ASP.NET AJAX抑制来自updatepanel的AJAX请求的onbeforeunload

时间:2022-10-07 12:21:31

I am hooking the window.onbeforeunload event in an aspx page. I need that not to fire if I page a GridView that's in an UpdatePanel on the same page.


I have tried hooking the PageRequestManager's initializeRequest event but this fires too late, i.e. after onbeforeunload. I have also tried checking PageRequestManager.get_isInAsyncPostBack() in my onbeforeunload handler but that returns false too, gah!

我试过挂钩PageRequestManager的initializeRequest事件,但这种情况发生得太晚了,即在onbeforeunload之后。 ,我也尝试在我的onbeforeunload处理程序中检查PageRequestManager.get_isInAsyncPostBack(),但也返回false,哇!

I have read this SO thread :



But that doesn't make sense to me other than GridView page links cause an unload whereas buttons in a GridView column do not? Anybody know how to solve this? I'm guessing only way is to attach client-side click handler to all the GridView's page anchors to set some boolean flag, but I'm not sure how to accomplish that in a reliable manner.


1 个解决方案


Ok JQuery to the rescue!


<script type="text/javascript">
    var flag = true;
    window.onbeforeunload = beforeUnloading;
    var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

    function initPagers() {
        $(".gridViewPagerStyle").click(function() { flag = false; });

    function beforeUnloading(){
            return "unloading";

        flag = true;


<asp:GridView ... PagerStyle-CssClass="gridViewPagerStyle" ... />


Set a Css class for all pager links, use that to append javascript click handlers that set a flag when clicked, use flag to avoid onbeforeunload



Ok JQuery to the rescue!


<script type="text/javascript">
    var flag = true;
    window.onbeforeunload = beforeUnloading;
    var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();

    function initPagers() {
        $(".gridViewPagerStyle").click(function() { flag = false; });

    function beforeUnloading(){
            return "unloading";

        flag = true;


<asp:GridView ... PagerStyle-CssClass="gridViewPagerStyle" ... />


Set a Css class for all pager links, use that to append javascript click handlers that set a flag when clicked, use flag to avoid onbeforeunload
