如何使用Javascript和regex将RSS feed的description标记中的Multiple图像解析到我的描述页面

时间:2022-10-13 07:32:58

This is the sample for description tag


    On 5th September, 2013 ICSK Junior Branch students expressed their love and respect                                for their teachers.<div align=center><img src=http://www.example.com/press//press/sep2613focus1.jpg></div> <div       align=center><img src=http://www.example.com/press//press/sep2613focus3.jpg></div>
     The  highlight of the day was address by Principal Incharge, educating children on the significance of the Day. Indeed a touching day for the teaching fraternity of ICSK. <div align=center><img src=http://www.example.com/press//press/sep2613focus4.jpg></div> More ICSK News at <a href="http://www.icsk-kw.com" target = "_blank">www.icsk-kw.com</a>

1 个解决方案



If you really have to use RegEx (which is not what you should do in the first place), then you can use this (rather simple) expression:


// description contains the text that you provided
images = description.match(/<img src=[^>]+>/g);

images now contains an array with all image tags.




If you really have to use RegEx (which is not what you should do in the first place), then you can use this (rather simple) expression:


// description contains the text that you provided
images = description.match(/<img src=[^>]+>/g);

images now contains an array with all image tags.
