
时间:2022-10-19 18:37:22

I have two ViewModels (Product and Part):


public class ProductViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }       

    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<PartViewModel> Parts { get; set; }

public class PartViewModel
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public string Name { get; set; }

    public bool IsActive { get; set; }

I run an EF Core query that returns 1727 Products with at least 1 Part per product. An example of a return of 1 of these would serialize to JSON as such:


      "Name":"Product Name 1",
      "Description":"This is a product",
            "Name":"Name 1"
            "Name":"Name 2",
            "Name":"Name 3",

Now, this works well with a query where I .Take(10), albeit seemingly slow, but when I try and serialize 1727 records, it bogs down and a five minute wait doesn't even complete the serialization process.

现在,对于一个查询,我. take(10),虽然看起来很慢,但是当我尝试序列化1727条记录时,它陷入了困境,5分钟的等待甚至不能完成序列化过程。

I tried using Json.Net as such:


var ret = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(products, new JsonSerializerSettings { Formatting = Formatting.Indented });

I only decided to try and use JsonConvert from Json.Net because, in my Controller Action, when attempting to return a JsonResult, the following code to convert my object to JSON had the same efficiency issue:


return Json(products);

I get the products via EF Core as such:

我通过EF Core获得产品如下:

var products = _context.Products.OrderBy(o => o.Name).Where(w => w.IsActive  //all products are active
            && (w.Parts.Count(c => c.IsActive) > 0)) //remove parts that are
            .Select(pr => new ProductViewModel
                Id = pr.Id,
                Name = pr.Name,
                Description = pr.Description,
                IsActive = pr.IsActive,
                Parts = pr.Parts.OrderBy(o => o.Name).Where(w => w.IsActive)  //all parts are active
                .Select(prt => new PartViewModel
                    Id = prt.Id,
                    Name = prt.Name,
                    IsActive = prt.IsActive,

What can I do?


1 个解决方案



Serialization is not the big deal, it's easy to notice now that you have added the LINQ query that the issue is the poor SQL Entity Framework will generate from it.


First of all, you should be using eager loading to join your products table with the parts table. You can do that simply by adding an Include method call.

首先,您应该使用eager loading将产品表与parts表连接起来。您可以通过添加一个Include方法调用来实现这一点。

_context.Products.Include(p => p.Parts)

If this is not done the query is actually doing N + 1 queries. You should use a simple trick to watch the actual SQL queries your query is doing adding this code to your DbContext. (Do this only if you are using EF6, EF Core does query logging for you.)

如果没有这样做,查询实际上是在执行N + 1查询。您应该使用一个简单的技巧来观察查询将此代码添加到DbContext的实际SQL查询。(只有在使用EF6时才这样做,EF Core为您进行查询日志记录。)

public YourDBContext()
   #if DEBUG   
   this.Database.Log = msg =>
       Debugger.Log(1, "ALL", "EF DB SQL: " + msg + Environment.NewLine);

Another condition that is doing the query take long is .Where(w => w.IsActive && (w.Parts.Count(c => c.IsActive) > 0)). I guess Entity Framework is generating a HAVING Clause, but it would help if you posted the generated SQL to optimize the query.

执行查询的另一个条件是. where (w => w)。IsActive & &(w.Parts。计数(c => c. isactive) > 0)我猜实体框架正在生成一个have子句,但如果您发布生成的SQL来优化查询,这将有所帮助。

Finally, a microoptimization in your Select method, would be to change the Parts property fetch expression by.


// other properties ...
Parts = pr.Parts.Where(w => w.IsActive).OrderBy(o => o.Name),
// other properties ...

This would prevent your database to fetch and sort the inactive parts.




Serialization is not the big deal, it's easy to notice now that you have added the LINQ query that the issue is the poor SQL Entity Framework will generate from it.


First of all, you should be using eager loading to join your products table with the parts table. You can do that simply by adding an Include method call.

首先,您应该使用eager loading将产品表与parts表连接起来。您可以通过添加一个Include方法调用来实现这一点。

_context.Products.Include(p => p.Parts)

If this is not done the query is actually doing N + 1 queries. You should use a simple trick to watch the actual SQL queries your query is doing adding this code to your DbContext. (Do this only if you are using EF6, EF Core does query logging for you.)

如果没有这样做,查询实际上是在执行N + 1查询。您应该使用一个简单的技巧来观察查询将此代码添加到DbContext的实际SQL查询。(只有在使用EF6时才这样做,EF Core为您进行查询日志记录。)

public YourDBContext()
   #if DEBUG   
   this.Database.Log = msg =>
       Debugger.Log(1, "ALL", "EF DB SQL: " + msg + Environment.NewLine);

Another condition that is doing the query take long is .Where(w => w.IsActive && (w.Parts.Count(c => c.IsActive) > 0)). I guess Entity Framework is generating a HAVING Clause, but it would help if you posted the generated SQL to optimize the query.

执行查询的另一个条件是. where (w => w)。IsActive & &(w.Parts。计数(c => c. isactive) > 0)我猜实体框架正在生成一个have子句,但如果您发布生成的SQL来优化查询,这将有所帮助。

Finally, a microoptimization in your Select method, would be to change the Parts property fetch expression by.


// other properties ...
Parts = pr.Parts.Where(w => w.IsActive).OrderBy(o => o.Name),
// other properties ...

This would prevent your database to fetch and sort the inactive parts.
