
时间:2022-10-16 00:18:55

I hope I can explain this clearly, apologies in advance if it is confusing. I have a goals table which hasOne of each of bodyGoalDescs, strengthGoalDescs and distanceGoalDescs as shown below



class Goal extends BaseModel
    protected $guarded = array();

    public static $rules = array();

    //define relationships

    public function user()
        return $this->belongsTo('User', 'id', 'userId');

    public function goalStatus()
        return $this->hasOne('GoalStatus', 'id', 'goalStatus');

    public function bodyGoalDesc()
        return $this->hasOne('BodyGoalDesc', 'id', 'bodyGoalId');

    public function distanceGoalDesc()
        return $this->hasOne('DistanceGoalDesc', 'id', 'distanceGoalId');

    public function strengthGoalDesc()
        return $this->hasOne('StrengthGoalDesc', 'id', 'strengthGoalId');

    //goal specific functions

    public static function yourGoals()
        return static::where('userId', '=', Auth::user()->id)->paginate();

each of the three tables looks like this with the function details changed


class BodyGoalDesc extends BaseModel
    protected $guarded = array();

    public static $rules = array();

     * The database table used by the model.
     * @var string
    protected $table = 'bodyGoalDescs';

    //define relationships
    public function goal()
        return $this->belongsTo('Goal', 'bodyGoalId', 'id');


a goal has either a body goal, a strength goal, or a distance goal. I am having a problem with this method in the controller function



class GoalsController extends BaseController
    protected $goal;

    public function __construct(Goal $goal)
        $this->goal = $goal;

     * Display the specified resource.
     * @param  int      $id
     * @return Response
    public function show($id)
        $thisgoal = $this->goal->find($id);

        foreach ($this->goal->with('distanceGoalDesc')->get() as $distancegoaldesc) {


when I pass through goal 1 which has a distance goal the above method dies and dumps the Goal object with the details of goal 1 and an array of its relations including an object with DistanceGoalDes.


when I pass through goal 2 it passes through exactly the same as if I had passed through goal 1


if I dd() $thisgoal i get the goal that was passed through

如果我dd()$ thisgoal我得到了通过的目标

what I want ultimately is a method that returns the goal object with its relevant goal description object to the view but this wont even show me the correct goal details not too mind with the correct relations


1 个解决方案



this function is now doing what I want it to do, I am sure there is a better way (besides the fact that its happening in the controller right now) and I would love to hear it.


public function show($id)
        $thisgoal = $this->goal->find($id);

        if (!$thisgoal->bodyGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->bodyGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('bodygoaldesc', $goaldesc);
        } elseif (!$thisgoal->strengthGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->strengthGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('strengthgoaldesc', $goaldesc);
        } elseif (!$thisgoal->distanceGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->distanceGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('distancegoaldesc', $goaldesc);




this function is now doing what I want it to do, I am sure there is a better way (besides the fact that its happening in the controller right now) and I would love to hear it.


public function show($id)
        $thisgoal = $this->goal->find($id);

        if (!$thisgoal->bodyGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->bodyGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('bodygoaldesc', $goaldesc);
        } elseif (!$thisgoal->strengthGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->strengthGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('strengthgoaldesc', $goaldesc);
        } elseif (!$thisgoal->distanceGoalDesc == null) {
            $goaldesc = $thisgoal->distanceGoalDesc;

            return View::make('goals.show')
                ->with('goal', $thisgoal)
                ->with('distancegoaldesc', $goaldesc);
