如何在Kohana 3中执行外部请求?

时间:2022-10-13 15:18:45

I've always used cURL for this sort of stuff, but this article got me thinking I could request another page easily using the Request object in Kohana 3.

我总是使用cURL来做这类事情,但是这篇文章让我想到我可以使用Kohana 3中的Request对象轻松地请求另一个页面。

    $url = 'http://www.example.com';

    $update = Request::factory($url);

    $update->method = 'POST';

    $update->post = array(
        'key' => 'value'

    echo $update->response;

However I get the error


Accessing static property Request::$method as non static

From this I can assume it means that the method method is static, but that doesn't help me much. I also copied and pasted the example from that article and it threw the same error.


Basically, I'm trying to POST to a new page on an external server, and do it the Kohana way.


So, am I doing this correctly, or should I just use cURL (or file_get_contents() with context)?


3 个解决方案



I don't know if this was initially written when the OP was using Kohana 3.0, but the major release Kohana 3.1 has made this significantly easier to do. The Remote::get() is deprecated (and wasn't that good to begin with). To accomplish this in Kohana 3.1 is a simple matter, and you pretty much had it:

我不知道这是在OP使用Kohana 3.0时是否最初编写的,但主要版本Kohana 3.1使这更容易做到。不推荐使用Remote :: get()(开始时效果不佳)。要在Kohana 3.1中实现这一点是一件简单的事情,你几乎拥有它:

$url = 'http://www.example.com';

$request = Request::factory($url)
    ->post('key', 'value');

$response = $request->execute();

echo $response->body();

I moved some stuff around to take advantage of the succinctness of the chaining syntax. With the response, you can check the response code as well. For more information read the 3.1 API docs for Request and Request_Client_External (which handles these external i.e. not within-app requests.

我移动了一些东西,以利用链接语法的简洁性。通过响应,您还可以检查响应代码。有关更多信息,请阅读Request for Request和Request_Client_External的3.1 API文档(它处理这些外部即不是app内请求。



Just read this at the bottom


The request class used in this example is currently available as part of a Kohana Core development branch within my personal github account, which can be obtained from http://github.com/samsoir/core. If using the official Kohana PHP 3.0 download, a custom extension of the request class is required.

此示例中使用的请求类目前作为我个人github帐户中的Kohana Core开发分支的一部分提供,可从http://github.com/samsoir/core获取。如果使用官方Kohana PHP 3.0下载,则需要自定义扩展请求类。

Also see this discussion.




The Request object is used to request pages within your application. You can't use it for external URLs. Oh, and you don't have to use curl, you can make it easier by doing this:


$page = file_get_contents('http://google.com');



I don't know if this was initially written when the OP was using Kohana 3.0, but the major release Kohana 3.1 has made this significantly easier to do. The Remote::get() is deprecated (and wasn't that good to begin with). To accomplish this in Kohana 3.1 is a simple matter, and you pretty much had it:

我不知道这是在OP使用Kohana 3.0时是否最初编写的,但主要版本Kohana 3.1使这更容易做到。不推荐使用Remote :: get()(开始时效果不佳)。要在Kohana 3.1中实现这一点是一件简单的事情,你几乎拥有它:

$url = 'http://www.example.com';

$request = Request::factory($url)
    ->post('key', 'value');

$response = $request->execute();

echo $response->body();

I moved some stuff around to take advantage of the succinctness of the chaining syntax. With the response, you can check the response code as well. For more information read the 3.1 API docs for Request and Request_Client_External (which handles these external i.e. not within-app requests.

我移动了一些东西,以利用链接语法的简洁性。通过响应,您还可以检查响应代码。有关更多信息,请阅读Request for Request和Request_Client_External的3.1 API文档(它处理这些外部即不是app内请求。



Just read this at the bottom


The request class used in this example is currently available as part of a Kohana Core development branch within my personal github account, which can be obtained from http://github.com/samsoir/core. If using the official Kohana PHP 3.0 download, a custom extension of the request class is required.

此示例中使用的请求类目前作为我个人github帐户中的Kohana Core开发分支的一部分提供,可从http://github.com/samsoir/core获取。如果使用官方Kohana PHP 3.0下载,则需要自定义扩展请求类。

Also see this discussion.




The Request object is used to request pages within your application. You can't use it for external URLs. Oh, and you don't have to use curl, you can make it easier by doing this:


$page = file_get_contents('http://google.com');