
时间:2022-10-19 22:04:58

I'm just beginning to learn ASP.NET MVC and I've run into a question. I'm trying to determine whether I should use HtmlHelper to create client controls or if I should just roll my own. My gut wants to lean towards just rolling my own because it gives me total control - and use jQuery to decorate and add cross-browswer functionality. But then I can see advantages of using HtmlHelper for various complex controls that may involve things like paging.

我刚刚开始学习ASP.NET MVC,我遇到了一个问题。我正在尝试确定是否应该使用HtmlHelper来创建客户端控件,或者我是否应该使用自己的控件。我的内心想要倾向于自己滚动,因为它让我完全控制 - 并使用jQuery来装饰和添加交叉浏览器功能。但后来我可以看到使用HtmlHelper进行各种复杂控制的好处,这些控件可能涉及分页等问题。

I'm looking for experiences about when it was better to use HtmlHelper and when it was better to roll your own.


4 个解决方案



The more they add to HtmlHelper the more I end up using them myself.


Take a look at these posts from ScottGu: MVC Preview 5 and MVC Beta

看一下ScottGu的这些帖子:MVC Preview 5和MVC Beta

If you don't use the HtmlHelper versions of the input boxes, you won't get the nice, free validation.


Also, I'm not sure what prevents you from decorating the HtmlHelper controls with whatever you need to make them usable for jQuery.


You can add whatever attributes you need using the htmlAttributes overload like so:


<%= Html.TextBox("LastName", ViewData.Model.LastName, new { @class = "required" })%>

The interesting part for what I'm talking about is the anonymous object you see there (new { @class = "required" }).

我所谈论的有趣部分是你在那里看到的匿名对象(新{@class =“required”})。

You can put anything in there you'd need, and it gets slapped onto the attribute section of the control.


Good luck!



Rolling your own is pretty easy for the easy cases, but it gets harder the more "magical" you want them to be.


Luckily you can build the as you go.


The provided HtmlHelper controls are pretty extensive, however. They'll provide most of what you'll need. Just be cautious about the overloads, as it's very easy to accidentally use the wrong overload for your calls.




The real question you need to ask yourself is, do you need total control, do you just need a working control that gets the job done in the fastest time possible (this doesn't mean you have to sacrifice quality).


If speed is an issue, use HtmlHelper, if you want to play in control land, then go with rolling your own. If you're not sure, go with HtmlHelper and save homebrewed controls for your spare time experimentation.




I created a fluent interface for HTML, and I have decided to share it here. Maybe you will find it a good alternative. I also wrote a blog post about it.


Here's a teaser:


<%=this.TextBox(x => x.FirstName).Class("required").Label("First Name:")%>
<%=this.CheckBox("enabled").LabelAfter("Enabled").Title("Click to enable.").Styles(vertical_align => "middle")%>

Critique and contributions are welcome.




The more they add to HtmlHelper the more I end up using them myself.


Take a look at these posts from ScottGu: MVC Preview 5 and MVC Beta

看一下ScottGu的这些帖子:MVC Preview 5和MVC Beta

If you don't use the HtmlHelper versions of the input boxes, you won't get the nice, free validation.


Also, I'm not sure what prevents you from decorating the HtmlHelper controls with whatever you need to make them usable for jQuery.


You can add whatever attributes you need using the htmlAttributes overload like so:


<%= Html.TextBox("LastName", ViewData.Model.LastName, new { @class = "required" })%>

The interesting part for what I'm talking about is the anonymous object you see there (new { @class = "required" }).

我所谈论的有趣部分是你在那里看到的匿名对象(新{@class =“required”})。

You can put anything in there you'd need, and it gets slapped onto the attribute section of the control.


Good luck!



Rolling your own is pretty easy for the easy cases, but it gets harder the more "magical" you want them to be.


Luckily you can build the as you go.


The provided HtmlHelper controls are pretty extensive, however. They'll provide most of what you'll need. Just be cautious about the overloads, as it's very easy to accidentally use the wrong overload for your calls.




The real question you need to ask yourself is, do you need total control, do you just need a working control that gets the job done in the fastest time possible (this doesn't mean you have to sacrifice quality).


If speed is an issue, use HtmlHelper, if you want to play in control land, then go with rolling your own. If you're not sure, go with HtmlHelper and save homebrewed controls for your spare time experimentation.




I created a fluent interface for HTML, and I have decided to share it here. Maybe you will find it a good alternative. I also wrote a blog post about it.


Here's a teaser:


<%=this.TextBox(x => x.FirstName).Class("required").Label("First Name:")%>
<%=this.CheckBox("enabled").LabelAfter("Enabled").Title("Click to enable.").Styles(vertical_align => "middle")%>

Critique and contributions are welcome.
