
时间:2022-06-01 18:25:09

I'm finding myself updating a the version and date of the r-packages that I maintain quite often. Both the version and date exists in DESCRIPTION, packageName-package.Rd and also man/packageName-package.Rd. I've forgotten to update in one file several times. These were originally generated by the package.skeleton command. Is there a similar command/utility script to update the version?

我发现自己更新了我经常维护的r-packages的版本和日期。版本和日期都存在于DESCRIPTION,packageName-package.Rd以及man / packageName-package.Rd中。我忘了多次在一个文件中更新。这些最初是由package.skeleton命令生成的。是否有类似的命令/实用程序脚本来更新版本?

EDIT: Upon closer inspection the automatically generated versions and dates in the Rd files are not needed. The correct date and version still appears in the generated manual. So obviously this leave only one place to update this information.


2 个解决方案



Paul Hiemstra's idea seemed very useful to me, so I wrote those few lines of codes:

Paul Hiemstra的想法对我来说似乎非常有用,所以我写了几行代码:

upVers <- function(path,update="snapshot",date=TRUE,simplify=TRUE)
  # This function updates the description file from package
  # in path (assumed work directory by default, as typical
  # with projects in RStudio using GitHub).

  # Usage:
    # path: path to contents of a package
    # update: What to update? "version", "major", "minor", "snapshot"
    # date: Update date as well?
    # simplfy: omit trailing zeros?

  # Assumes following numbering system:
  # version.major.minor-snapshot

  uplist <- c("version","major","minor","snapshot")

  if (missing(path)) path <- getwd()
  DESCfile <- paste0(path,"/DESCRIPTION")
  if (!file.exists(DESCfile)) stop("DESCRIPTION does not exist. Is this the folder of a package?")

  DESC <- readLines(DESCfile)

  ### Update date:
  if (date)
    DESC <- gsub("(?<=Date: )\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}",Sys.Date(),DESC,perl=TRUE)

  ### Update version:
  Vers <- regmatches(DESC,regexpr("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\-?\\d*",DESC,perl=TRUE))
  Vers <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(Vers,split="\\.|\\-")))
  Vers <- c(Vers,rep(0,length=4-length(Vers)))
  Vers[grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] <- Vers[grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] + 1
  Vers[1:4>grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 0

  # Combine and replace:
  Vers <- paste(paste(Vers[1:3],collapse="."),Vers[4],sep="-")
  if (simplify)
    Vers <- gsub("\\.?0?\\.?0?\\-?0?$","",Vers)
  DESC <- gsub("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\-?\\d*",Vers,DESC,perl=TRUE)

  # Write Description:

This function updates the DESCRIPTION file using a version numbering system version.major.minor-snapshot, by default the snapshot and date are updated. For example:


# An R package:
f <- function() "foo"

# Update:

# DESCIRPTION now shows version number 1.0.0-1



I'm not aware of such a tool, but you could leverage R functions like gsub, or external tools like grep and sed to program such behavior. This should not be more than a few lines of R.




Paul Hiemstra's idea seemed very useful to me, so I wrote those few lines of codes:

Paul Hiemstra的想法对我来说似乎非常有用,所以我写了几行代码:

upVers <- function(path,update="snapshot",date=TRUE,simplify=TRUE)
  # This function updates the description file from package
  # in path (assumed work directory by default, as typical
  # with projects in RStudio using GitHub).

  # Usage:
    # path: path to contents of a package
    # update: What to update? "version", "major", "minor", "snapshot"
    # date: Update date as well?
    # simplfy: omit trailing zeros?

  # Assumes following numbering system:
  # version.major.minor-snapshot

  uplist <- c("version","major","minor","snapshot")

  if (missing(path)) path <- getwd()
  DESCfile <- paste0(path,"/DESCRIPTION")
  if (!file.exists(DESCfile)) stop("DESCRIPTION does not exist. Is this the folder of a package?")

  DESC <- readLines(DESCfile)

  ### Update date:
  if (date)
    DESC <- gsub("(?<=Date: )\\d{4}-\\d{2}-\\d{2}",Sys.Date(),DESC,perl=TRUE)

  ### Update version:
  Vers <- regmatches(DESC,regexpr("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\-?\\d*",DESC,perl=TRUE))
  Vers <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(Vers,split="\\.|\\-")))
  Vers <- c(Vers,rep(0,length=4-length(Vers)))
  Vers[grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] <- Vers[grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] + 1
  Vers[1:4>grep(update,uplist,ignore.case=TRUE)] <- 0

  # Combine and replace:
  Vers <- paste(paste(Vers[1:3],collapse="."),Vers[4],sep="-")
  if (simplify)
    Vers <- gsub("\\.?0?\\.?0?\\-?0?$","",Vers)
  DESC <- gsub("(?<=Version: )\\d+\\.?\\d*\\.?\\d*\\-?\\d*",Vers,DESC,perl=TRUE)

  # Write Description:

This function updates the DESCRIPTION file using a version numbering system version.major.minor-snapshot, by default the snapshot and date are updated. For example:


# An R package:
f <- function() "foo"

# Update:

# DESCIRPTION now shows version number 1.0.0-1



I'm not aware of such a tool, but you could leverage R functions like gsub, or external tools like grep and sed to program such behavior. This should not be more than a few lines of R.
