Right now, for no apparent reason I can not get throw new Meteor.Error(etc, etc) to throw from the server in a methods method and populate into the callback in Safari and Firefox. It does however appear to work almost everytime for Chrome. I can get some code samples when the form seems to be up again.
createCustomer: function(email, card) {
if (!email || !card) {
throw new Meteor.Error('missing fields');
return {
id: 1,
email: email,
card: card
createCustomerSubscription: function(custId, plan) {
return {
plan: {
customerId: custId,
name: plan
Meteor.call('createCustomer', customer, function(error, response) {
if (error) {
return console.log(error);
} else {
return console.log(response);
I am seeing the console log for the that says server, in the terminal, but do not see any browser console logs in Safari or Firefox, yet I do in Chrome.
1 个解决方案
Aw shucks...found the issue. Appears it was waiting on a sub from SubsManager in the router configure block, which was blocking the error to be thrown back to the client...quite the rabbit hole to find the issue.
Aw shucks...found the issue. Appears it was waiting on a sub from SubsManager in the router configure block, which was blocking the error to be thrown back to the client...quite the rabbit hole to find the issue.