I have a some pages that are slightly different, but all have the same "action buttons" that do the same tasks for each page. Instead of duplicating the code, I made a user control that includes buttons that perform actions - but there's one action I can't seem to do.
我有一些略有不同的页面,但都有相同的“操作按钮”,每个页面执行相同的任务。我没有复制代码,而是创建了一个包含执行操作的按钮的用户控件 - 但是我似乎无法执行一个操作。
Each page has a textbox (that's not inside the user control, as it's in a different location of the page). When I click the "Save comment" button (that is within the User Control), I can't seem to access the text in the Textbox.
I have tried using something like this:
TextBox txtComments = (TextBox)this.Parent.FindControl("txtComments");
...but txtComments comes back as null.
So, I'm wondering if this is possible, or perhaps if there's a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
Edit: The Textbox is in a Placeholder on the original page...
Edit 2: Posting minified solution - still can't figure this one out.
编辑2:发布缩小的解决方案 - 仍然无法弄清楚这个。
Edit 3: Removed solution to conserve space - resolved the issue.
编辑3:删除解决方案以节省空间 - 解决了问题。
4 个解决方案
My solution ended up being surprisingly simple....
TextBox txt = this.Parent.Parent.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder2").FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;
if (txt != null) Label1.Text = txt.Text;
Where I was going wrong before was that I was using the wrong ContentPlaceHolder ID. I was using the ID of the placeholder in the page, rather than the ID from the Master Page.
之前我出错的地方是我使用了错误的ContentPlaceHolder ID。我在页面中使用占位符的ID,而不是母版页中的ID。
Use the Page
property exposed by WebControl
, the common base of server-side controls.
You could even then cast the instance to the specific page type and access the control directly (if scope allows), instead of using FindControl
To recap the situation - you need to do a FindControl of a control on a page from a child control, however -
回顾一下这种情况 - 你需要从子控件对页面上的控件进行FindControl,但是 -
- Your project has a MasterPage, in which case
seems to not work, and we usethis.Parent
instead - 你的项目有一个MasterPage,在这种情况下this.Page似乎不起作用,我们使用this.Parent代替
- Your "target" control is inside a PlaceHolder, which itself is inside a ContentPlaceHolder, so it's not as simple as just
- 你的“目标”控件位于PlaceHolder中,它本身位于ContentPlaceHolder中,因此它不像this.Parent.FindControl()那么简单。
- Your child ASCX control that is trying to find the "target" control, in this case a textbox, is actually in ANOTHER ContentPlaceHolder, so again, this.Parent.Parent or whatever will not work.
- 你的孩子ASCX控件试图找到“目标”控件,在这种情况下是一个文本框,实际上是在另一个ContentPlaceHolder中,所以再次,this.Parent.Parent或其他什么都行不通。
Since you mentioned after my initial this.Parent
answer about the controls being in a different ContentPlaceHolder from each other, and in another child control, it complicates your query a bit.
Based on these criteria, and the fact that you at least know the contentPlaceHolder control which contains (somewhere inside of it) your target TextBox, here's some code I wrote that works for me in a new ASP.net Web Forms application:
基于这些标准,以及你至少知道包含(在其中的某个地方)你的目标TextBox的contentPlaceHolder控件的事实,这里有一些我在新的ASP.net Web窗体应用程序中为我工作的代码:
It recursively checks controls collection of the ContentPlaceHolder you pass to it, and finds your control.
Just pass the ControlID and ContentPlaceHolderID, and it will recursively find it.
This code is a replacement for my original one below with the same project, located inside of ChildControl.ascx.cs file:
using System; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FindControlTest
public partial class ChildControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var textBoxTest = FindControlInContentPlaceHolder("TextBoxTest", "FeaturedContent") as TextBox;
private Control FindControlInContentPlaceHolder(string controlID, string contentPlaceHolderID)
if (null == this.Page ||
null == this.Page.Master)
return null;
var contentPlaceHolder = this.Page.Master.FindControl(contentPlaceHolderID);
var control = getChildControl(controlID, contentPlaceHolder);
return control;
private Control getChildControl(string controlID, Control currentControl)
if (currentControl.HasControls())
foreach(Control childControl in currentControl.Controls)
var foundControl = childControl.FindControl(controlID);
if (null != foundControl)
return foundControl;
return getChildControl(controlID, childControl);
return null;
I tried this in a few events and even on Init() I was able to get the TextBox value If you are seeing a null it is likely due to an incorrect ID being passed or a situation I didn't encounter yet. If you edit your question with additional info (as there has been a lot of it) and show what variable is null, it can be resolved.
Note that I added some complexity to my MasterPage, such as a PlaceHolder inside a Panel, and then put the ContentPlaceHolder in there, and the code still works. I even compiled for .net 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0 thinking maybe FindControl works differently with MasterPages, but still it works every time. You may need to post some additional MarkUp if you still get a null.
请注意,我在MasterPage中添加了一些复杂性,例如Panel中的PlaceHolder,然后将ContentPlaceHolder放在那里,代码仍然有效。我甚至编译.net 4.5,4.0,3.5和3.0思考也许FindControl与MasterPages的工作方式不同,但它仍然每次都有效。如果仍然获得null,则可能需要发布一些额外的MarkUp。
The Rest of the Test Project
The Page (based on default MasterPage)
<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="FindControlTest._Default" %>
<%@ Register TagName="ChildControl" TagPrefix="uc1" Src="~/ChildControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="FeaturedContent">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderTest" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxTest" Text="Hello!" runat="server"/>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<uc1:ChildControl id="ChildControlTest" runat="server" />
I added a control called ChildControl.ascx that only has this in it:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ChildControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="FindControlTest.ChildControl" %>
Hello child!
The result is "Hello!" on the page.
If you want to access the textbox property in codebehind as intellisence property, simply make it a string property in the user control.
1. In the user control, create a public string property that returns textbox string value..
public string MyText
return txt1.Text;
2. Register the user control on the page
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="MyControl" Src="~/mycontrol.ascx" />
and declare it..
<uc:MyControl ID="control1" runat="server" />
3. From the codebehind now you can read the property..
Hope it helps
My solution ended up being surprisingly simple....
TextBox txt = this.Parent.Parent.FindControl("ContentPlaceHolder2").FindControl("TextBox1") as TextBox;
if (txt != null) Label1.Text = txt.Text;
Where I was going wrong before was that I was using the wrong ContentPlaceHolder ID. I was using the ID of the placeholder in the page, rather than the ID from the Master Page.
之前我出错的地方是我使用了错误的ContentPlaceHolder ID。我在页面中使用占位符的ID,而不是母版页中的ID。
Use the Page
property exposed by WebControl
, the common base of server-side controls.
You could even then cast the instance to the specific page type and access the control directly (if scope allows), instead of using FindControl
To recap the situation - you need to do a FindControl of a control on a page from a child control, however -
回顾一下这种情况 - 你需要从子控件对页面上的控件进行FindControl,但是 -
- Your project has a MasterPage, in which case
seems to not work, and we usethis.Parent
instead - 你的项目有一个MasterPage,在这种情况下this.Page似乎不起作用,我们使用this.Parent代替
- Your "target" control is inside a PlaceHolder, which itself is inside a ContentPlaceHolder, so it's not as simple as just
- 你的“目标”控件位于PlaceHolder中,它本身位于ContentPlaceHolder中,因此它不像this.Parent.FindControl()那么简单。
- Your child ASCX control that is trying to find the "target" control, in this case a textbox, is actually in ANOTHER ContentPlaceHolder, so again, this.Parent.Parent or whatever will not work.
- 你的孩子ASCX控件试图找到“目标”控件,在这种情况下是一个文本框,实际上是在另一个ContentPlaceHolder中,所以再次,this.Parent.Parent或其他什么都行不通。
Since you mentioned after my initial this.Parent
answer about the controls being in a different ContentPlaceHolder from each other, and in another child control, it complicates your query a bit.
Based on these criteria, and the fact that you at least know the contentPlaceHolder control which contains (somewhere inside of it) your target TextBox, here's some code I wrote that works for me in a new ASP.net Web Forms application:
基于这些标准,以及你至少知道包含(在其中的某个地方)你的目标TextBox的contentPlaceHolder控件的事实,这里有一些我在新的ASP.net Web窗体应用程序中为我工作的代码:
It recursively checks controls collection of the ContentPlaceHolder you pass to it, and finds your control.
Just pass the ControlID and ContentPlaceHolderID, and it will recursively find it.
This code is a replacement for my original one below with the same project, located inside of ChildControl.ascx.cs file:
using System; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Linq; using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace FindControlTest
public partial class ChildControl : System.Web.UI.UserControl
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var textBoxTest = FindControlInContentPlaceHolder("TextBoxTest", "FeaturedContent") as TextBox;
private Control FindControlInContentPlaceHolder(string controlID, string contentPlaceHolderID)
if (null == this.Page ||
null == this.Page.Master)
return null;
var contentPlaceHolder = this.Page.Master.FindControl(contentPlaceHolderID);
var control = getChildControl(controlID, contentPlaceHolder);
return control;
private Control getChildControl(string controlID, Control currentControl)
if (currentControl.HasControls())
foreach(Control childControl in currentControl.Controls)
var foundControl = childControl.FindControl(controlID);
if (null != foundControl)
return foundControl;
return getChildControl(controlID, childControl);
return null;
I tried this in a few events and even on Init() I was able to get the TextBox value If you are seeing a null it is likely due to an incorrect ID being passed or a situation I didn't encounter yet. If you edit your question with additional info (as there has been a lot of it) and show what variable is null, it can be resolved.
Note that I added some complexity to my MasterPage, such as a PlaceHolder inside a Panel, and then put the ContentPlaceHolder in there, and the code still works. I even compiled for .net 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, and 3.0 thinking maybe FindControl works differently with MasterPages, but still it works every time. You may need to post some additional MarkUp if you still get a null.
请注意,我在MasterPage中添加了一些复杂性,例如Panel中的PlaceHolder,然后将ContentPlaceHolder放在那里,代码仍然有效。我甚至编译.net 4.5,4.0,3.5和3.0思考也许FindControl与MasterPages的工作方式不同,但它仍然每次都有效。如果仍然获得null,则可能需要发布一些额外的MarkUp。
The Rest of the Test Project
The Page (based on default MasterPage)
<%@ Page Title="Home Page" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Site.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Default.aspx.cs" Inherits="FindControlTest._Default" %>
<%@ Register TagName="ChildControl" TagPrefix="uc1" Src="~/ChildControl.ascx" %>
<asp:Content runat="server" ContentPlaceHolderID="FeaturedContent">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="PlaceHolderTest" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBoxTest" Text="Hello!" runat="server"/>
<asp:Content ContentPlaceHolderID="MainContent" runat="server">
<uc1:ChildControl id="ChildControlTest" runat="server" />
I added a control called ChildControl.ascx that only has this in it:
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="ChildControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="FindControlTest.ChildControl" %>
Hello child!
The result is "Hello!" on the page.
If you want to access the textbox property in codebehind as intellisence property, simply make it a string property in the user control.
1. In the user control, create a public string property that returns textbox string value..
public string MyText
return txt1.Text;
2. Register the user control on the page
<%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="MyControl" Src="~/mycontrol.ascx" />
and declare it..
<uc:MyControl ID="control1" runat="server" />
3. From the codebehind now you can read the property..
Hope it helps