
时间:2022-10-13 09:48:09

I'm currently working on making sure that text that is submitted into the database for a webapplication I am working on is sanitized properly before being submitted to the database, and then retrieved and displayed correctly.


Ignoring the jumble of sanitizing functions that are currently being used (it is currently a mess and breaks things), this is what I plan on doing:


  1. Use CKEditor for text input. It automatically converts HTML tags/symbols their HTML entities.


  2. Utilize PDO prepared statements to submit the text to the database.


Is this enough to properly sanitize input? I've been reading up on this, and many people say to use magic quotes, however I read that magic quotes is old and most recommend against using it.


Thank you in advance for any assistance!


2 个解决方案



Well, PDO is okay only with basic cases from beginners manual.
Whatever complex issue will bring PDO into trouble as well as any other API.


But as long as you are ready to waste your time writing huge insert statements, repeating every variable six to ten times following all these answers round here - PDO is okay.

但是只要你准备好浪费你的时间编写大量的插入语句,在这里回答所有这些答案之后重复每个变量六到十次 - PDO是可以的。

But just to let you know, there is no prepared statement for identifiers.


As for the CKEditor - isn't it a client-side application? If so, it will protect nothing.
So, better follow an advise from another answer - pass untrusted user-input through htmlspecialchars() when displaying it on HTML page

至于CKEditor - 它不是客户端应用程序吗?如果是这样,它将保护任何东西。所以,更好地遵循另一个答案的建议 - 在HTML页面上显示时通过htmlspecialchars()传递不受信任的用户输入



Don't use magic quotes. http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php

不要使用魔法引号。 http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.

自PHP 5.3.0起,此功能已被弃用,自PHP 5.4.0起已被删除。

If you're using prepared statements then you should be safe from sql injection. Remember to run user-inputted data through htmlspecialchars() when displaying it on the front-end.




Well, PDO is okay only with basic cases from beginners manual.
Whatever complex issue will bring PDO into trouble as well as any other API.


But as long as you are ready to waste your time writing huge insert statements, repeating every variable six to ten times following all these answers round here - PDO is okay.

但是只要你准备好浪费你的时间编写大量的插入语句,在这里回答所有这些答案之后重复每个变量六到十次 - PDO是可以的。

But just to let you know, there is no prepared statement for identifiers.


As for the CKEditor - isn't it a client-side application? If so, it will protect nothing.
So, better follow an advise from another answer - pass untrusted user-input through htmlspecialchars() when displaying it on HTML page

至于CKEditor - 它不是客户端应用程序吗?如果是这样,它将保护任何东西。所以,更好地遵循另一个答案的建议 - 在HTML页面上显示时通过htmlspecialchars()传递不受信任的用户输入



Don't use magic quotes. http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php

不要使用魔法引号。 http://php.net/manual/en/security.magicquotes.php

This feature has been DEPRECATED as of PHP 5.3.0 and REMOVED as of PHP 5.4.0.

自PHP 5.3.0起,此功能已被弃用,自PHP 5.4.0起已被删除。

If you're using prepared statements then you should be safe from sql injection. Remember to run user-inputted data through htmlspecialchars() when displaying it on the front-end.
