
时间:2022-10-18 23:57:36

If I want to find a set of entries in table A but not in table B, I can use either LEFT OUTER JOIN or NOT EXISTS. I've heard SQL Server is geared towards ANSI and in some case LEFT OUTER JOINs are far more efficient than NOT EXISTS. Will ANSI JOIN perform better in this case? and are join operators more efficient than NOT EXISTS in general on SQL Server?

如果我想在表a而不是表B中找到一组条目,我可以使用LEFT OUTER JOIN或者不存在。我听说SQL Server是面向ANSI的,在某些情况下,左外连接的效率比不存在的要高得多。在这种情况下,ANSI JOIN的表现会更好吗?在SQL Server上,连接操作符是否比一般情况下不存在的更有效?

6 个解决方案



Joe's link is a good starting point. Quassnoi covers this too.


In general, if your fields are properly indexed, OR if you expect to filter out more records (i.e. have a lots of rows EXIST in the subquery) NOT EXISTS will perform better.


EXISTS and NOT EXISTS both short circuit - as soon as a record matches the criteria it's either included or filtered out and the optimizer moves on to the next record.


LEFT JOIN will join ALL RECORDS regardless of whether they match or not, then filter out all non-matching records. If your tables are large and/or you have multiple JOIN criteria, this can be very very resource intensive.


I normally try to use NOT EXISTS and EXISTS where possible. For SQL Server, IN and NOT IN are semantically equivalent and may be easier to write. These are among the only operators you will find in SQL Server that are guaranteed to short circuit.

我通常尝试使用不存在和存在的可能。对于SQL Server, IN和NOT IN在语义上是等价的,可能更容易编写。在SQL Server中,这些操作符是唯一可以保证短时间运行的操作符。



The best discussion I've read on this topic for SQL Server is here.

我在这里读到关于SQL Server这个主题的最好的讨论。



Personally, I think that this one gets a big old, "It Depends". I've seen instances where each method has outperformed the other.


Your best bet is to test both and see which performs better. If it's a situation where the tables will always be small and performance isn't as crucial then I'd just go with whichever is the clearest to you (that's usually NOT EXISTS for most people) and move on.




This blog entry gives examples of various ways ( NOT IN, OUTER APPLY, LEFT OUTER JOIN, EXCEPT and NOT EXISTS ) to achieve same results and proves that Not Exists ( Left Anti Semi Join) is the best options in both cold cache and warm cache scenarios.




I've been wondering how we can use the index on the table we are deleting from in these cases that the OP describes.


Say we have:


 table EMPLOYEE (emp_id int, name varchar) 
 table EMPLOYEE_LOCATION (emp_id int, loc_id int)

In my real world example my tables are much wider and contain 1million + rows, I have simplified the schema for example purpose.


If I want to delete the rows from EMPLOYEE_LOCATION that don't have corresponding emp_id's in EMPLOYEE I can obviously use the Left outer technique or the NOT IN but I was wondering...

如果我想从EMPLOYEE_LOCATION中删除那些在EMPLOYEE中没有对应的emp_id的行,我显然可以使用左外置技术或者NOT in,但是我想…

If both tables have indexes with leading column of emp_id then would it be worthwhile trying to use them?


Perhaps I could pull the emp_id's from EMPLOYEE, the emp_id's from EMPLOYEE_LOCATION into a temp table and get the emp_id's from the temp tables that I want to delete.


I could then cycle round these emp_id's and actually use the index like so:


loop for each emp_id X to delete -- (this would be a cursor)

I know there is overhead with the cursor but in my real example I am dealing with huge tables so I think explicitly using the index is desirable.




Answer on dba.stackexchange


An exception I've noticed to the NOT EXISTS being superior (however marginally) to LEFT JOIN ... WHERE IS NULL is when using Linked Servers.


From examining the execution plans, it appears that NOT EXISTS operator gets executed in a nested loop fashion. Whereby it is executed on a per row basis (which I suppose makes sense).


Example execution plan demonstrating this behaviour: 左外连接的SQL性能vs不存在




Joe's link is a good starting point. Quassnoi covers this too.


In general, if your fields are properly indexed, OR if you expect to filter out more records (i.e. have a lots of rows EXIST in the subquery) NOT EXISTS will perform better.


EXISTS and NOT EXISTS both short circuit - as soon as a record matches the criteria it's either included or filtered out and the optimizer moves on to the next record.


LEFT JOIN will join ALL RECORDS regardless of whether they match or not, then filter out all non-matching records. If your tables are large and/or you have multiple JOIN criteria, this can be very very resource intensive.


I normally try to use NOT EXISTS and EXISTS where possible. For SQL Server, IN and NOT IN are semantically equivalent and may be easier to write. These are among the only operators you will find in SQL Server that are guaranteed to short circuit.

我通常尝试使用不存在和存在的可能。对于SQL Server, IN和NOT IN在语义上是等价的,可能更容易编写。在SQL Server中,这些操作符是唯一可以保证短时间运行的操作符。



The best discussion I've read on this topic for SQL Server is here.

我在这里读到关于SQL Server这个主题的最好的讨论。



Personally, I think that this one gets a big old, "It Depends". I've seen instances where each method has outperformed the other.


Your best bet is to test both and see which performs better. If it's a situation where the tables will always be small and performance isn't as crucial then I'd just go with whichever is the clearest to you (that's usually NOT EXISTS for most people) and move on.




This blog entry gives examples of various ways ( NOT IN, OUTER APPLY, LEFT OUTER JOIN, EXCEPT and NOT EXISTS ) to achieve same results and proves that Not Exists ( Left Anti Semi Join) is the best options in both cold cache and warm cache scenarios.




I've been wondering how we can use the index on the table we are deleting from in these cases that the OP describes.


Say we have:


 table EMPLOYEE (emp_id int, name varchar) 
 table EMPLOYEE_LOCATION (emp_id int, loc_id int)

In my real world example my tables are much wider and contain 1million + rows, I have simplified the schema for example purpose.


If I want to delete the rows from EMPLOYEE_LOCATION that don't have corresponding emp_id's in EMPLOYEE I can obviously use the Left outer technique or the NOT IN but I was wondering...

如果我想从EMPLOYEE_LOCATION中删除那些在EMPLOYEE中没有对应的emp_id的行,我显然可以使用左外置技术或者NOT in,但是我想…

If both tables have indexes with leading column of emp_id then would it be worthwhile trying to use them?


Perhaps I could pull the emp_id's from EMPLOYEE, the emp_id's from EMPLOYEE_LOCATION into a temp table and get the emp_id's from the temp tables that I want to delete.


I could then cycle round these emp_id's and actually use the index like so:


loop for each emp_id X to delete -- (this would be a cursor)

I know there is overhead with the cursor but in my real example I am dealing with huge tables so I think explicitly using the index is desirable.




Answer on dba.stackexchange


An exception I've noticed to the NOT EXISTS being superior (however marginally) to LEFT JOIN ... WHERE IS NULL is when using Linked Servers.


From examining the execution plans, it appears that NOT EXISTS operator gets executed in a nested loop fashion. Whereby it is executed on a per row basis (which I suppose makes sense).


Example execution plan demonstrating this behaviour: 左外连接的SQL性能vs不存在
