In our project, we are running PHPUnit tests that uses Selenium and Curl to open pages on a different development server. Server B has an Apache server running the serves the web site. Server A starts the test job by syncronizing (Rsync) the project files to development server B, so the project files is identical on both servers.
What possibilities are there for remotely collecting code coverage statistics in PHP?
We are already using Xdebug to collect code coverage on unit tests that run locally on server A (PHPunit uses the project files directly and can therefore start/stop collecting code coverage report)
On server B, the web site is rendered by a PHP instance run by Apache. When lunching the tests using Selenium/Curl the PHP instance on server A, the command line version is used. That instance can't profile the PHP instance that Apache runs on server B.
在服务器B上,web站点由Apache运行的PHP实例呈现。当在服务器A上使用Selenium/Curl PHP实例进行测试时,将使用命令行版本。该实例无法配置Apache在服务器B上运行的PHP实例。
When running unit tests (not using an other server and not using Selenium/Curl), we use a command like this:
phpunit --coverage-html ./results/codecoverage/ ATestFile.php
This generates a code coverage report for the test in "ATestFile.php" by using Xdebug in PHP Cli.
这将生成用于“ATestFile”测试的代码覆盖率报告。在php Cli中使用Xdebug。
2 个解决方案
The PHPUnit-Selenium project at Github has a solution for this, and I believe the older version built into PHPUnit 3.5 had the same thing. There are files in the PHPUnit_Extension_Selenium_TestCase
folder that you use to capture the code coverage information on server B. You need to setup Apache to prepend and append two PHP scripts--aptly named prepend.php
and append.php
--to each request.
Github的PHPUnit- selenium项目有一个解决方案,我相信在PHPUnit 3.5中构建的旧版本也有同样的功能。PHPUnit_Extension_Selenium_TestCase文件夹中有一些文件可以用来捕获服务器b上的代码覆盖率信息。php和追加。php——每个请求。
The instructions are in the PHPUnit documentation section on Selenium. Search for "append".
OP asked for alternatives that can generate reports from Server B.
Our PHP Test Coverage Tool collect test coverage data in a way completely independent of PHPUnit (use it or not, as you see fit) and/or XDebug (doesn't use XDebug at all).
This mean you can exercise your code by any method you deem helpful (including external requests from server A), and get code coverage data.
You can ask for a snapshot of covered code at any time. This display engine for the test coverage tool will convert that snapshot into is visible display of coverage overlayed on the source code, and/or produce a summary report.
The PHPUnit-Selenium project at Github has a solution for this, and I believe the older version built into PHPUnit 3.5 had the same thing. There are files in the PHPUnit_Extension_Selenium_TestCase
folder that you use to capture the code coverage information on server B. You need to setup Apache to prepend and append two PHP scripts--aptly named prepend.php
and append.php
--to each request.
Github的PHPUnit- selenium项目有一个解决方案,我相信在PHPUnit 3.5中构建的旧版本也有同样的功能。PHPUnit_Extension_Selenium_TestCase文件夹中有一些文件可以用来捕获服务器b上的代码覆盖率信息。php和追加。php——每个请求。
The instructions are in the PHPUnit documentation section on Selenium. Search for "append".
OP asked for alternatives that can generate reports from Server B.
Our PHP Test Coverage Tool collect test coverage data in a way completely independent of PHPUnit (use it or not, as you see fit) and/or XDebug (doesn't use XDebug at all).
This mean you can exercise your code by any method you deem helpful (including external requests from server A), and get code coverage data.
You can ask for a snapshot of covered code at any time. This display engine for the test coverage tool will convert that snapshot into is visible display of coverage overlayed on the source code, and/or produce a summary report.