Eloquent calls in Laravel 4: Dealing with single columns over multiple tables

时间:2022-10-16 07:33:03

I'm back with another Laravel issue that I can't seem to crack with my procedural PHP, direct mysql_query background. It basically involves the Eloquent ORM over multiple tables.

我回到另一个Laravel问题,我似乎无法破解我的程序PHP,直接mysql_query背景。它基本上涉及多个表上的Eloquent ORM。

I have 3 tables (Users, User_Profiles, and User_Answers). The Users table only keeps the very basics of the user (auto_incremented id, email, password), the User_Profiles table contains a few more details (image url, country, city, gender, etc) and belongs_to the User model. The User_Answers table is a list of answers given by the user and also belongs_to the User model.

我有3个表(Users,User_Profiles和User_Answers)。 Users表仅保留用户的基本信息(auto_incremented id,email,password),User_Profiles表包含更多详细信息(图像URL,国家,城市,性别等),并且属于User模型。 User_Answers表是用户给出的答案列表,也属于User模型。

What I would like to do is select all rows from the User_Profiles table where the city is the same as the city of the logged-in user, get their user_id's in an array and then compare the answers (from the User_Answers table) to the answers of the currently logged in User. The following is what I'm looking to do but in plain PHP and (for explanation purposes only) mysql_query. I apologize in advance for the awful code. I just need to be pointed in the right direction.



$link = mysql_connect("localhost", "xxx", "xxx");
$db = mysql_select_db('testersize', $link);

$id = 2;
$sql = "SELECT city FROM user_profiles WHERE user_id = $id";
$query = mysql_query($sql, $link);

$row = mysql_fetch_row($query);

$city = $row[0];

echo $city . "</br>";

$sql = "SELECT user_id FROM user_profiles WHERE city = '$city'";
$matches = mysql_query($sql, $link);


while($row = mysql_fetch_row($matches)){
  $u_id = $row[0];
  $sql = "SELECT books, movies, music FROM user_answers WHERE user_id = $u_id";
  $query2 = mysql_query($sql, $link);
  $row2 = mysql_fetch_row($query2);
  echo "<h2>User Number: " . $u_id . "</h2>";
  echo "your favorite books:" . $row2[0] . "</br>";
  echo "your favorite movies:" . $row2[1] . "</br>";
  echo "your favorite music:" . $row2[2] . "</br>";

2 个解决方案



$user_profiles = User_Profiles::where('city','=',Auth::user()->city)->get();
foreach($user_profiles as $user_profile){
  $id = array('user_id'=>$user_profile->user_id);

So that code will get you the user_profiles by city and then loop through them and put their in an array , im not sure what do you mean by match answers to users table though..




$user_ids = User_Profiles::where('city','=',Auth::user()->city)->lists('user_id');
$favorites = User_Answers::whereIn('user_id',$user_ids)->get();
foreach($favorites as $favorite)
    echo $favorite->book;
    echo $favorite->music;
    echo $favorite->movie;



$user_profiles = User_Profiles::where('city','=',Auth::user()->city)->get();
foreach($user_profiles as $user_profile){
  $id = array('user_id'=>$user_profile->user_id);

So that code will get you the user_profiles by city and then loop through them and put their in an array , im not sure what do you mean by match answers to users table though..




$user_ids = User_Profiles::where('city','=',Auth::user()->city)->lists('user_id');
$favorites = User_Answers::whereIn('user_id',$user_ids)->get();
foreach($favorites as $favorite)
    echo $favorite->book;
    echo $favorite->music;
    echo $favorite->movie;