
时间:2022-10-12 18:18:20

I'm hooking into a separate page (same domain) and pulling it into the current page using $.load, which would be fine, if I was doing it for the whole page, but I'm not, I'm just doing it for the JavaScript code in that page. I was wondering if it's possible to load all the script tags from said page into the current page?

我正在挂钩到一个单独的页面(同一个域)并使用$ .load将其拉到当前页面,如果我在整个页面上这样做会没问题,但我不是,我只是在做它用于该页面中的JavaScript代码。我想知道是否可以将所有脚本标签从所述页面加载到当前页面?

I'm currently using the below code:


var newMessageURL = $('#lnkCompose a').attr('href'); $('#hiddenScriptLoad').load(newMessageURL);

var newMessageURL = $('#lnkCompose a')。attr('href'); $( '#hiddenScriptLoad')负载(newMessageURL);

2 个解决方案



Is said page on the same domain or do you have access to it? You will run into trouble with the cross domain origin policy otherwise. If you do have access, the only way is to parse the html using a regex statement or html parser and pull the scripts manually. This sounds like a very hacky approach though and I'm not really sure why you'd want to do this.


If you have access, get the page contents and then use the below to get the script tag sources.


text.match( /<script src="scripts\/(.*?)\.scripts\.js"><\/script>/g )

Credit Javascript regex to get src url between script tag

感谢Javascript正则表达式在脚本标记之间获取src url



var newMessageURL = $('#lnkCompose a').attr('href');    

The above code will load all the contents you have in the second file and it will also import any javascript codes you have there. But the codes you'll have in second file will not work and wont get into action unless you call to them from first page using a function call or in any other manner.


If you just want to separate your js codings and html and have them in two separate files, it would be better to use PHP to import the second file into the first one and in this way, when the page is loaded in the client browser, it will render it as it was just a single file containing both contents. Ex..



And also if you want get only the js part of the second file use something like this


    $Vdata = file_get_contents('path/to/YOUR/FILE.php');
    preg_match_all("'<script(.*?)</script>'si", $Vdata, $match);

    foreach($match[1] as $val)
         echo $val;




Is said page on the same domain or do you have access to it? You will run into trouble with the cross domain origin policy otherwise. If you do have access, the only way is to parse the html using a regex statement or html parser and pull the scripts manually. This sounds like a very hacky approach though and I'm not really sure why you'd want to do this.


If you have access, get the page contents and then use the below to get the script tag sources.


text.match( /<script src="scripts\/(.*?)\.scripts\.js"><\/script>/g )

Credit Javascript regex to get src url between script tag

感谢Javascript正则表达式在脚本标记之间获取src url



var newMessageURL = $('#lnkCompose a').attr('href');    

The above code will load all the contents you have in the second file and it will also import any javascript codes you have there. But the codes you'll have in second file will not work and wont get into action unless you call to them from first page using a function call or in any other manner.


If you just want to separate your js codings and html and have them in two separate files, it would be better to use PHP to import the second file into the first one and in this way, when the page is loaded in the client browser, it will render it as it was just a single file containing both contents. Ex..



And also if you want get only the js part of the second file use something like this


    $Vdata = file_get_contents('path/to/YOUR/FILE.php');
    preg_match_all("'<script(.*?)</script>'si", $Vdata, $match);

    foreach($match[1] as $val)
         echo $val;
