并且通常推迟而不是消除工作。)如果你能成功地将一些工作转移到另一个项目上,你就会花更少的时间来讨厌烦人的事情,而更多的时间来完成事情和学习。


Generate what you can. Code generation is one of the best tools I've picked up over the last 2 or 3 years. Typing the same code over and over (or copy and pasting it) is prone to error.



Spending less time doing something by having something/someone else do it, and more time researching better ways to do it will generally lead to doing it in a better way.


This doesn't have to just apply to programming....



Your code generator (at least in principle - I haven't looked at it myself) is The Right Thing, at least as far as it goes.

你的代码生成器(至少在原则上 - 我自己没有看过它)是正确的事,至少就它而言。

The next step would be to see whether you can, instead of generating all this redundant code, create a base class whose functionality matches the generated code and then derive your application code from it. Using inheritance rather than generation will allow you to benefit from improvements without needing to re-run the generator on all your projects. Perhaps more importantly, if you customize the generated code, the customizations would be lost if you re-run the generator, but customizations in a derived class will be preserved when the base class is changed.



No. Why do you think IDE's are so popular. Imagine if all the people who use Visual Studio had to programmatically create the GUI's without help from the IDE, it'd be terrible. I would be willing to bet most people who use VisualStudio won't know how to manualy create the forms they're creating in the IDE. But there's nothing wrong with that.

不。为什么你认为IDE如此受欢迎。想象一下,如果所有使用Visual Studio的人都必须在没有IDE帮助的情况下以编程方式创建GUI,那就太糟糕了。我愿意打赌大多数使用VisualStudio的人都不会知道如何手动创建他们在IDE中创建的表单。但这并没有错。


I believe in code generation wherever possible to remove the rote tasks of programming. You will not lose your edge, you will probably become a better programmer because you will spend more time working on the important and interesting stuff.


BTW, your tool sounds interesting. Have you released it anywhere?



Code generation is fine as long as you understand what you are generating. Physicists use calculators because they understand the formulas they are automating and realize that their precious time is better spent on important tasks.



Code generation is one of those invaluable DO:s that The Pragmatic Programmer advocates. I truly recommend that book. Here's a Pragmatic Programmer quick ref.



Its almost hypocritical not to code generate. Here we are automating all of these tasks that were traditionally done by hand... and yet many of us still hand crank all of our code, even if it can be easily generated.



My only experience with code generation is the macros of Common Lisp. They are used all the time. Everything that automats repetitive tasks is beneficial; that is what programming is about.

我唯一的代码生成经验是Common Lisp的宏。它们一直在使用。使重复性任务自动化的一切都是有益的;这就是编程的意义所在。

Read the story of Mac.



Imagine that each time you made a change to the tool and regenerated your code, that you made that design change by hand on all of your modules.


Since I've started generating code and gotten up to speed, I've found that I rarely get bugs in the generated code.



I find that writing code gen does help me learn the nuances of good architecture. You start seeing common patterns as opposed to a narrow view of your design. That said, don't use code gen as a substitute for good object-oriented code, and don't love your code gen so much you ignore new technologies. For example, if you're in .NET and are writing code-gen for data access, you'd better have a good excuse for not using Linq to SQL or NHibernate. Similarly, Dynamic Data can help in many forms-on-data scenarios. So, my advice: spike new stuff and code gen as needed.

我发现编写代码确实帮助我学习了良好架构的细微差别。您开始看到常见的图案,而不是狭隘的设计视图。也就是说,不要使用代码生成代替良好的面向对象的代码,并且不要太喜欢你的代码,否则你会忽略新技术。例如,如果你在.NET中并且正在编写用于数据访问的代码,那么你最好有一个不使用Linq to SQL或NHibernate的借口。同样,动态数据可以在许多数据形式场景中提供帮助。所以,我的建议是:根据需要加入新东西和代码。


My 2cents on code gen is that it is also critical for use in refactoring. I have found that partial classes and a good file comparison utility (Araxis or BeyondCompare) are essential.


Keep your generated code in one file and the custom Tweaks you made for that class in another file.


This practice will allow you to make those comprehensive framework changes implemented quickly and will also help you move to a new paradigm while easily being able to save your custom logic.


CodeSmith FTW!

While build servers are great to make sure all your code compiles, it doesn't address the differences in signatures with your stored procs or the like. If you routinely run the code gen you can more easily identify when those changes occur. A unit test will tell you the SP is wrong, code gen will tell you how to make it right.
