Laravel Eloquent有一个。试图获得非对象的属性

时间:2022-10-15 23:07:00

I've used Eloquent hasOne to create a relationship between the user and the users_permissions table when the user register's to the website and group the user according to the input they put on the form and it worked fine, but the same method I think it does not recognize when the same user is signed in the website.

我已经使用Eloquent hasOne在用户注册到网站时创建用户和users_permissions表之间的关系,并根据他们在表单上输入的内容对用户进行分组,并且工作正常,但我认为它的方法相同无法识别同一用户何时在网站上签名。

The below code work's when the user sign-up to the website



But when I want to use the below method it, I get an error Trying to get property of non-object.


public function hasPermission($permission) {
        return (bool) $this->permissions->$permission;

public function permissions() {
        return $this->hasOne('App\User\UserPermission', 'user_id');

In the user database a table named users_permissions that has (id, user_id, is_group_one, is_group_two, is_group_three)


I'm trying to see it the user is in which group, like:


        echo 'Group One';

But I get an error Trying to get property of non-object. I'd really appreciate it if any can help and if they are ways I could do this and use Laravel Eloquent Relationships methods. I hope you can understand what I mean.

但我得到一个错误试图获得非对象的属性。我真的很感激,如果有任何可以帮助,如果他们是我可以做到这一点,并使用Laravel Eloquent Relationships方法。我希望你能明白我的意思。

1 个解决方案



Create a scope that queries through the permissions relationship and checks if the column (i.e. $permission) is TRUE. Axe the (bool) bit...

创建一个通过权限关系查询的范围,并检查列(即$ permission)是否为TRUE。 Ax(bool)位......

public function scopeHasPermission($query, $permission) 
    return $query->permissions->where($permission, true);

Then in your controller, keep this the same as you had it:


if($app->user->hasPermission('is_group_one')) {



Create a scope that queries through the permissions relationship and checks if the column (i.e. $permission) is TRUE. Axe the (bool) bit...

创建一个通过权限关系查询的范围,并检查列(即$ permission)是否为TRUE。 Ax(bool)位......

public function scopeHasPermission($query, $permission) 
    return $query->permissions->where($permission, true);

Then in your controller, keep this the same as you had it:


if($app->user->hasPermission('is_group_one')) {