
时间:2022-10-20 10:46:25

I have placed an image controls in center the mdi. But when I an opening a child form the form form appears below the image control.


Please help ???

请帮忙 ???

3 个解决方案


A small idea to solve this problem.


Use a picture box to show your image in MDI form and try the code below:


Private Sub MDIFORM_MdiChildActivate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MdiChildActivate

    Dim cnt As Integer = 0
    For Each frm As Form In My.Application.OpenForms
        cnt += 1
    If cnt > 1 Then
    End If
End Sub


Once the outer form is an MdiParent, the mdiclient area will expand to fill all space not used by other containers. So you'll either need to put the image somewhere else (e.g., a panel docked to the left, separated by a Splitter from the mdi client area) or not put the image on child forms.



This is the way MDI forms work in .NET. According to my copy of Professional VB 2005 (Wrox), "in VB.NET, an MDI parent can contain any control that a regular form can contain. Buttons, labels, and the like can be placed directly on the MDI surface. Such controls will appear in front of any MDI child forms that are displayed in the MDI client area" (emphasis mine)

这是MDI在.NET中的工作方式。根据我的Professional VB 2005(Wrox)的副本,“在VB.NET中,MDI父级可以包含常规表单可以包含的任何控件。按钮,标签等可以直接放在MDI表面上。这样的控件将显示在MDI客户端区域中显示的任何MDI子窗体的前面“(强调我的)

I imagine what you're trying to do is have some kind of logo appear in the client area in the MDI form? In this case, you will need to draw this in the form's Paint event rather than using an Image control.



A small idea to solve this problem.


Use a picture box to show your image in MDI form and try the code below:


Private Sub MDIFORM_MdiChildActivate(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.MdiChildActivate

    Dim cnt As Integer = 0
    For Each frm As Form In My.Application.OpenForms
        cnt += 1
    If cnt > 1 Then
    End If
End Sub


Once the outer form is an MdiParent, the mdiclient area will expand to fill all space not used by other containers. So you'll either need to put the image somewhere else (e.g., a panel docked to the left, separated by a Splitter from the mdi client area) or not put the image on child forms.



This is the way MDI forms work in .NET. According to my copy of Professional VB 2005 (Wrox), "in VB.NET, an MDI parent can contain any control that a regular form can contain. Buttons, labels, and the like can be placed directly on the MDI surface. Such controls will appear in front of any MDI child forms that are displayed in the MDI client area" (emphasis mine)

这是MDI在.NET中的工作方式。根据我的Professional VB 2005(Wrox)的副本,“在VB.NET中,MDI父级可以包含常规表单可以包含的任何控件。按钮,标签等可以直接放在MDI表面上。这样的控件将显示在MDI客户端区域中显示的任何MDI子窗体的前面“(强调我的)

I imagine what you're trying to do is have some kind of logo appear in the client area in the MDI form? In this case, you will need to draw this in the form's Paint event rather than using an Image control.
