
时间:2022-05-21 20:14:03

so I've tried everything, but I simply can not return a small partial view and place it in div element. This is my parent view


<button id="doctors">Doktori</button>
<button id="apointments"> Pregledi</button>

 <div id="someDiv">

    document.getElementById("doctors").onclick = function () { myFunction() };
    function myFunction() {

        $("#someDiv").load("@Html.Raw(Url.Action("doctorsview", "HomeController")) ")

I put some alert("message") before .load() function, and it shows a message, but then I put it after .load(), it doesn't show it. I've tried with and without html.raw(). This is my controller action


public ActionResult doctorsview()
    return PartialView("~/Views/_Doktor.cshtml", new Doktor());        

Where am I wrong?


1 个解决方案



you don't have to pass complete name of HomeController, In Url.Action() we have to pass prefix of Controller name, when we create controller we have to add a postfix of Controller in mvc and when we use it in helpers we have to just pass Controller name without Controller postfix:


public class HomeController: Controller
public ActionResult doctorsview()
  return PartialView("~/Views/_Doktor.cshtml", new Doktor());        


Do like this:



and you should be placing it in respective Views directory of Controller, which is in this case Views -> Home

你应该将它放在Controller的各个Views目录中,在这种情况下是Views - > Home



you don't have to pass complete name of HomeController, In Url.Action() we have to pass prefix of Controller name, when we create controller we have to add a postfix of Controller in mvc and when we use it in helpers we have to just pass Controller name without Controller postfix:


public class HomeController: Controller
public ActionResult doctorsview()
  return PartialView("~/Views/_Doktor.cshtml", new Doktor());        


Do like this:



and you should be placing it in respective Views directory of Controller, which is in this case Views -> Home

你应该将它放在Controller的各个Views目录中,在这种情况下是Views - > Home