Laravel 5.1通过急切加载返回连接字段

时间:2022-10-16 00:04:43

I'm currently having an issue retrieving a concatenated cell containing all store comments in one cell.


The way my database is set up: One store can have multiple comments, and every comment must relate back to the user.


Returning this normally though eager loading is fine, however what I'm trying to achieve is a single cell that contains a list of every comment for a store such as:


store1{Comments:["10-10-2015 - Comment 1 - User 1\n10-10-2015 - Comment 2 - User2"]},
store2{Comments:["10-10-2015 - Comment 3 - User3\n10-10-2015 - Comment 4 - User4\n10-10-2015 - Comment 5 - User5"]}

The two different methods I've tried to get this to work are: selecting the concatenated columns when I retrieve the stores:


return $stores = Store::with('StoreComment','StoreComment.CreatedBy')
->select(DB::raw("group_concat(DATE_FORMAT(storecomment.created_at,'%Y-%m-%d'), ' - ', Comment, ' - ', ShortName, '\n'  ORDER BY storecomment.created_at DESC SEPARATOR '') as storecomments"))

Which resulted in some field not found errors that I couldn't resolve.


I've also tried this approach in my store model:


public function FormattedComments()
  return $this->hasOne('App\Models\StoreComment','StoreID','StoreID')
              ->select(DB::raw("group_concat(DATE_FORMAT(StoreComment.created_at,'%Y-%m-%d'), ' - ', Comment, ' - ', ShortName, '\n'  ORDER BY StoreComment.created_at DESC SEPARATOR '')"))

However this only retrieves an empty cell.


Does anyone know where I've gone wrong in either approach? Thanks!


1 个解决方案



Define the user relation of comment in StoreCommet Model:


class StoreComment extends Model
  public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User','column name in which you have stored user id in store_comment table');

class Store extends Model
  public function StoreComment()
    return $this->hasMany('App\StoreComment','StoreID','StoreID')->with('user');

Now fetch like this:


$stores = Store::with('StoreComment');

And If you want to have a customized property for StoreComment, define it like this in StoreComment Model:


class StoreComment extends Model
  protected $appends = ['formattedComment'];

  public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User','column name in which you have stored user id in store_comment table');

  public function getFormattedCommentAttribute()
    return $this->Comment.' - '.$this->ShortName;



Define the user relation of comment in StoreCommet Model:


class StoreComment extends Model
  public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User','column name in which you have stored user id in store_comment table');

class Store extends Model
  public function StoreComment()
    return $this->hasMany('App\StoreComment','StoreID','StoreID')->with('user');

Now fetch like this:


$stores = Store::with('StoreComment');

And If you want to have a customized property for StoreComment, define it like this in StoreComment Model:


class StoreComment extends Model
  protected $appends = ['formattedComment'];

  public function user()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\User','column name in which you have stored user id in store_comment table');

  public function getFormattedCommentAttribute()
    return $this->Comment.' - '.$this->ShortName;