SQL Server单元测试:可以在“预测试”脚本中创建临时表,并在主测试中使用它们吗?

时间:2022-10-15 22:09:18

I am an SQL newbie trying to create unit tests for stored procedures in a legacy database. The stored procedures retrieve input data from temporary tables, which seems like it would make it easy to test them. I would like to create and populate those tables in a test harness setup routine, run the stored procedure, and then evaluate the results.


I set up my test environment using Visual Studio 2013 with a SQL Server Unit Test project as shown in this post.

我使用Visual Studio 2013设置了一个SQL Server单元测试项目的测试环境,如本文所示。

My Pre-test looks pretty boring:


/* fields */)

/* Populate temp table here */

Then in the Test body, I call the stored procedure, which depends on table #foo:


EXECUTE @RC = [dbo].[MyStoredProcedure] ;

But when I run the test, I get the following error:


Sql Error: 'Invalid object name '#foo'.' (Severity 16, State 0)

Test method DatabaseTestProj.TestSpike.dbo_SomeStoredPocTest threw exception: 
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Invalid object name '#foo'.

In fact, it seems that I can't even create a variable in Pre-Test and access it from the main part of the test.


What's the "right" way to populate the temporary table? Should the Pre-test area not be used for creating temporary tables?


2 个解决方案



The issue here is that by default pre and post-test scripts are executed using a different connection (PrivilegedContext) to the test script (ExecutionContext). You are using a local temporary table and the scope of this is only within the current connection. Hence the test cannot access the table since it's not available in its connection scope. There are two possible solutions here:


  1. Use a global temp table (##foo instead of #foo). This is available for any connection so you can access it from both Privileged and Execution contexts. The benefit is you don't need to change your test code, the downside is you might not want to change production code just to get your test working


  2. Change the connection used to execute either the test action or the pre-test action. This requires editing the C#/VB code that the unit test designer creates. If you right-click on your test class in Solution Explorer and choose "View Code", you can see the contents of the test method. You should be able to change the "preTestResults" line to use the ExecutionContext. See sample below (in this case the test was named "dbo_Procedure1Test").

    更改用于执行测试操作或预测试操作的连接。这需要编辑单元测试设计器创建的c# /VB代码。如果您在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击您的测试类并选择“查看代码”,您可以看到测试方法的内容。您应该能够更改“preTestResults”行以使用ExecutionContext。参见下面的示例(在这种情况下,测试被命名为“dbo_procedure dure1test”)。

    public void dbo_Procedure1Test()
        SqlDatabaseTestActions testActions = this.dbo_Procedure1TestData;
        // Execute the pre-test script
        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.PretestAction != null), "Executing pre-test script...");
        // Original code: uses the "PrivilegedContext" for the connection.
        //SqlExecutionResult[] pretestResults = TestService.Execute(this.PrivilegedContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PretestAction);
        // New code: uses the same "ExecutionContext" for the connection that the test section uses
        SqlExecutionResult[] pretestResults = TestService.Execute(this.ExecutionContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PretestAction);
            // Execute the test script
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.TestAction != null), "Executing test script...");
            // The test action uses an ExecutionContext, which is useful if you want to limit the permissions
            // to what an actual caller of the stored procedure would have, but do setup/teardown of test data using
            // a more privileged context. In this case you don't want that, so use the same context for both pre-test and the test itself
            SqlExecutionResult[] testResults = TestService.Execute(this.ExecutionContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.TestAction);
            // Execute the post-test script
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.PosttestAction != null), "Executing post-test script...");
            SqlExecutionResult[] posttestResults = TestService.Execute(this.PrivilegedContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PosttestAction);



SQL Server单元测试:可以在“预测试”脚本中创建临时表,并在主测试中使用它们吗?

This is a little diagram I made that helps me visualize where the different bits of the class are used and also where they show in the designer.




The issue here is that by default pre and post-test scripts are executed using a different connection (PrivilegedContext) to the test script (ExecutionContext). You are using a local temporary table and the scope of this is only within the current connection. Hence the test cannot access the table since it's not available in its connection scope. There are two possible solutions here:


  1. Use a global temp table (##foo instead of #foo). This is available for any connection so you can access it from both Privileged and Execution contexts. The benefit is you don't need to change your test code, the downside is you might not want to change production code just to get your test working


  2. Change the connection used to execute either the test action or the pre-test action. This requires editing the C#/VB code that the unit test designer creates. If you right-click on your test class in Solution Explorer and choose "View Code", you can see the contents of the test method. You should be able to change the "preTestResults" line to use the ExecutionContext. See sample below (in this case the test was named "dbo_Procedure1Test").

    更改用于执行测试操作或预测试操作的连接。这需要编辑单元测试设计器创建的c# /VB代码。如果您在解决方案资源管理器中右键单击您的测试类并选择“查看代码”,您可以看到测试方法的内容。您应该能够更改“preTestResults”行以使用ExecutionContext。参见下面的示例(在这种情况下,测试被命名为“dbo_procedure dure1test”)。

    public void dbo_Procedure1Test()
        SqlDatabaseTestActions testActions = this.dbo_Procedure1TestData;
        // Execute the pre-test script
        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.PretestAction != null), "Executing pre-test script...");
        // Original code: uses the "PrivilegedContext" for the connection.
        //SqlExecutionResult[] pretestResults = TestService.Execute(this.PrivilegedContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PretestAction);
        // New code: uses the same "ExecutionContext" for the connection that the test section uses
        SqlExecutionResult[] pretestResults = TestService.Execute(this.ExecutionContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PretestAction);
            // Execute the test script
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.TestAction != null), "Executing test script...");
            // The test action uses an ExecutionContext, which is useful if you want to limit the permissions
            // to what an actual caller of the stored procedure would have, but do setup/teardown of test data using
            // a more privileged context. In this case you don't want that, so use the same context for both pre-test and the test itself
            SqlExecutionResult[] testResults = TestService.Execute(this.ExecutionContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.TestAction);
            // Execute the post-test script
            System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLineIf((testActions.PosttestAction != null), "Executing post-test script...");
            SqlExecutionResult[] posttestResults = TestService.Execute(this.PrivilegedContext, this.PrivilegedContext, testActions.PosttestAction);



SQL Server单元测试:可以在“预测试”脚本中创建临时表,并在主测试中使用它们吗?

This is a little diagram I made that helps me visualize where the different bits of the class are used and also where they show in the designer.
